The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0542, Nie Kong vs Fat Buu

In the end, Wukong slammed Buu to the ground.He penetrated the hard mud layer a hundred meters deep, and his soft body was directly squeezed into a ball.

"How could anyone have powers comparable to Buu? He is the strongest cosmic warrior his father has made." Babidi Frog's eyes widened, and it was full of incredible.

The explosion sounded, but Buu was totally fine.What was wrong was the ground near him, which directly smoothed the huge power that erupted from him.

White smoke burst out of his head, and his eyes flashed fiercely in anger.Buu expelled an evil arrogance, and his fat body disappeared.He who flashed behind Wukong, quickly punched Wukong's figure.Buu finally started the battle in earnest, and the burst of power surpassed Goku.With his pink arrogance erupting, using his 3 trillion combat power, he began to counterattack, shooting Wukong with his fists like a machine gun.

Wukong did not expect that with his size, he would have such a speed, his body was like a kite with a broken line, and he shot out.Buu's combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the super three Goku, and he is immortal and very difficult to deal with.

Buu didn't stop, his mouth sprayed out red super terrifying energy.Wukong evaded embarrassedly, using his teleportation to appear behind Buu, Buu who was in front of him in the super-turtle-style qigong jet.

The terrifying Tortoise School Qigong shattered half of Buu's body.But Wukong didn't have time to be happy, he found that the remaining half of his body began to squirm, and after a while he actually recovered to its original appearance.

"Very good, Buu kill him." After seeing Buu erupt, Babidi cheered excitedly.

The two fought fiercely again, in exchange for Wukong's more wounds.Buu dominates, and the opposite is the opposite of Vegeta VS Dapla.Dapla, the king of the devil, completely suppressed Vegeta.

"Cannon!" Vegeta exploded with strong energy with both hands, directly aiming at Dapla who was knocked out by him.

Boom... a huge sound resounded in the sky, and the energy bomb exploded directly after hitting Dapla.The smoke dissipated, revealing a scorched Dapura.Although he did not die, he was seriously injured.

"Master Babidi, hurry up and use your ability to control him. I found that he has an evil heart." Seeing Vegeta was about to kill herself, Dapla immediately asked for help.

Babidi knew that his current situation was very dangerous. There were too many powerful people on a small planet that could kill him, and Buu alone could hardly protect himself.

"I see." Babidi stretched out his hands and said a bitter and incomprehensible spell at Vegeta.Vegeta, who had rushed to Pula, stopped strangely, and he hugged his head and screamed in pain.

As his voice of resistance became weaker and weaker, Vegeta's forehead showed the same mark as Dapla and the others.

"Oops, Babidi has taken control of Vegeta, and the trouble is big." Realm Kingshen's face was pale, he didn't expect the situation to be reversed immediately.If one more partner is given to Babidi, the universe is really hopeless.

"Hurry up and kill them for me." Babidi strengthened Vegeta with the strengthening technique by the way, then pointed at the realm king gods and them, and ordered him.

"Ah... I'm a proud Saiyan prince, don't want to enslave me. Although you can control my body, you can't control my pride. Who cares about you, I just want to fight Kakarot. Haha ...Thank you for the strength you gave me, now I feel I can beat Kakarot and them."

Vegeta gritted her teeth and endured the pain, but there was a wild laugh in her mouth.

"Kakarot, I have reached your current stage, look at my Super Saiyan Tier 3!" Thanks to Babidi's enhancement technique, the Super Saiyan Tier 2 Vegeta can instantly transform into Super game three.

The terrifying golden arrogance was not weaker than Wukong.He squinted at Wukong, then moved behind Buu in an instant, kicking him far away with his right foot.

"Kakarot, your opponent is now me." Vegeta looked at Wukong proudly, his eyes burning.I lost to you just now, but things are different now. I have reached your current stage.

"Vegeta... I didn't expect you to be driven by Babedi." Goku said in surprise.

"Huh... these things are not important now, I just want to beat you now." Vegeta snorted, and burst out his strongest power towards Wukong.Wukong condensed his face and could only bite the bullet against Vegeta.

The two super three arrogances collided, and the world began to shake.The strength of the two forces is believed to be able to spread to every corner of the universe.

"It's hateful, I dare to disobey my orders. Forget it, it's important to solve the world king god now. Majin Buu, you now change your opponent and kill the world king god and them." Babidi commanded.

"Ohhhhh..." He jumped, and although he was angry with Vegeta, he still wanted to listen to Babidi.The evil air swept towards Piccolo and the others, and the cold and ruthless taste made their bodies seem to have lost their power.

"It's over." When Buu hopped forward, the Realm King God could only sit and wait.With their meager power, they couldn't fight Buu at all.

"Majin Buu? I want to see how strong you are."

Buu's face was suddenly hit by an inexplicable force, and his plump head was squeezed into a ball of flesh.Without being able to detect the speed of the incoming person, his body shot backwards through the mountains that intercepted him in front of him.

The visitor stood steadily in the air, with pale golden pupils looking coldly at Buu who was knocked out.Silver hair, handsome face, with a terrifying and powerful aura.The momentum of the incoming people is extremely fierce and attracts everyone's attention.

The person here is undoubtedly Nie Kong. After arranging the daughters of Xiaobula, he is finally going to deal with Buu.Originally, Xiao Bula yelled to Nie Kong to leave and leave the badass Buu who exuded cold and evil aura, for fear that her father would have an accident.

Nie Kong soothed Little Bra and ordered the two 18ths to protect them, and Nie Kong finally came to deal with Buu.

"It's Nie Kong, is he finally going to make a move?" Piccolo and the others were surprised and hoped that Nie Kong could kill the evil Buu.What Wukong could not do, only Nie Kong had hope.

"He has a stronger soul power than the Great Realm King God, and I hope he can save our universe from the crisis." The Realm King God meditated.

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