The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 0540, break the seal

Babidi knew the timing very well, and took advantage of the energy collision after the two super-transformed to move the round egg that sealed Buu to their bottom.

The qi exuded by the two was so strong that the energy that sealed Buu quickly overflowed into a state of consummation.The sound of Didi, the energy is obviously ready to burst.Noting the look of the realm king in the ring, he could perceive the super evil aura contained in the dome.How familiar is that breath, it even made him feel terrified.

"It... it's the dome that seals the devil Buu, how could it appear here? Could it be that..." The Realm King looked at the energy meter printed on the dome, and the pointer was moving at an extremely fast speed. At the end, he could find that Nie Kong's fighting energy flowed to it.

"Hurry up and stop, if you continue to fight, Demon Buu will be resurrected!" The World King God shouted out in horror at the two fiercely fighting in the sky.The Realm King God did not have the opportunity to explain the purpose of this trip to Wukong and the others, so Piccolo near the Realm King God was confused.Who is Majin Buu? I have never heard of it.

"But... But Lord Realm King, how could the dome that seals Demon Buu suddenly appear here?" Gibbet panicked.

"It must be Babidi's ghost, it's really damn..."

Although Nie Kong sensed the strange and evil aura, he didn't care.The most important thing in front of him was that Wukong who had exploded with Super Three's full power was defeated.The resurrection of Majin Buu is a good thing for him.

The two had fought for nearly a hundred rounds, and the fierce confrontation did not seem to have caused Nie Kong the slightest harm.But Wukong's clothes were tattered, his face and skin were bruised and red.

While breathing, Wukong separated a certain distance, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.Looking at Nie Kong who was unscathed on the other side, he found that his attack seemed to be unable to shake him at all.

Although injured, Wukong's expression seemed very comfortable.Now that only Nie Kong can bring him such a smooth battle.He felt that after surpassing the second level of Super Saiyan, he was even more worried that there would be no opponents for him to fight.

"Puff puff..." The rapid sound of breaking through the air hit, and I saw Wukong fired a lot of gas bullets at Nie Kong, shooting them in a dense roar.

While Nie Kong dodges the attack, his figure surges and flashes behind Wukong.His left hand shook, and his fist hit Wukong's cheek with tearing power.

The strong wind blows layers of floor tiles, and the spectators who originally watched the game felt that their faces were hurt by the strong wind.The storm swept through, accompanied by the fall of Wukong's figure.

Nie Kong's powerful punch hit Wu Kong's cheek severely and knocked him out of the air.His body was like a meteor, and he fell into the ring.There was a loud bang, and a funnel-like pit appeared on the solid marble floor.

"Okay... so strong, I really can't surpass him when I turned into a super three queen?" Wukong used his strongest strength and speed, but found that his opponent was still terrifyingly powerful.

A simple blow literally broke his bones.Wukong never thought that Nie Kong's power surpassed him so much.

"Turtle Qigong." Wukong's voice was heard from the ground, and then Wukong's figure was sprayed out.With his hands on his waist, a lot of his qi was concentrated in it, almost doubled the lethality.

When Nie Kong was about to dodge, a weird smile flashed across Wukong's mouth.

"Sorry, I can only use this trick to deal with you, instant movement." Wukong's anger suddenly disappeared, and instant movement appeared behind Nie Kong.The huge turtle school qigong slammed into Nie Kong like a dragon.

"Do you think you can beat me this way, Wukong, you are too naive." Nie Kong shouted angrily, as if the horror of golden arrogance erupted, and he slammed Wukong's turtle school qigong.

The collision of two super-strong energies sparkled in the sky like blue and gold intersecting as gorgeous as fireworks.Wukong was surprised to find that he was sending out all-out tortoise style qigong, and actually slowly rushing to Nie Kong's qi burst.

"What a terrifying anger, how strong is he?" Wukong couldn't imagine that a trivial human would compete against the demihuman being stronger.Through the transformation of Super Saiyan, he has increased his qi by hundreds of times.

An astonishing scene appeared. Nie Kong was like a giant advancing against the flood, hitting Wukong with Super Turtle Qigong.The violent friction between the two airs caused a hurricane to frighten ordinary people watching the game.

Wukong was hit by Nie Kong's impact and slammed into the deep ocean several kilometers away.The loud bang even caused strong sea turbulence.

Falling out of the ring, Nie Kong won the match.However, the face of the Realm King God turned paler, because the energy of the giant egg was finally absorbed.Before everyone had time to cheer for Nie Kong, the dome in the ring cracked into two with a crack.

"Haha...Majin Buu is finally resurrected, the world king god sees how you stop me." A harsh laugh came out, and a short man wearing a magician cloak and a red-skinned demon appeared in the middle of the ring.

"You actually controlled Dapla, the king of the devil, bastard." Fortunately, Vegeta interrupted Vegeta's original plan, otherwise it would be a death quest to stop Dapla.

Babidi looked at the terrified Realm King God with a triumphant smile on his wrinkled face.To everyone's surprise, there is nothing inside the round eggshell.The expectant Babidi was a little dumbfounded, only saying impossible.

How could this be?The smile on Babidi's face was completely stiff, he walked over to the cracked eggshell in disbelief, carefully looking for clues about the enchanted Buu!

"Perhaps Demon Buu has died in his long sleep." The Realm King God said in surprise.

Piccolo kept frowning, because the unpleasant and evil aura didn't dissipate but became more intense, like a mountain pressing him tightly.Strong and evil, even stronger than Wukong Super Three.

Vegeta and the others looked up at the source of the qi, which was already covered in pink smoke.

Nie Kong faintly looked at the sky with excitement, how strong Buu will be in Dragon Ball, I really look forward to it.After transforming, the characteristics of Saiyan blood fused in Nie Kong's body appeared.

As if perceiving the peculiarity of Piccolo and the others, the Realm King God and Jebite looked towards the sky together.It gradually took shape, slowly condensing into a cloud of pink gas.

Babidi raised his head and looked at the pink clouds. He seemed so disappointed that he had seen hope.

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