The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 058, teaching

After preparing everything, Nie Kong and the others returned to the Digimon world through the high-altitude passage.This time Nie Kong obviously felt that the boundary between the two worlds had declined a lot.Nie Kong had some doubts whether the human world could last two or three days.

Since the human world has a "map" of the Digimon world, this time it was easy to return to Sabah, which saved a lot of time.

Back in the Digimon world, what made Nie Kong feel uncomfortable was that the whole world had no life at all and was full of the smell of death.On the way back to his vampire beast castle, there is really no Digimon!

This situation gave Nie Kong a sense of crisis in his heart. In order to adapt to the world that is about to be destroyed at any time, Nie Kong felt that he must replenish his energy at any time and be ready for the next crossing!

On the road, Nie Kong dug countless trees and threw them into his ring space. There were fruit numbers as food and big trees as buildings.I always feel that there is only one plant in the ring, which is too monotonous!Moreover, Nie Kong moved a smooth river into his ring.

Now in the ring, there are flowers, grass, and water, almost creatures can form a real world!!Nevertheless, staying in the Digimon world and eating the monster as soon as possible is talking.

He couldn't wait that long. If he went to the second world before letting the demon beast eat it, he didn't know what would happen.

After arriving at the castle, Nie Kong did not find the evil beast guarding the gate, and even the little evil beast that had always been loyal was missing!

"Dad, this world has become so scary! Except for us, there is no Digimon!" Even Jiaer felt uncomfortable with the color of loneliness.

"That's all right, you go back to Dad's space first, where there are Meimei and Suna with you, you should not be afraid. When Dad arrives in the next world, I will let you out."

"Well, dad, don't let Jia'er wait too long!" Jia'er looked at Nie Kong silently, and nodded obediently.To be honest, in Ding Tian Ji, I feel really more comfortable than the current world.

It's not a shame that she is my good daughter. I just thought about whether it would be inconvenient for Jiaer to be there. I didn't expect Jiaer to ask for it and leave me.Nie Kong couldn't help kissing Jiaer's forehead.

"What about you, do you want to go back?" Nie Kong turned and asked the Heavenly Female Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast.

Seeing the indifferent demon beast next to Nie Kong, the celestial beast bit her small mouth lightly, "I want to stay with my master forever, not going anywhere."

"Akong, let me accompany Jia'er back! By the way, use my power to plant all the trees that have just been transplanted!" Although the flower fairy beast is usually a crazy girl, she still knows how to measure.

Nie Kong nodded, and immediately opened Jia'er and the Flower Fairy Beast into the Dingtian Ring.With the help of Suna and Meimei, I believe that Dingtianjie will soon become a beautiful world.

Yao Nv Beast glanced at her master curiously, and she felt that her master was not simple, giving her a very mysterious feeling all over her body.She can never figure it out, she can't guess it!!

"Youth beast, the beast, you two, come with me, time is tight now, no time is wasted!" Nie Kong walked to the bedroom first without saying a word.

"Hey, the celestial beast, do you know what the master wants to do?" The demon beast stabbed the celestial beast with her arm and asked in a low voice.

"Huh, what the master's mind is that you, a new servant who just joined, will know." The Celestial Beast snorted, showing a proud look at the Beast, ignoring the Beast and immediately followed Nie Kong.

"Isn't it just to follow the master's side earlier, what's so great!" Seeing the proud look of the Tiannv beast, the monster girl tickled with hatred.

After arriving in Nie Kong's bedroom, Nie Kong took off all the clothes on his body and lay comfortably on the largest bed in the bedroom.

When the celestial beast saw Nie Kong's body, a red flower appeared on her pretty face. Nie Kong didn't wait for Nie Kong to say that she took the initiative to take off the veil on her body, revealing her holy and beautiful figure.

"Master, are you going to start cultivating?" The celestial beast softened into Nie Kong's arms shyly, and said softly, holding Nie Kong's body.

"Haha, don't worry! Before cultivating with you, it's not too late to tune and train the nymph beast!" Nie Kong picked up the celestial beast without a trace and resisted the urge to push the nymph beast.

"Master, do whatever you want to treat the Demon Girl Beast." The Demon Girl Beast didn't know what Nie Kong was going to do, but the moment she declared her loyalty to Nie Kong, she could no longer violate Nie Kong's ideas.

"Master, I will join the other day!" The Celestial Beast also seemed so excited, and seemed to be very interested in training the Beast.

"I'll talk later when I have a chance." Nie Kong did not agree or refuse, and gave an ambiguous answer to the celestial beast.

"Climb up and kneel in front of me." Nie Kong directly gave orders to the monster girl.

The demon beast didn't dare to defy, and after hesitating a moment, she obediently climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of Nie Kong.Even if there were three people, the bed didn't look too small.

"Look up, take off the leather jacket that is draped on you!" As Nie Kong's words just fell, the celestial beast beside her couldn't help it, she directly stretched out her hands and desperately pulled the leather jacket that was wrapped around the beast's body. .

When the monster girl wanted to resist, Nie Kong's outstretched palm was already slapped on her ass.

"Don't resist!" The monster girl who was still stubborn was shot, as if all the strength of her body had been drawn out, her eyes were grieved and looked at Nie Kong.

Under the efforts of the Heavenly Girl Beast, the leather coat on the Demon Girl Beast was torn to pieces.Finally, all the secrets of Yaonv Beast's body were completely exposed to Nie Kong's eyes.

The skin has a different style from that of the Celestial Beast, with a slender waist and thin legs, especially the breasts are a bit bigger than the Celestial Beast.

The two women have similar faces, but they have completely opposite temperaments.The temperament of the two is more prominent in this close comparison.It's like the witch beast becomes more enchanting, and the celestial beast becomes more holy.

"Master, what do you want to do to me." It seems that the monster girl developed by coquettish, after being taken off all the clothes by the goddess, seemed a little at a loss, it seems that this is the first time to face this situation.

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