The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0547, a powerful super two state

"Is this powerful and familiar could it be possible?" Buu's small pupils were incredibly enlarged, and the expression on his face was even more astonished, and his proud expression immediately stiffened in front of everyone.

"How could there be such a strong aura in the world, it's a lie." Perceiving the abrupt arrogance of terror, it overturned Jebit's perception.He found that since he came to the earth, he had more horror than his whole life.Where is the weak planet of the earth? It is a hidden dragon and a tiger.

"It's true, and it came from Nie Kong's position. I originally thought that Buu who had absorbed Monkey King and the others was unmatched, but...but the energy fluctuations he emitted were much stronger than Buu. ." The realm king said in a lost spirit.

"Ah drink..." Along with the hysterical roar, the ground trembled violently.Like the dragon tsunami, the entire earth trembles like never before, as if it is afraid of such a powerful force.

In a moment, the golden light seemed to wash away all the dust, presenting the scene inside to everyone present.The very real scene made the people around him dumbfounded.

I saw in the center of the explosion, the source of golden light was shining continuously, the golden flames seemed to be condensed into reality, and there were strong lightning and thunder nearby.

The golden hair, the slightly strange and determined face, the charming and cold and ruthless golden pupils.Although his appearance has changed a bit, Buu is very familiar with his appearance. It is Nie Kong who should have died in his energy bomb.

Nie Kong, who was in the super-two state, had silver hair transformed into a golden color like a Saiyan, with faint lightning bolts near his body.

"Unexpectedly, he didn't die. What happened to him, how could such a big change occur." Buu couldn't imagine that he could survive the energy bomb he fired with all his strength, and he became stronger.Nie Kong's strong appearance absolutely exceeded his expectations. He even divided Nie Kong into the ranks of dead people.

The Realm King God was even more stunned, and Piccolo and the others were the same. They didn't expect the situation to reverse unexpectedly again.I was desperate, but who would have expected Nie Kong to break through and become so strong.

"Nie Jun, you really did it. From the beginning to the end, I have always believed that you will protect us. Come on, Nie Jun, you are the strongest man in the universe after fusion." Although Buma's expression has not changed, her heart is only Feel relieved.

Although she didn't say anything, she was worried about Nie Kong's feelings less than that on the 18th.

The golden flames filled Nie Kong's 30-meter distance, which was more than ten times stronger than the golden light emitted by Wukong's Chao Er.With his golden and cold eyes, the whole person descended into the world like a god of war.Faced with a crisis, Nie Kong's bottleneck finally broke through, and he finally achieved his own Super Second as he wished.Feeling the surging energy, Nie Kong was full of surprise and excitement.

Nie Kong’s Super Two had a four-fold increase in combat effectiveness compared to Super One, which was equivalent to the superposition of Super Two plus the transformation of a vampire.The potential for the explosion of the two bloodlines after fusion is really incalculable.

"Although you have changed, don't think you can beat me? There is only one fate for you, and that is to be killed by me." Buu was not afraid of Nie Kong, but was confident in his own power.He stared at Nie Kong coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

"In that case, let's go ahead. I want to see how you kill me." Recalling what Buu did just now, Nie Kong's heart was left with only killing intent and anger at this moment.Nie Kong's face was extremely gloomy, and his whole body was violent.

He twisted his neck, moved his newly acquired powerful physique a little, and then waved his palm at Buu out of thin air.

With a soft sound, Nie Kong's palm wind blasted out several fierce energy, and suddenly appeared in front of Buu.Buu couldn't react, there were more than a dozen cracks in his body.

Buu touched the torn wound on his body, shock flashed in his eyes.He just failed to injure him with his full attack, but now it's just so bad after the wind blows out?

"Sorry, I tried a little too much." Nie Kong sneered.

"Asshole, you dare to play with me, I will want you to know what the real horror is." Buu twisted his body slightly, and his cracked wound returned to its original shape with the sound of bones.

"Dare to appear in front of me is your stupidest decision!" A bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of Buu's mouth, and his whole body burst out instantly, like a black light, rushing towards Nie Kong in a rampage.

Looking coldly at Buu who was carrying fierce energy, Nie Kong slowly stretched out his palms and shouted: "Get out!" With his shout, the fierce golden flames suddenly spurted out of his palms, heavily. The blow was on Buu who rushed in.

"Boom..." The substantive golden arrogance condensed and hit Buu's body like a cannonball, his expression slightly solidified, and his forward body shot out.He fought desperately with his own qi, until he took a few hundred meters, and finally slowly stopped his figure.

"His power has actually risen to such a level." Buu's smile finally stopped, his expression flooded with shock.Although he blocked Nie Kong's energy bomb, his hands actually turned into powder.Although he could be reborn, Nie Kong gave him irreparable damage for the first time, unlike the original way to mix the divided pieces of meat.

"You don't need to be afraid, I haven't given out all my power yet."

"I am Buu, the strongest demon in the universe, so I am afraid of you?" Buu became angry and roared towards Nie Kong.His speed this time has become significantly faster than just before, and his violent speed has not brought any wind pressure, which is strange and strange.When the strength reaches their level, it has been able to weaken the resistance brought by the air.

Nie Kong calmly felt the oncoming Buu. On one side of his body, Buu's huge fist brought fierce energy and leaned out against Nie Kong's ear.

The powerful qi flowed gently, and Nie Kong ghostly walked around behind Buu, and his fist containing powerful force hit the middle of his back and neck heavily.

"Kacha..." A slight abnormal sound, accompanied by a trace of cracks, gradually spread between Buu's back.Where Nie Kong's fist hit, a black dimensional crack unexpectedly burst.

At this moment, Nie Kong's physical strength alone was able to break the barriers of the dimension..

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