The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0539, Nie Kong vs. Chaosan Wukong, the appearance of the dev

"If he manages the universe, I believe he will do better than others with his ability. With his divine power, he can completely succeed the position of the world king god." The world king god smiled bitterly, and he felt the earth The brigade "harvest" is too rich.He is eager to get their help to solve Buu's threat after the game.

The Realm King God just wanted to raise his hand to admit defeat, but Nie Kong interrupted him faster than him.He slapped at random with one hand, and severely beat the supreme god of the universe in Dragon Ball.

Piccolo was in a cold sweat, and described Nie Kong's performance as horrified.It's too abnormal, dare to fight Lord Realm King God.As for Wukong, they behaved very ordinary, perhaps because they didn't know his true identity.

There were no surprises in the competition, and Nie Kong qualified for the finals.The second game of the semi-final was Tianjin Fan VS Wukong. They brought the audience a wonderful game.The normal Wukong was enough to easily defeat Tianjin Fan.Although Tianjin Fan’s new qigong gun increased Qi ten times, it obviously didn’t hurt Wukong.

The final final was Nie Kong VS Wukong, and Piccolo looked forward to their match.The audience was even more excited. They didn't expect to be lucky enough to see such a wonderful matchup.

"Bick, who do you say has the better chance of winning?" Le Ping asked, and the others were also curious.

"Of course it will be Kakarot's victory. After all, he defeated me. With his power beyond the Saiyans, victory should be easy." Vegeta said coldly.

"I think Nie Kong should have a better chance of winning. When he defeated Sharu 7 years ago, his power was already so terrifying. I believe it will be stronger now." Thinking of Nie Kong's horrible performance just now, Bik still sweats on his forehead. .

"The game is about to start, let's watch it." Tianjin Fan's third eyes have not left them, which shows that they are looking forward to this game.

Wukong's eyes were full of crazy fighting spirit, and he had been expecting this moment to come for 10 years.He always carried out arduous practice with the idea of ​​defeating Nie Kong.Nie Kong's eyes were excited, and he was looking forward to Wukong's performance.

The referee introduced the glorious deeds of Nie Kong and Wukong, and the people of the world suddenly realized.It turned out that the upcoming game was actually a showdown between the two champions in the previous few sessions.

"I announce that the finals will begin." Following the referee's announcement, Wukong exploded with a powerful golden arrogance all over his body and directly transformed into a super two state.Wukong in his normal state already has 2 billion combat effectiveness, and he has directly increased a hundred times, 200 billion!He knew how powerful Nie Kong was, so he didn't plan to keep his hands.The Super 2 who broke out with all his strength has nearly 300 billion, and he has the confidence to defeat Nie Kong.Besides, he has his own hole cards not used.

"What a strong energy, it seems that you have made a lot of progress." Nie Kong did not transform, but wanted to challenge the super-two Wukong with a normal state.Although he has only one hundred billion, he is able to exert his power supernormally.

The two disappeared in an instant, and they collided fiercely at their fastest speed in mid-air.A sound like thunder, accompanied by a strong air current.

The two moved quickly, and ordinary audiences could only hear the sound of their fists and feet colliding.Even Bouma, who had a fighting capacity of several thousand, couldn't see their speed, so she could only tell her daughter Xiaobula to tell her how the battle was going.

Although Nie Kong had displayed a strength that surpassed himself, his normal state was a little different from Wukong's Super Er.Especially if Wukong's Super II broke out with all his strength, his combat power could approach 300 billion.

"Nie Kong, you are not my opponent at all in your current state, let's use your strongest power." Super Er Wukong slowly stopped his figure and said lightly to Nie Kong.

" are very confident, but as I transformed, you have no chance of winning...drink!" As Nie Kong shouted, a terrifying arrogance spurted out.The earth was trembling, and the terrifying air spread out.With him as the center, there are horrible cracks in Papaya Island.The earth shook and the mountains shook, the hurricane screamed, and the terrifying tsunami triggered even flooded the cities on the earth by the sea.

A situation like the end of the world plunged the earth’s humans into panic.A full fifty-fold increase, the terrifying energy almost burst the little earth.

"Okay... such a powerful energy, how could humans have such a powerful person." The King God looked at Nie Kong in horror. He felt that the power from Nie Kong was more terrifying than Buu.

"Is this all his power? It's amazing." Piccolo looked at the silver-haired and golden-eyed man in mid-air with fear.In front of this anger, they could not even think of resistance.

"Dad is so handsome, so strong..." Xiaobula looked at the silver-haired Nie Kong madly, folding his hands on his chest.She never thought that her father would be so strong.

"Wukong admit defeat, the gap between us is too big." Nie Kong said while looking at Wukong.

"You are really strong. It seems that you have been practicing hard for seven years. But how could I give up. Seeing such a strong you, I feel that my blood is boiling. I originally thought I would win easily. I didn't expect you to push me to this level. Actually, there is a third stage of Super Saiyan. Look at my Super Saiyan who surpasses the second tier of Super Saiyan." With his roar, Goku The qi is gathering crazily.The terrifying golden arrogance is attached to him as if it were materialized.

Gradually, his golden hair began to stretch and stretched to the waist.His eyebrows gradually melted away, and his forehead protruded even more.The original combat power of 300 billion has actually increased to 1.2 trillion.

The energy caused by the transformation has once again brought great harm to the earth.

"How is it possible, how could there be such powerful two people. Crazy, the universe is crazy." The realm King God's eyes were completely dull, and he felt as if he was dreaming.The scene before him is so unreal.

"Kakarot, this guy actually kept a hand when he was competing with me. What kind of Super Saiyan Tier 3, it is too deceiving." Vegeta gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with unwillingness to watch and exude super Two people with energy fluctuations.

Most of the surrounding audience disappeared, and the rest were solid fans of Nie Kong, who had great confidence in Nie Kong.

"This is my strongest state, let's get started."

And when everyone paid attention to the two people in the air, the khaki dome suddenly appeared in the middle of the ring.Its ability scale ticked, turning sharply in an instant.%, 60%... It quickly absorbed the energy emitted by Nie Kong and the others, ready to uncover the seal of Demon Buu.

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