The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0543Chop Buu into pieces

"Wow, who would dare to hit me?" Buu twisted his crooked head and exclaimed.Nie Kong's full blow did not even hurt Buu at all.

"Where are you looking, I'm here." Although Nie Kong was surprised at Buu's defensive ability, how could he lose to him? He also has the same immortality.

"You're done, bye." He gestured goodbye to Nie Kong with his right hand, and then forcefully tore off a large piece of pink meat from his belly and twisted it around.

The strips of pink "rubber" grew longer, and his mouth squinted, emitting a red, ruinous light toward Nie Kong.

Nie Kong was shaped like a dragon, walking quickly in the dense red destruction beam.Buu was as angry as he was so embarrassed, his mouth opened to the greatest extent, and a super-large ray of light enveloped Nie Kong 100 meters away.

The horrible explosion seemed to detonate the red light beam that Buu had just launched in a chain reaction.The force generated by the violent explosion shook Nie Kong into the air in front of Buu.

"You are too arrogant, look at the trick." Buu jokes out the red rubber he was holding in his hand, and quickly tied Nie Kong in the sky.After seeing that he hit the target, Buu let out a triumphant laugh.

Buu rushed towards Nie Kong, trying to take advantage of this to defeat him.

"Do you want to use this to restrain my actions? You think it's too simple." Nie Kong's gas exploded and shook Buu's rubber ring into dust.He sneered as he watched Buu hit his body with terrifying power since he sent him to the door.With the tremendous power of Nie Kong, Buu's body was distorted not to look like it.Nie Kong had nearly twice the power of Buu, and almost tore his body into powder.

"I'm angry, you are so annoying." Although his mouth disappeared due to the twisting of the meat, Buu still made a nearly roaring sound.He used his breath to stop Nie Kong's impact and rammed Nie Kong back.

Nie Kong frowned and hit his strongest fist directly at Buu, holding the determination to blow him up.Buu's whole person has become a rice cake, but he still has to fight back.

He filled his body with his breath, and after returning to the original shape, he began to attack Nie Kong's body.With the booming sound, the two of them are like LOL's barbarians, fighting for their lives.

The two immortal bodies began to compete, and the minor damage caused by Buu's fist falling on Nie Kong's body was immediately repaired, and Buu did the same.Nie Kong's is that as long as there is a drop of blood, he can be resurrected infinitely.Buu's is the first rebirth skill of Zac, the biochemical demon demon who is tens of thousands of times stronger by LOL's wriggling body.

Both of them have terrible abilities, and they can't be killed.The Realm King Gods looked dumbfounded, and they were even more shocked by Nie Kong's power.

"Asshole, it seems that I can only chop you up, Bengyue Dimensional Knife!" Nie Kong felt it was a pity. If his strength was doubled, he would be able to use his fist together with Buu's body to tear it into pieces. powder.

Now the situation is a little more delicate, his attack power can hardly break Buu's defense.If he continues to fight, he will only waste his anger.

Nie Kong's right hand was received, and he slashed away at Buu.The wave of tearing everything swept across Buu, wringing him into the center of the dimension knife.The range of the Dimensional Knife is too large, and Buu has nowhere to hide.

Existing like a meat grinder, the terrifying dimensional knife stirred Buu's body into chunks of meat.The tiny pieces of pink meat everywhere fell from the sky like a pink rain.

The sky slowly calmed down, and after the smoke and dust was blown away by the breeze, the endless blue sky appeared in everyone's sight.The calm scene makes no one think of a thrilling battle that just happened here.

Babidi swallowed and looked at the mighty creepy Earthman in mid-air.It's really unbelievable. In such a humble planet, someone can kill the demon made by his father?No, Majin Buu is the strongest warrior in the universe. He used to kill the highest God Realm King God who managed the universe.

He was afraid that after this guy took away Majin Buu, his next goal would be himself.

"Great, Majin...Is Majin Buu dead?" The Realm King God looked at the tiny pink meat balls scattered on the ground, his nervous expression finally revealed a surprised smile.

"It's unbelievable that there will be humans who defeat the Demon Buu. It seems that we are here for nothing, and they are completely capable of dealing with the Demon on their own." Jebit said.

"Nie Kong really is the strongest existence. As long as there is no enemy he can't defeat, it seems that he will save the earth again." Tianjin Fangan said.

But they were not happy for long, and the scene before them frightened them.

The dough is pink, and something like clay is swelling and forming. Each froth forms a tiny buou, and then thousands of small buou gather together, densely covered and overlapped, and finally condensed into a whole , And then turned into a monster of transformation.

Babidi, who was about to escape, reached the monster that changed its form, and finally turned into the demon Buu just now. His eyes flashed with excitement, and he almost laughed out of joy.

It seemed that my father was right, Majin Buu was really terrible, and Babidi thought of this.Sweeping away the tremor before, Babidi regained his ambition to dominate the universe.With Buu, there is no need to worry about a big deal.

Demon Buu is like a monster that cannot be killed. In the horrified eyes of the world king gods, he has been resurrected strangely.

At this moment, the demon Buu glared at Nie Kong, white smoke from the air hole above his head, as if very annoyed.The breath of the whole body is constantly climbing, evil like a cold ice cave.

Nie Kong was a little surprised, he did not expect that his unsuccessful stunt would fail.His own physical attacks have no effect on him, and the same is true for blade attacks.It seems that his physique is many times stronger than Luffy's rubber.At least Luffy is not afraid of physical attacks, but is afraid of cutting with sharp edges.

"It seems that it can only be blown to pieces with a powerful energy beyond the endurance, just like Wukong's super vitality bomb against Xiao Buu." Seeing that his tricks were invalid, Nie Kong could only come up with the last resort. Up.

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