The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0550, eventually become a super three

My qi is already so strong, I didn't expect it to increase exponentially like this.Although the pill contains Buu and two super three essences, the degree of improvement still surprised Nie Kong.The pill made by accidental refining, unexpectedly has such a heaven-defying effect, it is indeed a pill for the cultivation of the magic way.

When Nie Kong finished absorbing the explosive energy of the pill that Buu and the others refined, his bones became stronger and stronger during the condensing of Qi, and his muscles became more and more perfect in the constant peristaltic movement. It seems to be undergoing a change in general.Nie Kong could vaguely feel that he was very different from the original. The bones and muscles, like steel in the fierce fire, were tempered with energy to become tougher and full of explosive power.

The strong body that could accommodate Nie Kong Chaoer's transformation is moving in a stronger direction.Its efficacy can even resist Nie Kong's years of hard cultivation.

"Boom, boom..." On the silent earth, Nie Kong's beating heart made a sound like a bronze bell.Slowly beating more and more fiercely, Nie Kong felt that his heart seemed to be beating out of his body.Even in the first Super League before, there was no such strong feeling, an inexplicable feeling derives from the bottom of my heart.Following his violent roar, Nie Kong's entire body muscles trembled.

The golden flames around him flashed like stars in the sky.

With the violent tremor of the whole earth, the clouded sky disappeared, and somehow changed.The night fell on the earth, and the half-circle moon hung in the sky strangely.

"Dapla, take advantage of his weird situation now, you take action to kill him." Looking at Nie Kong, who became more and more horrified, the wizard Babidi swallowed his saliva.He knew that if he waited for Nie Kong to wake up, he would be the first one to deal with.

Rather than just sitting and waiting for death, it is better to take advantage of everyone's attention to him, and fight for a chance.Apart from him, the strongest person at the scene was his puppet Dapla.If Nie Kong can be successfully eliminated, his dream of conquering the universe may be able to continue.

"Yes, Lord Babidi." Dapla was controlled by Babidi and could only be obedient.He exploded with a black arrogance comparable to Wukong's Super No. 2 and rushed towards Nie Kong at the fastest speed with his fists that condensed his whole body.

"No, Babidi actually wants to attack Nie Kong." The realm king gods only paid attention to Nie Kong, completely forgetting that apart from Buu, there were two powerful enemies that had not been killed.Seeing Dapla rushed to the vicinity of Nie Kong, they couldn't stop it.

"Boom..." Dapla hit the golden flames outside Nie Kong, and there was a terrible shock.What surprised the Realm Kings and the others was that Dapu La, who was so powerful, immediately turned into powder after encountering Nie Kong's expanding arrogance.

Only relying on the flash of arrogance to expand and contract, he killed Dapla.His anger was so terrifying that it was simply appalling.

"Dapla..." After watching the death of his last puppet, Babidi fell into a realm of embarrassment.Now that no one can protect him, he must endure the wrath of the world kings and gods.

"Damn Babidi, all things are caused by you." Piccolo couldn't control the monstrous anger first, and his right hand turned into a palm knife and struck Babidi's neck.

Babidi's eyes flashed with horror, and he hurriedly chanted a spell to release to his strong defensive cover, blocking Piccolo's attack.

Piccolo was surprised that he could block his full blow.

"Bick, we're here to help you." Tianjin Fan and the others have endured such a long time, and their hearts have already been so angry.All kinds of energy bombs bombarded Babidi, and he was poorly dead.

After solving all the enemies, now they stay where they are and look at Nie Kong quietly.They were very curious about why Nie Kong had such a change.Although Buu has become a pill, is it possible that he can absorb Buu's power?

Bits of time passed, and the flickering arrogance stopped shrinking into Nie Kong's body.At this time, his body didn't emit any arrogance, he looked like an ordinary person.

When everyone was confused, the half-round moon hanging in the sky was strangely stained red into a gorgeous blood red, like a blood moon.Standing in front of the moon, Nie Kong was very strange.

"Ah..." As the blood moon descended, Nie Kong's shrinking arrogance suddenly burst out.With his roar of shattering the space, the bright silver flame covered his 100-meter range.

With him as the center, the entire earth has cracked deep rifts in all directions.Tightly burst his arrogance, it was enough to destroy a huge planet.The biggest change was that the flames changed from the original golden yellow, and Nie Kong's qi changed to bright silver.His qi is like solid mercury flowing around him.

"No...impossible, how could anyone in the universe have such a powerful energy response." The Realm King God was horrified, his body trembling, obviously afraid of Nie Kong's burst of power.

His qi is improving, reaching an unprecedented level.As the bright silver flames flowed, Nie Kong's body shape was also changing.

The golden hair with long ears was dyed a ruby-like scarlet, the muscles all over his body were more protruding, and the whole person was 30 cm tall.

The silver arrogance, standing in the middle is the bright red hair.And with the blood moon behind as a background, he is so powerful and compelling.Piccolo and the others were limp on the ground, their faces pale and bloodless.

It was terrifying, his power was terrifying, and they simply didn't have any resistance.

"Yeah." Nie Kong opened his eyes closed for a long time, and golden lightning flashed from his eyes.The corner of his mouth slowly pulled out a confident smile, and he had already felt the change in his body.

Unexpectedly, I swallowed Buu's refining concerns, and broke through from Super 2 to Super 3.The huge energy flowing in the body made Nie Kong himself be frightened, and that was a full 8 times increase compared to Chao Er.

Nie Kong, who is over three, has increased 1,600 times his normal level, which is really terrifying.It is estimated that no one in the universe can beat him anymore.

If the Buu absorbing Wukong and the others in the past could bring him a lot of trouble in the second stage, now Nie Kong estimates that a finger can kill him.

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