The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 0524, please call me super number 18

The TV screen kept flashing, and all the programs were forcibly switched to one screen.In the picture that was restored again, it was Sharu's indifferent and hideous face!It seems that Sharu has inherited Piccolo's cells and will always appear in front of the TV.

"Humans all over the world, you are early. Now I want to take some time to use the live TV to say a few words to people all over the world. In fact, I am bringing you good news. After listening to this news, I believe You will all live happily. I am Sharu, the strongest ultimate warrior in the universe." There was a tingling sneer in Sharu's eyes.

Humans in the world saw Sharu's appearance, their scalp was numb, and a chill came out.They looked at Sharu in horror at the TV, and were terrified of the monster that appeared.

“I’m going to hold a martial arts conference called Shalu Game recently. The venue is located at 28KS in the northwest of Central Capital. I have prepared a martial arts arena. Unlike the rules of the world’s first martial arts conference, it is the representatives of the earth participating in the competition. . If you lose, you will continue with the next player. This kind of competition is only good for you. After all, no matter how powerful I am, I will feel tired after many matches. The rules of the game are to surrender, knock out the ring or be killed by the opponent. Death counts as a loss. Most of the players who lose, I will kill as I feel. If all the players in the competition die in my hands, then I Sharu will eliminate all the people in the world..." Sharu is full of killing intent The voice can be transmitted to every corner of the world through TV.

The crying child even stopped crying, as if he was afraid of Sharu's killing.

Nie Kong and the others missed his live broadcast, and they are starting their own special training.For example, Wukong brought Piccolo to the Temple of Heaven.But after Piccolo merged with the gods, his combat power directly increased to 600 million, chasing Wukong.

But the gods were gone, and the dragon ball lost the effect of the reason.Frustrated, Piccolo had to teleport to Namek, bringing Dandy as the new god of the earth.

Of the seven people, except for Vegeta's request to be alone, the rest are two people together.Bick’s partner is Wukong, Tianjin’s food is dumplings, and Kelin’s is Leping.Divided into several waves, they appeared in the spiritual time house to start their practice.

"Fit..." Bouma's, the two charming girls put on a weird posture, and then their fingers touched each other.A dazzling light flashed, and a fat girl appeared before her eyes.

The combination failed, and the energies of the two did not seem to be adjusted to the same frequency.Although Fat No.17's combat effectiveness has increased more than ten times, it obviously failed.

After 30 minutes of disbanding automatically, the two women practiced fit again.And this time, she was actually a slim skinny beauty, but she was too slim.

The two women were practicing tirelessly, but there was no movement in Nie Kong's closed room.On the ninth day, a super beauty appeared in the room with the sound of the two women at the same time.

She has the same appearance as two No. 18s, but even more stunning.It combines the characteristics of the two women and optimizes a lot.The golden hair has grown from the original shawl to a slim waist. The whole person looks like a super three.The waist-length hair, like a princess, sets off her noble beauty.The two people's mind and body are merged into one, and they can detect their respective memories.It is a true combination skill, an extremely perfect combination.The current No. 18 has the memory of the future No. 18, and the intimacy with Nie Kong is increasing linearly.She felt in a daze that she thought she was his woman.

The surging arrogance radiated, as terrifying as the entire planet could tremble.

"Hehe...The fit taught by Jun Nie is finally completed. From now on, please call me Super 18. Sharu, why do you need Jun Nie to take action? See how I can defeat you." Feeling horrible. Strength, Super 18 issued a confident smile.

No wonder she has such a performance. After the two of them are combined, they have been improved dozens of times.The original strongest was 800 million, but now it has broken through nearly 30 billion, a 30-fold increase.The fit of the two women is so high that they have exerted the greatest power of the fit, or more powerful than imagined.

In the original book, Wukong dealt with the strongest Buu, but he combined Vegeta in the normal state, and achieved the strongest Goujita, simply defeating Buu in the strongest state, showing the power of the combination.

The Super 18, who could not wait long ago, sensed Sharu's location and directly told Flash away.

The wind and sand hit, and the strong sun hung high in the blue sky.Brilliant light irradiates the earth, and the heat makes the air a little sticky.The competition arena in Zhongdu is a barren desert, which is even more sultry.

A huge arena about a few hundred square meters square is located near Zhongdu. The arena is empty, far beyond the one built by the world's number one martial arts club back then, and looks like a large-scale martial arts arena.

Lined of floor tiles, solid ring barriers, and a Sharu floating in mid-air, exuding a suffocating evil aura!He floats in the middle of the ring, as if closing his eyes is waiting for the human challenge.

With only 8 hours left after 10 days, Sharu was already ready.At this moment, Sharu felt a strong breath approaching.He opened his eyes in surprise.

Perhaps it was unexpected that such a powerful person would exist on the earth.

The beautiful shadow ignored the existence of inertia and stopped abruptly in front of Sharu.She looked at Sharu coldly with eyes full of evil.

"You are... No. 18? No... How could No. 18 be so strong." Looking at the familiar face, Sharu frowned and asked.

"Huh... you care who I am, you just need to know that I am the soldier who came to destroy you. Take it to death, Sharu." Super 18 screamed, and the beautiful shadow disappeared in its original position.

Sharu was careless for a moment, and his face was directly hit by Super 18.He backed a dozen steps, his eyes were surprised.He had already overestimated the power of No. 18, but he did not expect that the result was still beyond his imagination.

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