The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0520, intercept Sharu

The birth of the time machine made Sharu appear on the first day of the birth of the cyborg.But Sharu might not have thought that his old acquaintance Nie Kong appeared more than ten years earlier than him.The future Bouma is very tragic. Two time machines were made and they were all taken away.And Sharu went too far, even the maker Boomer killed.As the ultimate weapon made by Dr. Gallo, he has the ability to detect the location of humanoids, including the energy emitted by the strong.

" did I detect the reaction of the three energy furnaces? Could it be that Bouma once came to the past and changed the future?" Sharu was surprised, and he suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability.

He didn't think of the 18th in the future world, after all, he didn't see Nie Kong and the others taking the time machine to leave.

"Are they three cyborgs? My powerful force is enough to destroy them. The most perfect warrior in the universe must be my Sharu." Sharu, who is half-complete, did not worry about the three cyborgs meeting. Work together to kill yourself.

When Dr. Gallo designed it, he adopted an energy-absorbing man-made, combining the two characteristics of infinite energy with Sharu.To put it simply, Sharu is the nemesis of humanoids.

Sensing the location of the humanoid, Sharu rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky at a super high speed.What remains is a time machine without energy.Bouma used it once, Sharu used it once, and the energy in the time machine was able to shuttle twice.A journey of hundreds of miles may be far away for humans, but it only takes two minutes for Sharu with a combat power of 2 billion.

And he suppressed his breath and concealed the flight.It may only take a few tens of seconds if it explodes at full speed.

"Surrender obediently, you are not my opponent." Nie Kong caught No.17's fist with one hand, he used two-thirds of his own strength to squeeze it tightly, and No.17 then let out a painful cry.

"What a joke, I am the ultimate android created by Dr. Gallo, how could I lose to a mere human!" Perhaps in terms of arrogance, No.17 is even worse than Vegeta.

He gritted his teeth to resist the pain, and squeezed his free palm.Standing in front of Nie Kong, his waist and abdomen were straightened, and the hand knife slammed into Nie Kong's body!

"Bang..." The faster Fist Shadow blasted out like lightning, and No.17 hadn't reacted yet.A terrifying force struck, and the whole person was blasted out.The dust cleared, and No. 17 fell to the ground and convulsed.

Listening to the panicked scream of No. 17, No. 16 calmly looked at the powerful figure in the sky.As partners, the 16th wants to save them on the 17th.He was the first to be made, and his power was stronger than them.It's just that because it's all made of machinery, he was made by Gallo out of thin air-a real robot.

"Nie Jun, I hope you don't kill him. After all, he is my brother." Although the relationship between the two gradually faded, the 18th did not want the person he loved to kill his brother.

"Asshole, then what am I to be." Nie Kong's number 18 is now overwhelmed by the number 18, small mouth muttered softly.She is more powerful than herself, more beautiful than herself, is she like a copy?

"That's right, you can't kill him!" There was violent turbulence in the mountain range where the base was located, and a figure rushed in from the top of the base.As the stranger broke in, the sky revealed a cave opening like a rooftop.

This evil and familiar breath is!Nie Kong looked at the figure in surprise.Turquoise skin, insect-like body shape-a semi-finished Sharu!!

Could it be that his worst expectation was fulfilled, Sharu really took Bouma's time machine and returned to the real Dragon Ball world he was in.And now, he faintly gave Nie Kong a strong sense of oppression.

Sharu stared at Nie Kong in disbelief, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"Haha... I didn't expect you to escape here with the 18th. No wonder I killed people all over the world and couldn't find you. This time, let's see how you prevent me from absorbing them." Three artificial people. , As long as he absorbed any one, he estimated that he could directly become the strongest perfect body!No. Qiao's face was pale and looked at Sharu who appeared, her eyes lingering fear.

"Yes... It's Sharu, Nie... Nie Jun, what are we going to do?" She, who was always confident, lost her sense of measure when she saw Sharu.

"Saru, you really are here." Nie Kong clenched his fist tightly, and his slack air condensed again.His expression was very solemn, and he said in a deep voice.

Who is the sudden monster and why does such a strong Nie Kong have such an expression?Bik and the others breathed a lot more heavily, as if they could perceive Sharu's toughness.Although they are curious,

As Nie Kong said, the monster that broke in was the Sharu tracked by the future world.It is like the tail of a needle swaying in the air, and the whole person exudes an extremely evil aura, and it is very strong.

"Who is he, your friend? But in our collection of the world's strong men, there is no such thing." The current number 18 asked Nie Kong's number 18 aloud.

She was confused, she looked at it with an inexplicable fear, it was the feeling she didn't have for anyone.

"It is our common enemy. It is the ultimate warrior Sharu created by Dr. Gallo. It can absorb our artificial humans to achieve a perfect body. Dr. Gallo may have anticipated that we would lose control and made it to swallow. Get out of us. We have to be careful not to absorb it. Another No.17 has already been absorbed by it." The future No.18 said very cautiously.

She didn't have any doubts when she heard the words of the 18th that looked exactly like her.

"It is very strong. On the 18th, I advise you to stay away from it." The 16th, who has always been silent, reaffirmed the words of Nie Kong 18.

"The most...the strongest's obviously me, damn it!" No.17 was half kneeling, hitting the ground with both hands like venting.With a bang, the ground began to crack.

"Hey... I am you, you are me. Come on, we fuse together to defeat the enemy in front of me." Sharu made a seductive voice, with a tone like the 17th.

"Really?" No.17's eyes were confused.

"Huh, although you have become very strong, how can I stand by. To absorb them, unless you kill me." Nie Kong roared and stopped Sharu.

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