The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0519 Sharu is here

"Are you kidding me, Dr. Gallo obviously only made me, and there will never be a second 18th. See how I can defeat you to prove who is the real 18th." For the other that appeared. Myself, No.18 feels novel and a little confused.Although you look a lot like me, there is always nothing wrong with strength.I am an artificial person, with unlimited energy.

"No. 18, don't be impulsive, wait until you say hello." No. 17 tried to stop her, but Nie Kong suddenly stopped him.

"From now on, your opponent is me." No.17's indifferent face suddenly changed, because he found that Nie Kong was directly at him.

"Hmph, then I'll see you who are stronger than Monkey King, are you so strong?" The seventeen red scarf swayed between the wind and whistling, and the arrogant he first shot at Nie Kong.

Nie Kong shifted his figure instantly, lifted his hand, his fist slammed out with the power to defeat everything.The strong swirling wind and waves spread all over the earth, and the sky seemed only to be left with Nie Kong's punch.On the 17th, he didn't react yet, and the whole person flew out inconceivably.

In less than a second, what happened was like a ridiculous story!The super cyborg who had brought them to a desperate situation could not take the blow of Nie Kong.Nie Kong's strength suppressed Piccolo on the spot.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, he was enduring his unwillingness.He didn't expect that after such hard practice, the gap between himself and him would still be the same.

The figure of No.17 smashed away from the stone mountain blocking the front, and finally fell into the dust rising from the sky.

"Asshole..." No.17 wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Nie Kong with anger in his eyes.Unforgivable for hurting yourself.The big number 17, even thought he was the strongest man-made in the universe, how could a freak like Nie Kong appear.

Nie Kong launched a fierce attack on the seventeenth, and the seventeenth was like a sandbag.In Nie Kong's overwhelming combat power, he could not fight back, and he looked like a child.

On the 17th, he stood up again and again, and was knocked down by Nie Kong again and again.Even though he has a hard physique as an artificial person, he still gets hurt.He can't imagine that with his own power, he can't resist an earthling!

The battle between the two women should not be underestimated. Whether it is the current number 18 of the android or the future number 18 of Nie Kong's woman, they all possess powerful combat effectiveness.These two fighting powers are entangled together, bursting out a terrifying war!

The current No. 18 has a combat power of 600 million, which is much weaker than the future No. 18 of more than 800 million.The two women used the same moves, but the speed and strength were stronger than Nie Kong's 18.

" about it, who do you think is the real number 18. Not only you have infinite energy, I also have it. And after long-term practice, I am much better than you."

Nie Kong's No. 18 teased the current No. 18, and restrained the current No. 18.

"Nie Kong and the others are terrifying, they still have a temporary advantage against such a powerful cyborg!" Piccolo and the others stared at Nie Kong and they were stunned by their combat power.Vegeta gritted her teeth and looked at Nie Kong, hating herself for being too weak.

"How's your injury?" Piccolo asked Vegeta, who looked ugly and covered the bleeding wound with his hand.

Vegeta watched the battle and snorted coldly: "This little injury is nothing, wait until I recover and watch me clean them up."

Piccolo sighed. He could understand Vegeta's feelings at this time, because he had been unwilling to do this before.As the enemies appear stronger and stronger, he can participate in fewer and fewer battles.Will I be willing? Of course the answer is no...

"How is it possible." Now the 18th is surprised, but she didn't expect that she is really an artificial human with unlimited energy.And in the course of the battle, she could detect the mercy of the future No. 18 men.

With a loud roar, a large energy group exploded, and the two 18ths separated with the help of the two colliding gas bombs.

The two cyborgs stood together, seeming to want to advance and retreat together.

"No.17, are you okay?" Seeing No.17's embarrassment beside him, No.18 asked with concern, although his voice was cold.

No.17 clenched his fists, his indifferent face was full of anger, and said to No.18 on one side: "Little problem, I will definitely defeat him!"

Now on the 18th, he turned his gaze to Nie Kong, who moved to the future 18th.Her bright eyes were fixed on his pretty face that was almost magical, and she said inwardly: "She should be the strongest man on earth in the data, but what kind of relationship will the two of them have?"

"If it's really hard to beat, let's surrender. Trust them, we won't be embarrassed." No.18 sighed.She believes in her other self and will not hurt her.

"Nonsense, we are the strongest combination of cyborgs in the universe, we will not be able to beat them?" The figure of No.17 retreated, and the whole person took a stop, like an arrow from the string, accompanied by the harsh wind, facing the powerful Nie Kong.

As two humanoids invented by Dr. Gallo that are specially used for combat, they tend to be in perfect condition.Infinite energy, and more natural fighting talent, the power generated is unimaginable.

When Nie Kong and the others were fighting, the northern area was a barren hill three hundred miles away from Nie Kong.A rocket-like jet appeared strangely in the air, with the logo of the Universal Capsule Group.

"Haha..." A numb scalp laughter sounded, and then the green-skinned monster with spots jumped out of the machine.Its skin is inlaid with weird spots and it has a slender tail.The face looks very much like a human, and the whole person is like a monster like a locust.The grin made a very harsh, even a little chilly sneer.

"It seems that I have finally returned to the most critical year in history, the time when the artificial man was born! This time, I will definitely absorb the 17th and the 18th and become the most perfect fighter."

Recalling that a girl named Bouma actually invented such a great machine, Sharu felt that it was specially invented for him to perfect his immature physique.

"On the 17th and the 18th, their energy is three hundred miles away. It seems unexpectedly simple. With my current strength, it is enough to absorb them." Absorbed humans from all over the world, absorbed Trunks , Sharu, originally 900 million, directly soared to 2 billion combat power.

If the number 18 is absorbed for him, it is estimated that it will reach a perfect body of tens of billions.

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