The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0545, cheating Buu, absorb the super three Goku Vegeta

"Damn it, how could it give you your wish." Nie Kong fired a terrifying energy bomb, the goal being to squirm the black meat ball.

Buu's face is constantly changing, and his body is constantly distorted in abstraction.His breath continued to strengthen and explode. When his power reached its peak, Buu's body shape had changed!

Buu's skin changed from jet black to reddish purplish, and even in the end it was pure jet black.And the moment his scarlet eyes opened, the sharp energy penetrated the constraints of space.

Structurally, the original Little Buu is the main body of absorption; and the factors of the Southern King God and the Great King God that have been completely digested by Fat Buu, together with the factors belonging to Fat Buu itself, as well as the limited energy and Buu’s universal characteristics are the flesh sacs that are fixed in the body in the form of fat Buu, as the object to be absorbed, maintained in a non-digestible state.

So after absorbing Wukong and Vegeta, he did not get influenced by Wukong's kindness and followed his kindness.The evil breath is still terrifying, purely without any impurities.

Buu's body slowly transformed. When absolute power filled his whole body, his thin body became stronger, his facial features resembled Monkey King and Vegeta.The aura of his whole being expanded, and the world is immersed in the aura of evil and terror.

His whole body was flashing with terrifying thunder and lightning, and the tentacles behind him were twice as long as they had just been.Looking at him from a distance, it was like a demon god descended into the world.

With a laugh, he caught the energy ball that Nie Kong sent out to destroy Fat Buu with one hand, and the cold voice pierced the entire earth.The explosion that shook the earth accompanied, but Buu slowly drifted out of smoke.

His scarlet eyes contained a powerful warfare intent and looked at Nie Kong, the blazing flame seemed to burn his body, leaving only a powerful and evil aura pressing on him.It seems that Thin Buu clearly remembers the memory of being beaten.

Papaya Island was washed away by the tsunami, and the earth experienced a strong shock.The originally riddled earth seemed to collapse at any time.

Majin Buu absorbed the power of Goku and Vegeta, combined all their tricks, powers and fighting skills, and the combat effectiveness was obviously increased several times.His breath has completely suppressed Nie Kong.

Originally, the combat power was only 3 trillion, but it was directly raised to 10 trillion.Moreover, Buu's physique had Wukong's fighting skills, which was probably more than ten times more difficult to deal with.

"Maman Buu has gained the power of Wukong and his tower, and the universe must be over. Although Nie Kong was able to defeat Buu before, he is too strong now." The Realm King smiled bitterly, feeling that belonged Buu's breath is so strong that he can't afford to resist.

It's cheating, how can you absorb others to enhance your own strength.Nie Kong was suppressed by Bu'u Qi, and a little cold sweat broke out on his cheeks.He finally understood how strong Buu was before him.

"Let's go on, you just hit me so painful, now I want to kill you." Buu's sanity looks very clear, much smarter than the clumsy fat Buu just now.Maintain a mature mind without losing the original evil.

"Don't think you won." Nie Kong burst out his strongest speed and rushed towards Buu instantly.

Buu's eyes turned sharply, and the Qi engine caught any fluctuation in the air.When Nie Kong showed fluctuations behind him, he directly disappeared in front of everyone strangely, and Nie Kong's fist hit the empty space.

"I'm here." On Nie Kong's left, the black Buu slammed a kick at Nie Kong.

"Could it be that he can use Wukong's teleportation? It's really hateful." Nie Kong resisted the pain, turned around and threw a wave of energy, the resulting explosion prevented Buu's pursuit.

"Haha...It's really interesting. It seems that the battle will be very exciting." The evil Buu seems to like fighting very much. He has a personality similar to Wukong, but he is bloodthirsty.

When Buu rushed to prepare to attack, Nie Kong was already ready to shoot.The condensed blue energy in his hand cuts through the sky and jets towards Buu, the bright brilliance illuminates everything.

Buu opened his mouth and abruptly swallowed Nie Kong's gas bullet into his stomach.He is like an inflated balloon, which has grown to a few hundred meters in size. It seems that Nie Kong's qi exploded in his body.

He belched a full burp, slowly exhaled a puff of white smoke, and gradually returned to its original size.

"The universe is now the strongest for me, no one can beat me." Buu yelled, and instantly flashed behind Nie Kong.His limbs are like death sickles that harvest human lives, looking for Nie Kong's flaws while attacking.

Nie Kong only felt that he was struggling to deal with Buu. He could barely keep up with Buu's movements, but Buu's power hurt Nie Kong.Although it was not a major problem, Nie Kong knew that he was not out of danger.Buu has the power to kill him, as long as the energy bomb he fires with all his strength can hit him, Nie Kong guesses that there will be no scum left.

A fierce battle comparable to the doomsday took place again in the sky, and the aftermath of the collision between the two can be described as shaking.

However, their combat effectiveness was too far apart, and Buu's physique was so abnormal that Nie Kong had withstood many strong attacks from Buu.

"Ah..." When Nie Kong barely blocked Buu's fists, a strange evil smile flashed across Buu's mouth.The tentacles behind his head flicked and unexpectedly launched an unexpected attack.

Nie Kong's hands no longer had the energy to fight, and his antennae emitted a dazzling beam of energy that shot through Nie Kong's heart.

"Oops, if Nie Kong loses, who else can save the universe?" Piccolo and the others were pale and watched Buu "kill" Nie Kong.Their hearts are ashamed, they are completely desperate.

"Damn bastard, I'm going to help Dad." Brahman said with red eyes when he saw this scene.

"Little Bullah, we have to listen to Dad's words and stay here." Seeing Nie Kong's injury, Bouma couldn't cry less than Bouma.But in the past, it would have caused Nie Kong trouble.

Two number 18 fingers clenched tightly, and their teeth seemed to be crushed.They really want to fit together and help Nie Kong deal with Buu.

"Master...Master..." Bidili and the others flickered with tears, and almost rushed to Nie Kong in desperation, and died with Nie Kong.

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