The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0525, Nie Kong's super one

The arrogant Sharu usually only played half of his combat effectiveness, but he was immediately attacked by Super 18.Although her fist is small, the power contained therein can make Sharu feel painful.

"It works." Super 18 was excited, she exerted her strongest strength and slammed Sharu's body, who could not exert her strength.Sharu is like a sandbag, letting the Super 18 strike.

... He vomited light blue blood, his eyes seemed to stick out.He failed to remain calm, and the whole person seemed very embarrassed.

"There are two strong auras, there are people who can resist Sharu, who will it be?" In the Temple of Heaven, except for Vegeta who was practicing in the Spiritual Time House, all Wukong and them stared into the distance in surprise.

"As far as I know, she is a very beautiful girl. But she may lose. Her energy fluctuations are much weaker than Sharu." As the god of heaven, Dandy is able to detect his domain like the king of the West. Happening.

"The Sharu game should start tomorrow. How can anyone challenge it in advance, and it is really strange that it is a new and unfamiliar strong player. I originally thought it would be Nie Kong, it seems I guessed it wrong." Wukong, who was in a demihuman state, sighed, it turns out that there are many powerhouses in the world besides Nie Kong.

"There are only 8 hours left. I hope I can enter the Spiritual Time House again to practice. Perhaps only by breaking through the boundaries of Super Saiyan can we defeat such a powerful Sharu."

"Wukong, let's work hard together." Bick nodded his head heavily.

"It's broken, Sharu intends to use all his strength." Dandy worriedly looked at the girl who looked exactly like his friend No. 18, her palms covered with sweat.

Sharu leaped and squeezed the number 18 that was approaching with the burst of breath.The two light and shadow separated, and Sharu took the back force and voluntarily backed a dozen steps, and a striped road was cracked by the broken ring of his feet.

He was breathing heavily and his expression became serious.

"Unexpectedly, I will bring out a strong like you, I really thought very thoughtful. It seems that I need to exert my strongest strength. Let me show you the power of my complete body... drink."

With Sharu's light drink, the golden arrogance spread, which is simply a copy of Super Saiyan.The normal state is only more than 20 billion, reaching his strongest stage after the outbreak.

The whole planet is shaking, let alone a small ring.Sharu's terrifying fist produced tremendous propulsion, as if a rocket crashed into Super 18.Super 18 separated her arms to resist, but she felt the terrible tingling of her arm, and then she was struck by Sharu's powerful force and backed away dozens of steps.At every step, cracks are formed on the hard marble slab.

Sharu's attack did not stop, retreating along Super 18 in the pale gold flame package and pressing on it.

"Impossible, how could his power be stronger than the two of us combined?" The eyes of Super No.18 flashed incredibly, and the advantage he had just obtained was reversed in an instant.

She desperately resisted Sharu's attack, but Sharu's strength was like breaking her bones apart.Step by step, a little bit of bright red blood overflowed from the corner of Super No. 18's mouth.

"Boom!" Sharu's tail suddenly slammed towards No. 18 at a tricky angle. The terrifying force plundered Super No. 18's sight and directly hit her waist.A huge force struck her, and her delicate body rammed several kilometers outside.

"Ahem...Is this the ultimate warrior created by Dr. Gallo? It's really strong. It seems that Super 18 has a long way to go before he can defeat him. Now we will withdraw first, and we can only wait for Nie Jun to defeat him. He." Super 18 covered the wound and left the scene at a super high speed while the smoke did not disperse.The entire battle only took 15 minutes, but the power that Sharu showed had restrained the humans in the world.

"'re lucky if you run fast." Because of the live TV broadcast, Sharu couldn't possibly chase the defeated challenger.

Nie Kong is facing the most critical moment at the Buma House, the capital of the west.Having absorbed the anger contained in the blood whip of anger, he wanted to control the contraction of his powerful soul power.It may be a good thing that the primordial spirit is too powerful, but the infestation of anger will only get counterproductive effects.

"Roar..." The hallucinations popped into his mind one by one, but the scenes were all his very angry scenes.His most important mother and sister died, and the girls in his ring were gone.The murderers are three-dimensional Japanese gods, they are too powerful, I can only watch them die.

Nie Kong's mind was severely shaken by the birth of anger as strong as the inner demon.The hallucinations flowed by, his teeth crunching.In Nie Kong's current state, he actually wanted to use an angry heart demon to stimulate the power hidden in his body.

"Ah... dare to hurt them, I want you to die!!" With Nie Kong's angry shout, the ruby-like blood circulating in his body began to boil violently.

He found that he was getting hotter and hotter, was it because of his own anger, or the blood boiling in his body?There are both.


The tranquil arrogance in the body suddenly burst into golden light.Compared to the original qi, this qi is as if it has materialized.Under the influence of anger, Nie Kong finally broke through his limit and successfully transformed.

Ling Li's qi burst out, so powerful that the entire galaxy was shaking.Amidst the whirring wind, the closed room was bombarded into powder.

"This powerful aura..." The King of the West, who oversees the Milky Way, suddenly woke up. He panicked and felt the source of the aura.When he saw Nie Kong, his fat body weakened.

"His anger is so strong, it seems that he has a chance to defeat Sharu."

Nie Kong's whole person was transforming. The originally black hair was as white as silver, as if baptized by the rich golden flames.He looked like a vampire.After successfully transforming, Nie Kong felt the illusion in his mind finally faded.

He clasped his hands tightly, feeling the powerful force gushing out of his body, his cheeks were full of surprises.

"Haha...what a strong power, is this the state of my super transformation?" It gave Nie Kong a 50-fold improvement, but he didn't expect it to be such a strength.And he can find that his transformation is not over.

It shows that he can be like Super Saiyan, with several stages of transformation.

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