The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0546, break through

Buu was surprised that the Nie Kong wound he pierced through didn't show any blood.And just like him, Nie Kong's wound healed very quickly, as if what had just happened was an illusion.

In Buu's surprised eyes, Nie Kong threw his spare right foot fiercely between Buu's legs.Buu's physique became stronger, Nie Kong's power could not deform his body, but simply kicked him out.The power of the two super threes, combined by Buu, is extremely powerful.

"He's okay, it seems that his physique is comparable to Buu's immortality. But if he continues to fight, he will definitely lose with his current strength." Realm King God murmured.

"Great, Dad is okay." Seeing Nie Kong's distress, Xiao Bra cheered.

"So, don't disturb your father's fight, Xiao Bra. Although you have inherited his blood, you are too weak. Moreover, I believe he will be the strongest man in the universe." Bouma firmly said.

"Yeah, we have experienced too much, and he can always overcome it." The future 18th recalled the scenes by Nie Kong, with a sweet smile from the corner of his mouth.The current number 18 looks at the future number 18, seeming to perceive what she wants to see and smile.

"Sure enough, you have the same immortal body as mine. It seems that I am going to deal with you just like you dealt with me. I am looking forward to bombing you to pieces and seeing if you can come back to life."

Buu stopped his figure and used his powerful aura to forcibly remove the power Nie Kong had brought him.He exuded an evil smile, and his expression returned to normal immediately after being slightly surprised by Nie Kong's change.

"Try it if you have the ability." Nie Kong said coldly.

"Oh, isn't it?" Buu put his hands on his chest, his expression showing something interesting.He looked so arrogant, looking at Nie Kong as if an ant pinched to death at any time.

Nie Kong felt very angry, he actually underestimated the devil.

"If that's the case, then I want to see if you dare to hide? Yeah, your most important person is inside the earth. Look at me...Super Turtle Qigong!" With his hands on his waist, Buu was terrified. His arrogance condensed in the place where his hands were folded.Compared to Wukong's turtle style qigong, the color he emits is red, extremely evil.He smiled and looked at Nie Kong, he was a demon.He aimed at Nie Kong, and the tortoise school qigong spewed out like a dragon, strikingly in the underground direction.

If the terrifying Tortoise School Qigong rubs on the ground, the earth will really explode instantly, his power is too strong.Nie Kong could escape, but the tortoise school qigong must hit the earth.

"Asshole, what are you doing."

Nie Kong was so angry that Buu was so despicable.He threatened him with the one he loved the most, damn it, I want him to die.

Seeing Nie Kong's angry eyes tearing his own eyes apart, Buuhaha laughed.

"It's fun, I hope you don't die so fast, I haven't played enough."

Nie Kong gritted his teeth and stretched out his hands in front of the energy bomb, exerting his strongest strength to block the super energy in front of him.The terrifying arrogance engulfed him, and slowly stopped the impact.But Nie Kong's figure slowly pressed towards the ground, like Pangu's posture up to the sky.

Finally the energy was detonated by Buu, and the dazzling red light flooded Nie Kong's figure.The destructive explosion swept out in all directions.

The faces of the world king gods changed drastically, and they hurriedly moved away from the center of the explosion, for fear of the aftermath of energy.Bouma and the others looked worriedly at the place flooded by the explosion, where their most important man was.

The smoke from the explosion drifted away with the wind, and Nie Kong, who had lost his hands and legs, appeared in front of everyone.His anger was reduced by more than half, and it seemed that the injury was serious.He closed his eyes and panted quickly.With his breathing, his body gradually returned to its original state.

"It's quite strong. I can actually catch the tortoise style qigong that I gave out with all my strength. Looking at it like this, I can play a little longer." Buu smiled arrogantly, holding his right hand up, the terrifying arrogance condensed into a radius of 10. Meter's red energy ball.

"Finally, use my own moves to send you to hell."

The Realm King God slumped to the ground, muttering that he was finished.With such powerful energy fluctuations, how can Nie Kong, who saved the hope of the universe, survive?He regretted that he should have brought Nie Kong back to Realm King Star early, and tried to draw out the Realm King Divine Sword that could give people a powerful force.Perhaps only with its help, they can truly eliminate Demon Buu.

"Haha... you're fine, you really irritated me. I never wanted to kill someone like this, you really deserve to die..." Nie Kong slowly opened his golden pupils, all of them cold.

He clenched his fists, blood seeping between his mouth.Looking at Frieza with an ugly expression, he made a "squeaky, squeaky" sound.Intense resentment and huge humiliation occupied his mind.

"Go to hell." Buosha yelled coldly. The dazzling red ball of light, like a falling meteor, was thrown out at the embarrassed Nie Kong.

The huge red energy ball illuminates the surroundings as if a second sun appeared.But the light that radiated was a cold killing intent.

"Since I have reached the limit of the state, now give me a breakthrough...I want to become stronger, I want to kill him." Nie Kong roared angrily, unwilling and angry.If he died like this, then what is the point of coming to the Dragon Ball world.Deliberately letting Buu out was obviously using him to force himself to break through.Yes, only in adversity can you break through your limits.His irritable heart calmed down and silently closed his eyes to guide the power hidden in his body.

"Stop doing unnecessary struggles, you can't hide." With a terrifying explosion, surrounding the area where Nie Kong was, the dust on the ground seemed to be covered by a dark cloud, swept across the sky and the dim yellow. world!

The earth is cracking and the earth is shaking.The sound of the wind was bitter, and countless horned dragon-like cracks spread across the earth.

"Huh, want to defeat me? It's ridiculous, I'm the strongest fighter in the universe." Buu sneered looking at the fragmented scene before him.

"Yeah, my Demon Buu has won, great." Babidi danced happily, as if celebrating victory.

But when Babidi triumphantly fantasizes about his conquest of the universe, the tenacious and terrifying arrogance expands in that mushroom cloud-like explosive field in an instant!The golden sky burst out from the smoke and dust, illuminating the entire earth.The terrifying arrogance, like a tornado, blew across the universe.

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