The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 057, the demon return home

"Where are you the demon beast, do you have to learn from the Satan zombie beast to resist me. Die or surrender, choose one." Nie Kong dragged the burning blood whip and walked in front of the demon beast.

The eyes of King's Landing looked down at the demon beast below him, and his domineering and stern face seemed to be incapable of any resistance.

"Vampire Beast King, I am willing to surrender!" The monster girl originally thought that she would be ruthlessly annihilated like the Satan zombie beast, but after hearing Nie Kong's words, her tight heart finally relaxed.

She immediately climbed under Nie Kong's body and knelt down in front of Nie Kong, her red eyes with surrender!The demon girl beast at this time was finally completely conquered by Nie Kong.

Nie Kong didn't expect that the characters of the Heavenly Girl Beast and the Demon Girl Beast would be so disagreeable, and suddenly became jealous in front of him.To talk about the degree of love between the two, Nie Kong naturally liked the celestial beast in his heart.

After all, the celestial beast entrusted everything she had to him.Even when she was in a coma last time, she recovered quickly under her care.

"Yes, Dad loves Jia'er the most!" Nie Kong hugged Jia'er's petite body and nodded in response.

"In addition to Jia'er, I also like the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast! As for the Monster Beast, it depends on how you perform in the future."

The flower-like faces of the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy immediately burst into a happy smile, and any dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared without a trace in front of Nie Kong's words.

After the women finally calmed down, Nie Kong paid attention to the Digimon world in the sky.They have been back in the world for almost a day, in other words a long time has passed in the Digimon world.

The Digimon world at this moment is even more distorted. In the human world, even the Tokyo Tower seems to be able to touch the Digimon world that is pressed down in the sky.

It's so close at hand, you can touch the opposite world with your hand!

Nie Kong was a little stunned. The Digimon world in the sky wouldn't just suppress the human world and force it together.

"Master, don't worry. Regardless of the world of Digimon or the world of Digimon, no one can block your way to rule the entire universe." Yaonv Beast thought Nie Kong was worried about this issue, and said vowedly.

"I didn't worry about this issue. I was thinking whether this world would be destroyed?" Nie Kong shook his head and said.

The Celestial Beast was as quiet as ever and whispered: "Master, if you can't prevent the distortion of the Digimon world. Then the destruction of the two worlds will sooner or later be a matter of time."

"Then Akong, shall we also be destroyed with the destruction of the world? No, I haven't had enough fun with Akong." Huaxian Beast shook his head vigorously.

"Dad, I'm so scared!" Jiaer heard these world-destroying remarks, her face full of worry and anxiety.

"Go back to the Digimon world first. If it doesn't work, I will take you to another world. I am the only person in the world who has the right to decide your life or death!" Nie Kong will not spare any world to save, anyway he will not. Will stay in the Digimon world for a long time.If it were destroyed, the three bosses in the three-dimensional dimension would be eager to do so.

The eyes of the monster girl are full of brilliance, and it seems that Nie Kong's domineering words are filled in her heart!This is the master who can be worthy of him!

The eyes of the three women who had been to Nie Kong Ding Tianjie brightened, and they believed in Nie Kong's words. In their view, Nie Kong's Dingtian Ring is another world at all! Does not belong to the world of Digimon!

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