The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0521, the second battle against Sharu

Facing such a strong person, the blood in Nie Kong's body was boiling violently.His eyes shone brightly, and he yearned for a fight.

"On the 18th, don't get close to it!" Nie Kong realized that it was very strong, stronger than his current self.If it were absorbed into a complete body again, Nie Kong worried that it would explode with destructive power.

However, if you fail to transform yourself later, it will be dangerous.Although he was warlike, he abandoned the arrogance of Saiyans.He is a man with a family, he needs to think deeply about things.

"Haha... In that case, then I will defeat you as you wish to enjoy them." The breath of the two people touched in the air and collided with each other, as if they could burst into sparks.The atmosphere is like the eve of a storm, full of solemnity.

Nie Kong's normal combat power is 1.5 billion, while Sharu's is 2 billion.Although there is a big gap, Nie Kong can exert a stronger combat effectiveness than himself.

Sharu disappeared in midair, so fast that Vegeta and the others couldn't catch it with their eyes, let alone imagine.They were shocked and did not expect such a strong person to appear.

The proud Vegeta was even worse, crushing her own teeth.In any case, he can't accept that there will be so many strong people surpassing him, surpassing him of Super Saiyan.I thought I would be the strongest after the breakthrough, but who would have expected so many strong people to appear.

The two rays of light collided fiercely in the air with a bang, and Sharu's punches revealed a powerful force. Every blow contained terrifying power, urging the distortion of the air.While Nie Kong dodged, he fought back around.

Sharu was familiar with Wukong and their moves, and used his strengths very well, very difficult to deal with.Although Nie Kong blocked his attack, his body was struggling.The two people opened up, and the force of terror exploded.The Gallo Research Institute, which was originally hidden in the cave, is now a flattened field.

Compared with the original Sharu, he now has a significant increase in strength.And the qi has no signs of weakness, just like a man-made man has unlimited energy.

"Fuck the gas bomb." Five light blue energy balls floated in front of it, and rushed towards Nie Kong following its control.Compared with Leping, this move is more than a thousand times stronger.

"That...that is clearly my trick. Where did it learn my tricks?" Le Ping stammered, as if he was scared.

"So strong two people!" Piccolo felt the aftermath of the collision between the two, as if he was on the scene.He gritted his teeth and decided to integrate the gods and become the strongest Super Namek.

Clouds of dazzling light exploded, Nie Kong's figure suddenly moved forward and backward in mid-air, changing the direction of flight, and Sharu frantically controlled them to chase Nie Kong.In the end, Nie Kong was slightly impatient, and directly created the Divine Sword and smashed into five Qi-shouting bullets.

The large-scale blast vibration caused the splashing stones to surge out in all directions.The sky thundered violently, as if the sky was about to collapse.The collision of the two forces is beyond imagination for the earth.Carelessness will cause the destruction of the earth.Piccolo escaped from the fighting range of the two and floated into the air to observe the battle related to the fate of the earth.

Sharu's movements dissipated the smoke and dust of the explosion, and he appeared relaxed and calm, as if the energy just emitted was insignificant to him.Compared to Nie Kong, his breathing was heavier.

Nie Kong's eyes flashed ruthlessly as he watched Sharu approaching.He wants to use his powerful soul power to suppress his movements, and then use his stunt to take the opportunity to kill Sharu.

There is only one chance, of course Nie Kong must be cautious.

The horrible fluctuations emanated, and Nie Kong's originally black pupils directly turned golden.The powerful soul fluctuates, just like a mountain that only restrains the rushing Sharu.

Nie Kong's own powerful soul is already comparable to an immortal.Under the oppression of such a powerful force, Sharu was strangely stagnant in the air.Its eyes widened, roaring and bursting out of its strongest power, trying to break free.

The more he struggled, the faster Nie Kong consumed his soul power.Holding back the fading soul power, Nie Kong formed a hand knife with his right hand and swung it out of thin air at Frieza.

"Bengyue Dimensional Knife."

Sharu's expression changed a few hundred meters away, and he faintly realized that he was facing the greatest crisis.He roared and exploded the greatest energy in his body, and instantly loosened Nie Kong's restraint.However, Nie Kong's spatial blade has arrived, and he can only move a few centimeters in time.

Tearing... Accompanied by the sound of tearing, Sharu's body in the air was unevenly divided into two halves.He just moved instinctively and saved his old life.Now he has lost half of his body, but with Piccolo's cells, it can quickly regenerate.

In the back dozens of miles, a long crack was opened by Nie Kong's dimensional knife.Vegeta and the others watched Nie Kong's moves, and they no longer had the confidence to face him.

He is really strong, and he can actually create such a power in one move.But Piccolo didn't feel much horror when they saw Nie Kong cut open the planet with their own eyes.

"Damn it, you almost killed me. During this period of time, you actually practiced beyond the level of my semi-complete body. As a human being, you are proud of yourself. But... then I will completely clean up you." Sha Lu's cells were squirming, and the cut half of his body was restored in two or three seconds.

"It's dangerous. It seems that we have to absorb them as soon as possible and become a complete body. If he comes here once, I am really not sure to live. No, no risk, he is too strong..."

Nie Kong gasped and looked at Sharu on the opposite side. He controlled his figure and faced his opponent.The two rays of light were about to fought fiercely again, but when Nie Kong came, Sharu showed a weird smile.

He stretched out his hands and assumed a familiar posture. Is it a sun fist or a four-body fist?Sharu's whole body was condensed at a high level, as if it was boiling.

When Tianjin Fan and Bick saw Sharu's appearance, they were directly horrified.

"Nie Kong quickly get out of the way, it's dangerous!" Tianjin Fan shouted.

But it was too late, Sharu aimed at Nie Kong and sprayed a green flame.The flames are full of horrible attraction, as if they can absorb human souls.

"Magic Fengbo!"

It turned out to be Demon Fengbo, and Shalu used Demon Fengbo, an advanced sealing technique, on Nie Kong.Fortunately, Sharu was not ready to seal the container, Sharu just controlled Nie Kong and threw it a few kilometers away.

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