The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0551, the world king god star

Although Buu has been completely wiped out in the world, the panic of the world's weak humans has not stopped, but signs of intensifying.Because Nie Kong and the others were fighting so intense just now that the earth is now facing a crisis of destruction.

We must know that a mere 20,000 combat power can destroy a planet, not to mention the energy surpassed hundreds of millions of times.At this moment, the earth is facing the same encounter with the original Namek.

The originally stable continental plates were torn apart, partly caused by fighting, and partly caused by the explosion of Qi from Nie Kong's breakthrough.The hurricane whizzed and the earthquake mountain shook.The city near the sea was directly submerged by the overwhelming tsunami.

The entire planet is panicking, and reporters from TV station staff who are in charge of news reports about events report on the world.Dilapidated streets, ruined tiles.One by one collapsed buildings, as well as the sunken ground, the streets and alleys of the earth are immersed in a quiet atmosphere, without the tranquility and bustle of the past.Humans scrambled to get out of the accident center by transportation, but found that the whole world is the same.

The surrounding ground has once again undergone subtle changes, and the cracked cracks shone crimson light.While breathing, the magma in the depths of the earth burst out like a cannonball.

"Oops...Due to the impact of the battle they just happened, the most important core of the earth has been damaged hard to repair, and the whole world is about to explode." The Realm King God exclaimed.He is able to clearly understand the changes of the earth when he manages the large and small creatures in the universe.Seeing the destruction of countless creatures with his own eyes, the Realm King God was also sad.

"how is this possible."

Piccolo, who was still shocked by Nie Kong's power, was stunned. They didn't expect that the matter would be so serious.Originally thought they had Dragon Ball, they could repair the damage the earth suffered.But now the situation is urgent. I am afraid that the earth has exploded before they can collect the dragon balls.

Although they have the ability to teleport, only Piccolo can teleport between stars.They are too weak to capture the breath outside the earth.

"There is no other way, now we can only leave the earth. The people I can save are limited, and I can only take you away from here. You gather around me quickly, and Jebit will take us away to another world." Wang Shen shouted at them.

"Master Realm King, do you mean you want to take them to the Holy Land Realm King Divine Star. It's a forbidden place, how can humans be allowed to pass?" Jebit persuaded.

"Could it be that Jebit, do you have any other way? You can only sacrifice more lives if you stick to the rules. They are the heroes who wiped out the Demon Buu, and it is right to save them." Realm King God said lightly.

"Since it was decided by Lord Realm King God, then I have nothing to say." Jebite smiled bitterly.

"Yes...Yes, Lord Realm King God." Tianjin Fan and the others sighed, their delusion of restoring the world through Dragon Ball was shattered, and now they hope that the Dragon Ball of Namek can have the power to revive their homeland.

Piccolo moved to the Temple of Heaven in an instant, bringing Dandy and Bobo here.They gathered in a group, waiting for the arrangement of the world king.Although he has the ability to escape, Piccolo wants to see the legendary holy land.

"Hey...Nie Kong, did you hear that, the world is about to explode!" Klin opened his mouth and shouted at Nie Kong, who was shining with silver in the sky.

Nie Kong, who had personally destroyed the world, certainly knew what was going on, and didn't care much about its destruction.It was the resurrection of Dragon Ball anyway, and the destruction of the world could not affect him.

Containing his breath, Nie Kong exhaled and restored his normal state.Super 3 is really reluctant for his current body, and it is estimated that he can adapt to it after a period of cultivation.

Bouma rushed with Blah with a smile of joy in the corner of her eyes.Their man did not let them down, he really defeated Buu, the devil who destroyed the world.They are proud, because the man they like is the strongest in the universe.

Bula, who was born to practice hard to help Nie Kong, saw his father defeat the bad guys, and his thoughts disappeared in a blink of an eye.With the strongest father in the universe to protect himself, would he still be afraid of others?

Little Bra is good at everything, but doesn't like to practice, but likes to study some inexplicable inventions.It would be okay if she could research works that were as successful as Bouma, but they were all weird.

Apart from the earth, Nie Kong had nowhere to go.After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to take Bouma and the others to see the so-called legendary realm king who manages the center of the universe.

Nie Kong showed up near Picco with the girls, and Jiebit used his unique teleportation to take them to Divine Star.

When they arrived at the Holy Land, Bouma and the others were immediately attracted by the lush foliage in front of them.Flat fields, spacious lawns... The air here is much fresher than the earth, full of quiet and peaceful atmosphere.The breath rushing to the face, as if it can nourish the human soul.Bick and the others who came, all groaned comfortably.

Just smelling the breath, they felt that their troubles were gone.If you could live here, how comfortable it would be, it was a paradise.

It is the central nerve of the entire universe and can control the divine way of the entire universe.A lot of information is conveyed here from various planets, and the world king god can choose to receive and process information.

"You are the first human beings to appear on the realm king god star. This place is usually a forbidden place for the realm kings." Jiebit said.

Brahman looked at Jiebet dissatisfiedly, and said angrily: "I'm not uncommon, my father's world is much more beautiful than here."

Nie Kong's Dingtian Ring was nourished by the power of faith, and its vitality was more than 10 times stronger than that of the Realm King Divine Star.For example, the daughter Lias, after appearing once, she still feels comfortable with Nie Kong's Ding Tian Ji.

"Jiebit, you should change your temperament." The Realm King said with a wry smile.Nie Kong's strength has exceeded his imagination.Regardless of combat effectiveness, or Shinto.How can such a powerful and unstable factor that threatens the peace of the universe be treated with this attitude?

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