The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0523Respective practice

The powerful No. 16 actually died in the hands of Sharu, who was completely in good shape, showing his greatness.

Perceiving his suffocation, Piccolo and the others shuddered.They never expected that such a strong monster would be born on the earth in the universe.Maybe Nie Kong had a chance to win just now, but now the gap between the two is too big.

"Damn it, it really didn't stop it from becoming a complete body." Nie Kong, who escaped from the state of the magic wave, watched as Sharu swallowed the injured No. 17, but was unable to prevent his combat effectiveness from becoming geometrically stronger.

Although Nie Kong thought about absorbing Wukong's anger and completing his transformation.It just takes a certain amount of time and there is a problem of success rate.

"Haha... With your current strength, wanting to defeat me is really wishful thinking. In that case, use you to test the power of my complete body." Shalu looked at Nie Kong coldly and said with satisfaction.

"Huh...Although I am much weaker than you now, do you think you have the ability to kill me." Nie Kong was able to teleport with No. 18, but he was able to flee directly.

"Oh? Do you still have your hole cards?" Sharu looked at Nie Kong unexpectedly, suddenly he thought of the last time, and continued: "It's true that I can't stop you from leaving now, but where can you hide? The existence of the earth is in my mind."

Piccolo looked at Sharu in despair, and they couldn't resist the mighty power he showed.Sure enough, as the future Bouma said, will we all die in the hands of the enemy?

"As long as I have time to prepare, I will definitely be able to defeat you. Sharu, who is completely complete, wait for me." Nie Kong said coldly.

"Haha...this is the funniest joke I have ever heard. In that case, I will give you time to prepare. Ten days is enough? Ten days later, I am going to hold a martial arts meeting that belongs to me. Then Sun Wukong will appear. I want to show people all over the world the power that scares them. I am not interested in conquering the world. What I enjoy is the despair of human beings." With Sharu's arrogant laughter, he disappeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.

" are looking for your own dead end, ten days later, see how I can defeat you." Nie Kong's eyes flashed cold, and he was about to break the boat and develop his own transformation.The strongest person in the universe must belong to me, Nie Kong.

Nie Kong felt weird that he would let them go.Perhaps after getting the ultimate power, he, who is proud, no longer considers them.

"Nie Kong, are you really confident to defeat him? He... he is the ultimate fighter made by Dr. Gallo, far stronger than us." Nie Kong's No. 18 pretty face was anxious.

"Naturally it is true. You two will accompany me back on the 18th. I have something to tell you. As for Bick, please inform Goku about this as soon as possible. Tell him to practice well, there is not much time left for him. Now." Piccolo nodded, his eyes full of complexity.

Hesitation and helplessness now has nowhere to go on the 18th, but can only follow the other self and accompany Nie Kong back to Buma's house.

If he fails to develop his own transformation, Nie Kong can use the combination of Shenlong's wish to defeat Sharu's hole cards.So when he came back with two No. 18s, he first taught the exactly-like posture of two women fit together.

However, the posture was too weird, and the two women looked a little twisted, blushing and letting Nie Kong push themselves.Especially now on the 18th, I know very little about Nie Kong.Just seeing the other one trusting Nie Kong very much, she also trusted it.

The two of them are exactly the same in shape, so they are perfect for fit.As Nie Kong can't develop a transformation state, they have the hope of killing Sharu.

One of the two women is more than 600 million and the other is more than 800 million. The degree of agreement is very high.If they fit together, Nie Kong is expected to break through unprecedented heights.

Explaining how the two women practiced good fit, Nie Kong didn't even have time to take a look at his daughter, and directly broke into the gravitational room that had been abandoned for a long time.

He used the blood whip of anger, controlling the fire-like anger inside and rushing into his mind.Nie Kong felt that his transformation conditions were the same as those of Saiyans, and he needed extreme anger to inspire himself.

The blood-red whip gradually faded, like blood pouring back into his body.After absorbing the anger in his mind, Nie Kong suddenly felt an unprecedented anger, an urge to destroy what his eyes saw.

Piccolo and the others escorted Vegeta back to the spaceship where Goku was, and found that Klin was nervously serving the painful Goku.After taking the special medicine, his condition was much better and his breathing started to stabilize.

Just as Klin and the others began to eat dinner, a figure suddenly appeared on the table, Wukong.Perhaps it was the smell of food that Wukong immediately defeated the illness and was reborn.

He was seriously injured at this moment, and his combat effectiveness increased to 600 million, which was a bit stronger than Vegeta.And the whole person is full of energy, glowing with the joy of new life.He desperately plundered the food at the table, like a starving ghost reborn.


"The cyborg is defeated, but the new enemy is a hundred times stronger than the cyborg. He said that he will hold a martial arts meeting in 10 days, when he will show his full and powerful power to the people of the world." Bick solemnly said. .

Vegeta, who was leaning on the door, snorted coldly, with a strong unwillingness in her expression.

"Nie Kong can't beat him, it seems really dangerous. There are only 10 days left, and it seems that I can only use it for cultivation." Wukong muttered to himself.

"I know a very good place for spiritual practice. A short period of 10 days can increase our combat effectiveness. There is a place called the Spiritual Time House in the Celestial Temple, where food, water and rooms are available. But the air is thin and hot. Abnormal, the environment is bad. The most important point is that spending a year there is only a day in the outside world. I already feel that I can surpass the Super Saiyan." Goku believes.

"Beyond Super Saiyan?" Vegeta was stunned by what he said. Can Super Saiyan be surpassed?

"Although I hate the gods, I want to go to practice together." Piccolo has already decided to integrate the gods, but cultivation will give him a greater improvement.Sharu? I'm the Devil Piccolo.

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