The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0544, kill fat Buu, come out thin Buu

Buu became stronger in the Vietnam War, and he slowly absorbed the experience gained from fighting and learned how to fight.Nie Kong tried his best to enjoy the battle.Nie Kong exerted his amazing power and beat Buu back again and again.

Nie Kong's arms broke the layers of the air, and his hands slammed Buu's head.Buu stretched out his hand to stop Nie Kong. Nie Kong took the opportunity to grab his two arms and pulled hard.Like a rubber man, Buu stretched his hands several meters long.

Buou angrily hit Nie Kong with his head, trying to force Nie Kong to let go.However, Nie Kong went around behind him and bound his body with his stretched hands.From a distance, Buu looked like a round meat ball.

"Now you can't move, look at my golden right foot." Nie Kong laughed, and he kicked his right foot out of the huge meatball Buu in midair.Being attacked by Nie Kong's terrifying power, the meat ball squashed into an oval shape and swept high into the sky like a meteor.

"Give you one final blow, die for me." Nie Kong raised his right hand, and the air from all over his body poured into his palm as if boiling, forming a super energy ball with a radius of five meters.

"Ok... so terrible, I'm afraid that if it touches the ground a little, the earth will immediately disappear. Nie Kong, this guy, is really crazy..." Piccolo was surprised.

"Yes, Buu seems to be dead." Tianjin Fan and the others gazed at the moon in the sky and said with emotion.The world king god was silent, he didn't expect that there would be a guy more terrifying than Majin Buu in the universe.

Buu swayed his hands and legs, but the huge energy ball in his breath immediately swallowed him.A powerful explosion sounded in the air, and the terrifying energy burst even caused the ground to violently shake, and half of the continental plate tore into terrible cracks.Nie Kong noticed the sudden drop of Buu's familiar breath, and finally a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.It seems to be a success, the energy bomb can really kill Buu.

There was a loud boom and deafening sound, and Babidi's expression was extremely frightened.And Jebit laughed cheerfully, it seemed that Majin Buu was dead.

"No...impossible, how could Majin Buu lose to humans?" Babidi was frightened, as he was already embroiled on all sides.The realm king god looked at him eagerly, wishing to kill him immediately.

"Master Babidi, now I will protect your safety." Due to Babidi's treatment, the seriously injured Dapla has recovered to health.He loyally stopped in front of Babidi, looking straight at the world king god.

"Asshole... Vegeta quickly kill your opponent and protect me from the earth." Babidi shouted at the two super three fighting in mid-air.

Vegeta didn't listen to his words, he was already standing in front of Goku, blasting into the face of his rival Kakarot.Wukong's neck crooked 180 degrees, but his counterattack was equally sharp.The powerful right foot kicked Vegeta's waist at a tricky angle.

The two were evenly matched and the fighting was fierce.When Goku hits Vegeta, Vegeta will counterattack and punch Goku.Gradually, they got more and more wounds, and their qi slowly dropped to freezing point.However, the more they fought, the more braver they were, the fighting spirit in their eyes burned wildly.As Saiyans, how much they like such a fun battle.

The shadow of the fist flies, the shadow of the legs is like a forest, and the terrifying power vents around.In the end, the two of them exhausted all their strength, and the two of them froze in the air with strange movements.Goku's fist hit Vegeta's right cheek, and Vegeta's knee was pressed against Goku's abdomen.The physique of the two finally reached the limit, but neither of them wanted to fall first.

Buu's breath disappeared directly into the air. When his breath was nothing, a strange breath burst out from the sky.The aura is weaker than the fat Buu just now, but the level of evil is a thousand times stronger than the Buu just now.

The pink smoke disappeared, and a thick black fog appeared.They covered the deadlocked Vegeta and Goku, covering them.

This breath appeared quickly, and Nie Kong, who was about to relax his vigilance, could not stop it.

"Oops... oh, demon... Demon Buu is not dead, what are they going to do when he wraps Monkey King?" The expression of the Realm King God was more frightened than before. He did not expect such evil energy to appear.

"Does this guy want..." Nie Kong felt bad when he saw this.The whole body is raging, and the whole person rushes towards Buu without any scruples, and must stop him.

Now Wukong and the others are at the weakest stage, how can they resist Buu's smoking?The black smoke covered Wukong and the others, and began to wriggle to form a mass of meat, slowly returning to its original appearance.

Compared with just now, his obese appearance has changed a lot, unexpectedly very thin, and the skin all over his body showed a dark appearance.Nie Kong's expression changed dramatically when he saw his appearance.

Of course he knew who Buu was in front of him. He was a thin Buu on the pure evil side of Buu.Nie Kong didn't expect Buu to have two lives. After he killed the good and evil fat Buu, he actually released the thin Buu inside.

Demon Buu's qi was like an invisible cage. Before the huge power suppressed, Wukong and the others could not break free.

The blackness seemed like muddy things a little bit. The two completely swallowed them, Buu squirmed all over, and the evil aura slowly became stronger. The two Saiyans were like nourishment, prompting him to complete a new transformation.

"Haha... Buu is good, you will be the strongest warrior in the universe after smoking them." The situation changed so much that Babidi's caution was frightened.To regain hope, he is more excited than ever.With Buu's help, he believes he can rule the entire universe.

The world king gods looked at the breath that had increased exponentially, the more powerful Demon Buu, a touch of sweat ran down their foreheads, and their fear of this guy was obviously heavier.

"Goku..." Piccolo didn't expect such an accident to happen, and their tone was full of worry and panic.Their partner will absorb Buu and hurt the earth, or Wukong will feel even more uncomfortable when he knows.Buu used his power to destroy the earth he likes. After Wukong knew it, it would be more uncomfortable than death.His power increase is so terrifying, will Nie Kong be his opponent?I'm afraid... the universe will be completely destroyed.

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