The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0559, Lala arrives

Dragging his tired body out of the principal's office, the principal who stayed inside was picking his teeth with a satisfied smile.And Li Dou was crying in his heart, he spit out desperately, trying to forget the nausea of ​​the principal's fat lips in his mind.

He really wanted to cry, his first kiss was forcibly taken away by the principal.And his body was forcibly touched several times for the abnormal principal.Every time he thought of this, goose bumps appeared on his skin all over his body, and he felt nauseous.

Although I knew that the principal was a pervert, I didn’t expect to be perverted to such an extent, and he actually liked boys.But the teacher Nie Kong just now was such a handsome boy who didn't choose the principal. How could he choose me?

Li Dou regretted leading the way for Nie Kong, and left a bit slower than Nie Kong.If he knew that, he really wanted to ask Saruyama to lead Nie Kong.The spring vegetable sauce I have a crush on, it's a pity that the first kiss could not be offered to you.

After washing his mouth dozens of times, Li Dou returned to his seat and buried his head in the table silently.It would be better to say that Li Dou is an ordinary person, but the principal's face is really not flattering.

"Oh, Lidou, you are just leading the way. Why did you spend the entire class?" The Saruyama in front of him turned his head and curiously asked him.

"Saruyama, I have lost my purity." Li Dou said sadly.

"Wow...what the hell happened? Which girl did you tryst with just now?" Saruyama shook Li Dou vigorously, trying to question Li Dou. What happened was that Li Dou had lost his soul.The best friend Saruyama is very strange, Li Dou should like Haruna.Obviously there were many times to confess to Haruna, although all failed.The hateful Pear Dou, is it secretly crossing Chen Cang.

He never thought that Li Dou would encounter something like that.Maybe when he meets Li Dou and turns into a girl Lizi, he will have the expression of Li Dou when he sees Li Dou turning into a man in H.

Compared to Li Dou's death, Nie Kong seemed quite happy.He chose to fill in the teaching subject is physical education, load-bearing second-year Class A-Li Dou's class.With such lovely Wei and Chuncai all gathered in Class A of the second year, Nie Kong almost immediately determined it.

Originally he wanted to be a math teacher, but he was afraid that his level was too low.Besides, teaching mathematics is too tiring. Compared with sports, it is very simple for Nie Kong.With the power to destroy the world, who can be more athletic than him?As for the former teacher, Nie Kong took care of him whether he was alive or dead.Anyway, the perverted principal agreed, he will make arrangements.With a relaxed mood, Nie Kong returned to his villa.Although there is no time to meet Haruna and the others, there will be many opportunities in the future because he is already their teacher.

In the outer space of the earth, a fierce interstellar war is taking place at this moment.More than a dozen advanced combat spaceships are chasing a civilian spaceship.

"Lalachan, we are about to be chased by them, hurry up." Inside the civilian spaceship, there are two lovely beautiful girls. They are Lala and Bula who escaped from Debby Luxing.

Hearing someone abducted the princess of Debbie Lux, Lara's father, Cheetah, was furious.He sent Sassin, who was guarding the royal family, to intercept and rescue Lala.

It was Sustin and them who surrounded them.Dense light beams shot out from their wings, and the target was the spaceship that Brah was riding in.But Bra's driving skills were superb, and their beams could not hit the spacecraft she was driving.

"Master Lala, please stop your spaceship with us and go back with us if you hear it." Sustin's voice came from the radio wave, and he was persuading Lala to change her mind.

"Hehe... Lalachan, it seems that your father is very worried about you. Now that I am ready to go to Earth, do you want to consider going back?" Bra, who drove the spaceship, chuckled lightly.

"Here...Sassin, don't say anything, I finally escaped, how could I go back." Lala said with a frown.

"But... Master Lala, Master Cheetah, they will worry about you. You are the prince and daughter of our Debby Luke." Sustin was still talking nonsense, and Lara turned off the radio because of annoyance.

"Blachan, speed it up and let's get rid of them." Lala said.

"Okay." Bla nodded his head and immediately pressed the acceleration button.The spacecraft ejected two blue flames, rushing out of their surroundings like a rocket.

"The target speeds up, and if it continues like this..." A certain fighter behind it issued a warning.

"The combat level has been raised to orange, and you are allowed to use Class C weapons. You must not let her escape, you must stop them anyway." Sustin said.

"Understand..." The two wings of each pursuing fighter jet stretched out numerous missiles, aimed at the front Lala and launched them.The densely packed missiles almost covered the space ahead.

Moreover, the missile has a tracking function, and Blah found that he could not avoid them.

"Oops..." Bouma watched as she got closer and closer to the target, but she found that the spaceship she was driving was out of control.

Sustin's control is in place, and the missile's power can only destroy the spacecraft's engine system.Bula regrets that she does not have the ability to survive in outer space like her father.Otherwise, with that powerful fighter, Bula can kill them with one hand.

" seems to be over here." Seeing the stopped spaceship, Sustin smiled.

"I can't help Lalachan, I'm sorry you can only listen to Dad's words to go home." Bula feels very happy to be with Dad, she doesn't understand why Lala runs away from home like this.

"How can you give up here? It's up to me." Pulling and squeezing Bula away, he firmly pressed the hidden button.The spaceship that had stopped, immediately spouted flames again and disappeared in front of them.

Forcibly jumping out of space would be dangerous, but the nerve-racking lesbian has never considered it.

"What..." Sustin, who was determined to win, was shocked. He didn't expect that the prey he got would escape.

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