The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0554, Bra’s strange disappearance (Dragon Ball is over)

"Nie Jun, you are the Great Realm King God of the universe. You should be able to find every corner of the universe. Our naughty daughter, where can we escape?" Bouma laughed and said nothing to Nie Kong. care.

Nie Kong's face was solemn, he realized that things were beyond his ability.The daughter has indeed disappeared. There are two possibilities.One is that someone can hide from him and kill their favorite daughter privately.The second is that Bula may have invented a very strange prop to avoid his detection.

Both of them are incredible, and Nie Kong definitely rejected them.Nie Kong blamed himself very much when his daughter disappeared from his sight.My daughter has grown up, but she was just 15 years old.

"No...I searched the entire universe, but I didn't find Bra's shadow." Nie Kong said with a serious expression.

After hearing Nie Kong's words, the six girls who had enjoyed the aftermath of H were all stunned.

"How is it possible? Could it be that Bra would have jumped out of the universe?" Bouma said in disbelief, her daughter obviously didn't have such power.

"How can this be good? Did something happen to Little Bra?" The two Vidili were anxious, they said worriedly.After being together for ten years, they had long regarded Brahman as their daughter.

"Jun Nie, you are looking for it carefully, maybe you just missed something." The current number 18 reminded.

"I tried it, it didn't work. I'm very surprised, how could she suddenly disappear. Originally I thought she was going to play with you, but I never thought she would disappear." Nie Kong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Could it be that Bula can jump out of the universe in a short time? It's impossible," Qiqi said softly.

"Out of the universe, could it be said that she...she..." Bouma seemed to have thought of something, her eyes were unbelievable, and she was stunned.

"Buma, what clue did you find?" Nie Kong asked Buma eagerly, holding Buma's fragrant shoulder.

Buma recovered, and smiled bitterly: "Some time ago she found the time machine hidden in the warehouse. I blamed me for telling her the function of the machine. And she secretly studied the time machine Nie Jun was riding in and took it apart. After thorough research, I thought about it for a long time and reassembled it into a new machine... I originally thought she was just curious for a while, who knew..."

"Do you want to say that Bula left our time and space on the time machine? But why did she do this? Obviously, she is already very good now." The future 18th asked with puzzlement.They will take the time machine to go back to the past and change because of the powerful Sharu in the future.

"Who understands this crazy girl's thoughts, I hope my guess is wrong. After her own modification, who can predict what will happen to the machine?" Bouma sighed.

Who would have thought that Brahman would be so crazy, and actually use the improved time machine to go back in time, wanting to see whether his father would choose himself or his mother?Hehe, he is more attractive than a young mother.

Seeing his dad who didn't understand his identity was seduced by himself, and thinking of such an interesting thing, Bla felt very excited and very exciting.And the purpose of her improvement is to go to a different dimension, so as not to change the future.If you change the past and make yourself disappear, it will be miserable.

"It seems that Bouma is true. I probed the warehouse with my spiritual sense and found that the time machine had disappeared. Brah, she took the time machine and left our time and space. No wonder I couldn't find her trace." Kong frowned.

"But... But if the time machine runs out of energy, if the machinery she invented has a problem that is difficult to repair, and is lost in the turbulent flow of time and space, how can it be good." Bouma is worried about losing her only daughter. She is her. Ah's heart.

The barriers of the dimension can only be broken with the Po Yuan array.There is Nie Kong's blood in Buula, and he can use its positioning to travel to the dimension where she is.

Just thinking that he might return to the Dragon Ball plot and collect Buma and the others again, Nie Kong felt like a smile.He was very strange, how could Little Bra have the idea of ​​taking a time machine.

He closed his eyes silently, and the goal of spiritual consciousness was his familiar bloodline, not searching for Bra's qi.Finally, after half an hour of searching, he noticed Ruoyuowu's familiarity.

Although they were separated by many dimensions, they couldn't stop their sense of blood connection.Nie Kong finally breathed a sigh of relief after discovering Bra's trail.

"I have discovered her breath, it seems necessary to go and bring her back."

Boomer frowned and said, "But it will take half a year to build a second time machine."

"With my strength, I don't need the help of the time machine. If I can, I can leave the time and space where I am now. But we may leave here forever." Dragon Ball has no nostalgia, it's time to leave such a high-risk world. .

Thinking about the persecution of the Japanese gods before, Nie Kong still feels lingering fears.Now the plot has changed a lot, and although the collection of faith power is not destroyed as much, it can reach half.

Destroying the world is too arrogant, if you find it again, you will definitely die.The Three Emperors had already persuaded him to proceed carefully, they couldn't do anything.

With the current super three level equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation base, they are simply wishful thinking to defeat the Golden Immortal level.The time of the second element was created by them, how can the power system in it surpass them?

"Is that so?" Bouma and their eyes flashed with nostalgia, and they seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied with the world.

It's just that Dr. Bulma is dying of old age now, and Satan is the same, they are the last nostalgia of Bulma.The erosion of time has taken away their youth.

"The fortress of research can be moved into my world. You can live in my world for a while." Nie Kong did not hide the matter of Dingtian Jie, they may have been inside many times.

"Where is Jun Nie, where will we follow." Buma said firmly.

After moving the research castle a few miles away into the desolate and unpopulated forest in Dingtianjie, Nie Kong silently searched for the breath of Bra and opened the Poyuan Formation.The milky faith flowed, and shot a dozen-meter giant blade that broke through the dimension.

Familiar with the process, Nie Kong calmly plunged into the black hole.It's just that he didn't expect that things weren't what he thought.

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