The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0555, Dangbula meets Lara

A prosperous and technologically prosperous city is more developed than the Western Capital.Groups of gorgeous buildings with peculiar design stand tall, and the lights are as dazzling as the stars in the sky.The streets are rampant, like clear ridges.

At this time, on the roof of a certain high-rise building, a machine that looked like a small rocket appeared strangely.The top of it is a transparent glass cabin, showing a semicircular shape, and inside is the seat of the driver.

The glass cabin slowly slid open, and the people in it jumped out of the cockpit.The shawl-long light green hair is dancing in the wind, and the big light green eyes are as bright as stars.She was wearing a pale green dress, and she looked cuter than an elf.

After putting the time machine into the universal capsule, Blah had the opportunity to observe the world he came into.Only when she saw the strange sight before her eyes, she was dumbfounded.Will this be the past world? I am afraid it is the future.

With tall buildings rising side by side, there are more mature and advanced technologies than Dragon Ball World.After a half-hour tour, Bra found that the people here are different from her, they have spades-shaped tails.

It turns out that this is not the earth, I came to another alien planet.That said, how could the time machine I remodeled go wrong.The triumphant little Bra, thinks himself.

After solving the confusion, Bula eagerly wanted to have a spaceship to shuttle back to Earth.

"Oh my god, where is this place?" Little Bra, who was floating in the air, wandered about a planet several times larger than the earth, and opened his mouth slightly to vomit: "It's been so long, why haven't you found a spaceship."

I just wanted to ask someone to ask, but although the streets are bright at night, there are almost no pedestrians passing by.

Bula wandered through the magnificent city, and finally found the traces of the characters in front of the largest fortress in the middle.

At this time, there was a girl in fancy dress standing in front of the tall building. She had long pink hair and big eyes.Dozens of brawny men in black suits and sunglasses were chasing her behind.

"Master Lala, I finally found you." At the front was the white-haired warrior wearing a black armor cloak. He grabbed her wrist with righteous words and said seriously: "Enough hide and seek, please follow Let's go back together."

Lara struggled hard, but still couldn't break free.She escaped with great pains, but how could she give up like this?Just as she was about to use a secret weapon to escape, a crisp sound came from her ear.

"Asshole, let go of that girl."

Looking along the voice, the beautiful girl was as beautiful as Lala, and even cuter girls stopped in front of them.She glared at the criminal abducting the girl and warned.

"Who are you, dare to stop our royal family's private affairs?" The white-haired young man frowned and asked without seeing the peculiar tail behind Bra.He was very vigilant, suspecting that Lala was a killer sent by another planet to assassinate Lord Lala.

"Stop talking nonsense, what I hate most is you villains who bully girls."

Seeing Bla rushing aggressively, the white-haired young man winked at the men behind.The five or six brawny men in black suits nodded their heads, and rushed to Bla savagely.

Although Little Bra has never learned combat skills, his own combat effectiveness is absolutely terrifying.She watched several people move slower than the tortoise, and clenched her small fists and hit them hard.

Boom... The six brawny men who stopped Bula actually reflected back one by one and sank into the hard wall.The white-haired Sustin's eyes were about to protrude. He didn't expect the girl in front of him to be so powerful.He just couldn't see Bra's movements clearly.

"In that case, it is up to Sustin, the captain of my royal guard, to deal with you." He drew out the weapon from his waist and held a green lightsaber in his hands.The sharpness of weapons made by high-tech can be seen.

Little Bra chuckled, his right fist had appeared on his left face, and Sustin couldn't even catch her shadow.Under Bla's great power, Sustin turned into a shining star and disappeared into the sky.I only heard him screaming sadly: "Master Lala..."

"Master Lala, she is so amazing, let's run away." The weird hairpin with pink hair suddenly made a voice.

"Why are you running away? I haven't thanked her for saving me yet." Lala said in confusion.

"But... but Pei Kai is worried about Lala's safety..." No wonder it will be nervous, Lala is the first heir to the royal family of Debbie Lustar.If there is an accident, it will definitely cause turbulence in the universe.

"Thank you for saving me. My name is Lala." Lala, who was completely unsuspecting, didn't wait for Pei Kai to finish, and looked at Bula curiously and said.

"Don't rush to thank me, I happen to have something to ask you for help." Bra shook his hand and said with a grin.

"Ahhhhhh, do you want me to help you?" Laila asked her innocently, touching her lips.

"It's over, it's over, it's kidnapping..." Pei Kai said cryingly.

"My name is Nie Xin, my nickname is Bra, and I come from the earth. I came here by accident, so I want to borrow a spaceship from you to go back. It's a fate. Both of us have a la character."

"Hey...Is it the earth on the edge of the universe? I was planning to go there to avoid the annoying blind dates my father arranges for me every day. In that case, let's leave together." Lala seems to have found her companion, Shining His shiny eyes were filled with excitement.

"Warning, don't make bad ideas, Lord Lala's father is the emperor who rules the entire universe. She is the first heir to the royal family." Pei Kai issued a warning.

Cut, if you want to rule the universe, it's my father.My father is the highest god in the universe, the Great Realm King God.

"Could it be that your father is Frieza?" Bula curiously asked.

She knows history. The former Frieza dominated the universe until her father defeated him.

"Who is Frieza? My father's name is Cheetah? Lucion? Debby Luke. Ten years ago he defeated the enemy and ruled the universe." Lara explained.

Could it be that I have come to a different dimension? I have succeeded!!Bula really wanted to laugh up to the sky, she could finally see her father when she was young.

Two beautiful girls stand side by side, each with its own characteristics.Of course, Lala is the best and the best, and Bra, who inherits the blood of Nie Kong and maintains the best fighting form, is slightly slender.

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