The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0558, Perverted Principal vs Yuki Rido

Appeared on the roof of the teaching building, and the classroom on the bottom floor was the class where the students Nie Kong seemed to be familiar with.In addition to male students with short orange hair, Nie Kong also attracted the attention of a girl with short blue hair that was slightly melancholy.Her appearance is very sweet, with the tenderness of a girl, giving people a desire to protect her, and she is even better than the Tenjoin Sahee she met in the morning.

The teacher with reading glasses on the podium started to roll the call every day, and the students in the classroom were listlessly responding.Nie Kong thus learned that he wanted to know the names of the two students, the male is Yucheng Lidou, and the girl is Xiliansi Chuncai.

"It's really unexpected to come to the world of the King-Russian girl." After her daughter Bra's modified time machine, she didn't expect to be able to jump out of the Dragon Ball world and come here.Although he was taken aback, Nie Kong had a slight smile in his eyes.

In the play, he understands that there are a lot of lovely girls in the Baowang Girl, and they all revolve around living in Cainan private colleges.The girls are bold and open.

First of all, what Nie Kong wants to do is to become a teacher in a private school, melt into their lives, and destroy the original plot.Nie Kong had two previous teacher experiences, and Nie Kong was already familiar with it.

As Nie Kong thought about his plan, the bell rang in his ears after class.Nie Kong returned to his senses and left the rooftop from the staircase.As he walked to the corner of the classroom, Nie Kong just knocked over Yuuki Lidou who had rushed out of the classroom.

"Oh... yes, I bumped into you." Yucheng Lidou rubbed her aching head, and smiled apologetically at Nie Kong.

Nie Kong gritted his teeth, this Yucheng Lidou is really damn, he actually wants to use magical throwing skills on himself.Fortunately, he is strong, otherwise he would have succeeded.

"Li Dou, look at you running so fast and hit someone." The lazy-looking boy with a strong wretched aura stepped out of the classroom and said to Li Dou who fell to the ground.

"Saruyama is all your fault, isn't it if you chase me, will I hit someone?" Li Dou stood up and said dissatisfied with the buddies behind.

"I'm fine, please don't mind. By the way, I just wanted to find someone to lead the way. Do you know where the principal's office is?" Nie Kong said.

When the two heard Nie Kong's words, they finally paid attention to Nie Kong's appearance.He looks so handsome, he is about twenty-two years old, unlike a school student.

"The principal's office? As an apology for bumping into you, let Li Dou take you a ride." Saruyama patted Li Dou on the shoulder and said as expected.

"No problem. Although the school is not very big, it will take a long time if no one leads the way. Please come with me." Li Dou said gently.

Nie Kong nodded and followed behind him.After spinning for an unknown amount of time, Nie Kong came to a beautifully decorated room.The door was not closed, Li Dou straightly led Nie Kong into the room.

This is a very large office. Behind the central desk sits a middle-aged man wearing round sunglasses.The huge bookshelf behind him is full of books, showing his extraordinary knowledge??

It's just that Nie Kong's spiritual sense clearly found the H poster and comics hidden behind the bookshelf.The principal, who was looking at the girl's three-point poster, saw someone showing up, and immediately hurriedly hid some bad posters from the desk under the table.

He raised his head and showed a very wretched and disgusting look, it was the reincarnation of Zhu Bajie.And the corners of his mouth, there is even a little bit of saliva that has not been wiped clean.It's hard to believe that such a disgusting person will be the principal.

"You are..." the principal asked in doubt with a dignified look.

"He is the principal of our school, you should have very important things to find him." Li Dou introduced.

"My name is Nie Kong, and I want to come to Cainan College as a teacher." Nie Kong, who has the ability to hypnotize, is bound to be a teacher.

Li Dou was relieved. It turned out that he was a teacher. No wonder he appeared here at his age.

"That's right, but the teachers in our school are already sufficient." Seeing that Nie Kong is not the beauty she expected, the girl, the principal put on a hesitant expression.

Nie Kong had already expected such a result. He wanted to hypnotize the principal, but Yucheng Lidou did not leave.If he finds out, it will definitely cause trouble for himself.

Wait, in that case, I have to sacrifice you.Nie Kong suddenly thought of something, with a bad smile on his mouth.Yuki Rado, please don't mind if you take advantage of you.

"If you agree to me, he can leave it to you." Nie Kong pressed his head against the principal's ear and pointed to Li Dou behind him quietly.At the same time, his eyes glowed with powerful soul power, and the hypnotizing principal said Li Dou was a lovely girl, and Li Dou was a girl wearing only three-point style.

The originally male Li Dou instantly changed in the eyes of the principal with a wretched pig face, and turned into a very cute three-pointed girl, and she scratched her head at him.He watched the beautiful girl Li Dou, who was filling his mind, slowly smirked, and let out a bit of disgusting saliva.His pig face was red, his nostrils enlarged and he was spraying rough air, it was a metamorphosis.

Rao knew the principal's abnormality long ago, and Nie Kong was speechless when he saw his expression.

"That's...cute girl at my disposal..." He made a voice, but Li Dou couldn't hear it.

Li Dou's expression was confused, he was a little confused about the principal's huge reaction.

Just about to take off his clothes and pounce on Li Dou, but Nie Kong held his shoulders and said lightly, "Don't worry, you haven't promised me yet."

"Okay... OK, I agree that you will be a teacher in our school. The contract is here. You fill it out and give it to me. Starting tomorrow, you will be our teacher in Cainan College." The principal hurriedly drew out the double contract , I stamped it and threw it to Nie Kong.

A lot of Nie Kong didn't fill in the contract, but the stamped words really gave Nie Kong a lot of freedom.He can choose to be a teacher of any subject and choose to be a teacher of any class.

"Hey... I won't bother you when the deal is done." Nie Kong accepted the contract, left the principal's office with a smile, and helped close the door by the way.

Li Dou was really happy for Nie Kong, maybe he was able to successfully become a teacher in the school.He was about to accompany Nie Kong to leave, but his face paled with fright by the principal's performance.

When Nie Kong released him, he jumped into the air.The light shone, and the principal's clothes were stripped to the bottom of his pants.The speed of taking off his clothes can break the Guinness record.

"Huh...cute beauty...girl, please sign my body." Before Li Dou had time to react, her body was hugged tightly by the principal.He wanted to break free, but the principal's power was too great.

"Yeah... the principal." Seeing the principal's mouth get closer and closer, Li Dou let out a sad scream.

"Ah...uh..." With the last shout, Li Dou's mouth seemed to be blocked.The students passing by the principal's office are rare and weird. They are already immune to the principal's abnormal behavior.

"'s strange, I seem to hear Li Dou's help." Saruyama who was in the classroom suddenly said strangely.

"It must be an illusion, is it too sleepy recently." He shook his head, ignored it and slept on the table instead. .

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