The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0548, refining Buu

The fist smashed into the sky, referring to Nie Kong's situation now.A hole in Buu's neck was broken, and the location where his fist hit was shattered.Nie Kong, who is now Super Second, has enough power to hurt Buu's body.

"Ah..." Buu let out a painful scream, and instantly fled away from Nie Kong.The black meat squirmed and he returned to his original state.Physical attacks can only cause weak physical damage to him, and cannot hurt his roots.

When Buu formed again, Nie Kong appeared.He grabbed his newly recovered neck with his right hand, slapped his head with a fierce palm with his left hand, and slapped his head directly into his stomach.

"You..." Before Buu could speak, Nie Kong's continuous attacks responded.His body was dented, and the black flesh was beaten awkwardly.

Buu is very resistant to fights and is really a good material for natural sandbags.Nie Kong felt resentful towards Buu, and abused Buu's body to vent his anger.

"It's amazing, Buu who absorbed Wukong and the others didn't have the left to resist." Seeing Nie Kong's violent performance, Piccolo and the others felt passionate.

The Realm King God was watching this battle, and he couldn't help being excited when he saw Nie Kong re-suppressing the Demon Buu without having to fight back.The victory of the battle affects the safety of the earth and is related to the order of the entire universe.

In the end, Nie Kong fought for a long time, using the terrifying energy that was enough to smash the planet to smash his body into mud.

When Buu tried to recover his body again, another force struck him, crushing his pieces again and again, and he recovered again and again.The terrifying air almost completely enveloped the scope of the earth, which was shocking to the world.Nie Kong strongly suppressed Buu's immortality, and he couldn't recover it in a short time.

"Boom..." The liquid demon Buu strangely didn't recover himself again, but rushed to Nie Kong's mouth at an extremely fast speed, actually trying to pour himself into Nie Kong's body.

Nie Kong looked at the rushing liquid Buu indifferently, a terrifying beam of energy exploded from his mouth.The power of the explosion was terrifying, and the strong sense of shock was devastating.

Majin Buu's liquid black body shattered into tiny fleshy foam, but his qi did not disappear.Nie Kong looked at the broken Demon Buu, he had reason to believe Buu would be resurrected again.

Sure enough, as expected, those tiny pieces were suspended in the void, and finally glued into a whole, which was the disappearing Demon Buu.However, being hit hard by Nie Kong, his anger dropped a lot.

If it is the original little Buu, it is impossible to reduce his infinite stamina, but he is a big Buu who has integrated Wukong and the realm king.

Nie Kong's face showed a little seriousness, Buu's cellular flesh must be completely wiped out, otherwise it would definitely resurrect.Try to expend his physical strength, and then kill him to avoid future troubles.

Buu didn't expect that he would be so embarrassed, Nie Kong in front of him was so powerful that he was beyond his imagination.

"Although you are strong, you can't kill me."

"It seems that you don't understand the gap between us. In that case, let's take a closer look." Nie Kong opened his right hand and aimed at Buu who was a hundred meters away.The terrifying arrogance condensed in his palm, forming a circular compressed golden gas bomb with a radius of 3 meters.

The materialized golden energy ball exudes an aura of destruction, powerful and palpitating.Buu's eyes widened, and he looked at the substantive energy ball with some trepidation.

If it were hit, Buu couldn't imagine whether his immortality would be safe.It is too strong enough to destroy itself.

The faint roar, the shock of space.When the horrible fluctuations approached Buu, he chose to avoid and fled quickly, obviously not intending to attack it.

"Do you want to escape?"

Nie Kong's left hand sprayed out a golden blade like a materialized blade, which penetrated Buu's body like a hook and tied Buu's figure.Then the golden energy ball in his right hand completely swallowed him, just like the baptism of a tsunami.

The terrifying energy made him feel like he was facing hell, and the explosion produced in an instant blasted him into powder.The space of a hundred meters around was implicated, and black holes were broken.Fortunately, the space is very stable, and there is no storm of space.

"Majin Buu..." Babidi showed a panic expression. He was afraid, afraid of Nie Kong, who will become stronger in the Vietnam War, and Nie Kong, who is afraid of being unbeatable.

The aftermath of the explosion subsided slowly, and Buu's body was directly shattered into powder.They wriggle slowly and slowly condense into a mass.Compared to the previous fast, Buu is now extremely slow to recover.

After being directly exploded by Nie Kong's powerful energy bomb, he was already able to catch it.He was hit hard and his strength dropped to freezing point.If it took a second to recover before, it is estimated that it will take 10 minutes to recover.

"Unexpectedly, you didn't get rid of every cell. It seems that you can only use that trick to deal with you. You can go to death!"

Nie Kong grabbed the black meat ball with his hands and lifted it into the air, staring at it coldly.The murderous intent in his eyes was fierce and domineering, and the breath of his body enveloped Buu who was a prey.

Hearing Nie Kong's icy voice, Buu Meat Group rebelled against Nie Kong. As the incarnation of evil, he was afraid at this moment.Nie Kong's strength was deeply imprinted in his mind.Such a ridiculous thing, he couldn't imagine it would happen to him.

Since the energy can't kill all of him in an instant, it can only kill its soul.

The flame of nothingness appeared in Nie Kong's palm, and it burned strangely. It was a terrible flame that would be produced after Nie Kong's powerful soul power supported it.

Nie Kong increased his energy output, and the flames suddenly rose and became more illusory and larger.The terrifying heat and scorching void became blurred, and even the space was a little broken.

The fiery heat of nothingness stood in Nie Kong's palm, and the light and shadow of nothingness illuminated Nie Kong's face.When the flame was at its strongest, Nie Kong stamped Buu's meatballs severely.The terrifying pain even surpassed the damage that Nie Kong energy bombs just brought him.Buu trembled, as if the flame was born to restrain him.Rou Tuan was struggling, but could not escape Nie Kong's power.

"Watch me refine you."

If he was a heyday Buu, Nie Kong would find it a bit tricky, but now he is facing Buu who is weak to the point of freezing.

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