The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0522Completely Sharu

"What!" Nie Kong only felt a huge force pulling him, and slammed into the mountain a few kilometers away.The traction was so powerful that he could not break away for a while.After sucking into the whirlpool, Nie Kong could only drift away.

He felt that Demon Sealing Wave was indeed a high-level sealing technique.If there is a sealed container, it would be really troublesome.Even Buu can seal the most advanced sealing technique, not to mention the current self.

Seeing the obstructive Nie Kong disappear in front of him, Sharu laughed wildly.Without Nie Kong's obstruction, see who can stop him from absorbing the cyborg.He looked greedily at the injured No. 17, and now is the best time to absorb him.

The other two No. 18s are now very strong, and it will take some time to subdue them.And his Demon Fengbo, he clearly couldn't hold Nie Kong for a long time.To be safe, he has to become a perfect body.

Seeing that ray of light landed on the 17th, the 16th had guessed that Sharu's purpose was to absorb the 17th and the 18th.No.16 frowned and looked at the green-skinned monster that came, and felt a sense of horror from it.

The two numbers 18 are on one side, and the numbers 16 and 17 are on the other side, and the two sides are several kilometers apart.The two 18ths watched Sharu approaching the 17th, their pretty faces pale as paper.

"Huh... there is another guy who is getting in the way?" Shalu said with a cold snort, noticing that there was a big guy around the 17th.No. 16 stood in front of the two cyborgs and coldly said to Shalu: "No. 17 is my friend, you go back." No. 16 is ready to fight, and he feels greed and addiction from Sharu's eyes. Bloody eyes.For him who loves animals and nature, he hates this look extremely.

"No. 16, don't be nosy, I have to deal with this guy myself! I want to absorb the strongest cyborg, what a joke." No. 17's arrogance is his fatal problem.No. 18 did not obey No. 18, like a majestic mountain standing in front of him, sheltering him from wind and rain.

"Huh, nasty guy!" In order to get rid of the 16th in the fastest time, Sharu appeared on his left with the fastest figure and patted the open head of the 16th hole directly.

Zizi's harsh sound was made by the fierce collision of steel.The 16th stumbled and flew out, half of his head was broken, revealing power cables and sparks.With a combat power of 800 million, compared to Sharu, dealing with him is a piece of cake.

The two No. 18s arrived at this time, and the No. 16 who looked down at the Fei Fei had approached the No. 17 Sharu.The two women looked at each other, and a dangerous premonition surged in their hearts!

"You must stop him." Nie Kong's number 18 said, his golden-haired eyes with firmness.

The two women exploded at full speed, their bodies shuttled through layers of air, and rushed towards Sharu.Sharu sneered, and pointed the slender tail at the number seventeen that arrogant rushed forward, and the needle bit it like a poisonous snake.

In No. 17's shocked eyes, the tail of the needle tube expanded dozens of times, as if a vacuum cleaner sucked his head in.

Seeing that the half of No. 17 had fallen into its mouth, the two women hurriedly sent out two energy bombs.The two attacked very quickly, trying to stop Sharu's ambitions.

At the same time, No.16 got up from the ground, and his eyes calmly stared at Sharu who was trying to swallow No.17.The arms of both hands shook, the two palms naturally fell off, and the air that gathered terrifying energy was ejected in an instant!

The forces that could almost destroy the world were twisted and intertwined, expanding in Sharu's pupils.Facing the combined force of the three, Sharu smiled contemptuously.

At such a critical juncture, Sharu had nothing to hesitate. His only choice was to swallow the number seventeen in front of him and allow himself to evolve into the third stage and become stronger.

"Haha..." Sharu laughed like a monster, hysterical, and his tail suddenly doubled.Accompanied by a strange suction, the remaining half of the 17th was completely swallowed.

And before the body of the seventeenth was completely swallowed, a few horrible energies had attacked the unguarded Sharu back.

"Aha..." The earth was trembling nervously, and the air was twitching impetuously.The originally quiet and peaceful sky seemed to be shrouded in an unprecedented sense of crisis, Sharu’s voice revealed excitement, pain, and joy... Because at the same time, the breath belonging to Sharu was like an amplifier and received a powerful momentum, and it was frightened and improved.100 million...20 billion...50 billion, an increase of 25 times.In the original book, Sharu, who swallowed the number seventeen, was directly defeated by Super Vegeta.And after being completely body, the split-off little Sharu abused Vegeta strangely.It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of a complete body is vastly different compared to a semi-complete body.It's a pity that the last full body Saru died when Gohan had the strongest potential for inspiring Chao Ergui style qigong.

Shalu was enveloped with a powerful and compelling aura, and even the King of the West, who was far away from the world king star, shuddered.Its whole body is undergoing drastic changes. The wings on its back are shrinking. He is more like a weird creature and is evolving towards humans. His hands and feet are changing bit by bit.

Sharu, who completed the third stage, has achieved completeness, and his combat effectiveness has reached an unprecedented height!

"Haha, what a strong power. Dr. Gallo's design is really perfect, and I finally realized my dream of being completely physical. I am now the strongest perfect warrior in the universe-Sharu."

Feeling the powerful force coming from him, Sharu smiled cheerfully.

Seeing Sharu's powerful and compelling force, the two No. 18 flowers paled.They regretted that they could not stop Sharu from advancing.

"Fleeing for more than ten years, the final result is the same. I really don't want to give up, live with Jun Nie."

Piccolo and the others watched the great changes of Sharu dumbfounded, and they were as small as ants in the face of the complete Sharu.They are frightened, so strong, who can beat him?

"Damn...spit out No.17." No.17 rushed in front of Sharu, and hit his abdomen with his right fist.

Sharu didn't dodge, a heavy punch on the 16th fell on his abdomen with a roar.Such a powerful impact did not force Sharu to make any expressions. He stretched out his hand to hold No.16's neck, his eyes gleaming.With his slight effort, the clicking sound was the sound of the mechanical fracture of No. 16's neck.

He played with the head of No. 16 in a cold voice, and then threw it in front of the two No. 18s.Hao's eyes remained calm all the time, he looked at the nature he loved with a smile, where he yearned for.

"Goodbye, number 18. If you can survive, please help me protect nature and animals."

"No. 16..."..

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