The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0560, first time to school

The physical education classes of the two-dimensional colleges are very characteristic, and there are two fixed classes every week.Since it is summer, the most content in physical education is track and field and swimming.As for the courses of baseball, tennis, volleyball, etc., wait for the schedule of the physical education teacher.

"Principal, did you enjoy it yesterday?" Nie Kong filled out the contract and took it to the principal's room, smilingly asking the wretched fat pig sitting in the chair.His face is really weird, mostly bald but with two horn-like buns on the left and right.The black round magical sunglasses that he wears well cover his wretched eyes.

Although it was the second time I watched it, Nie Kong still felt sick.Considering that yesterday's Xiaoshou Li Dou actually encountered his forcible wretchedness, Nie Kong felt deeply sympathetic, it was hard for him to bear it.

"Hey...very good and cute, I would really like to try a few more times if I have time." The principal rubbed his fat hands, as if reminiscing about the touch at that time.You have to do it a few more times, you are trying to drive Li Dou crazy.

"Since it's a deal, it will be worthwhile if you are satisfied. I have already written the contract, please have a look." Nie Kong put them on the principal's desk casually.

The principal glanced at the contract Nie Kong had filled out, and his smiling face was like a bitter gourd.

"Okay, I will arrange for you to start work as soon as possible." The class Nie Kong teaches already has a teacher, and the principal can only ask him to teach other classes, which caused him a lot of trouble.

Nie Kongshen nodded in agreement, and then spent half a day going through the entry procedures, such as office selection, receiving teacher uniforms and so on.

In the afternoon there happened to be a physical education class in Lidou's class. The principal arranged for the former physical education teacher to take Nie Kong into the class he was teaching and introduce him to the students.

"Classmates...I want to introduce the new teacher who will teach you physical education in the future. I want to tell you that he is a handsome guy..." After the predecessor announced his farewell, the students in the classroom showed curiosity. Emoji.They did not expect that a new teacher would appear, and they would have to teach them physical education.Although Li Dou, who met Nie Kong yesterday, guessed a bit, he thought it would not be so coincidental.

"Hehe...Teacher, we are very picky about boys. No one likes boys like Saruyama, right?" The brown and yellow short-haired girl who was sitting quietly behind giggled.

"Asshole, Risa, can you please stop dragging me in, okay, who caused me?" Saruyama roared as if the scar was opened.As the boy Saruyama who is least popular with girls this year, no girl in the huge school wants to be his girlfriend.

"Teacher Nie Kong, please come in."

Nie Kong, who was waiting at the classroom door of Class A, heard the words of his predecessor, coughed sharply and pushed open the closed door of the classroom.

The first thing that catches the eye is the immature cheeks of more than forty students, arranged in four groups in the classroom.The classrooms are clean and tidy, with men and women in their respective positions.

"Huh?!" As Nie Kong slowly walked in, everyone's eyes in the classroom gathered towards him.Wearing black sportswear, Nie Kong's slender body was revealed.And the handsome smile of the sun can bring warmth and peace of mind.

It turned out that the vampire’s coquettish fusion of Saiyan blood has disappeared after years of edification by the Great Realm King God. What remains is the majesty of the gods and the warmth that brings people to the sun.For example, the original Realm King God was like a gentle fat man.Nie Kong hid the divine power, and only the sunny and gentle temperament remained.

"How can a good person like the teacher frame me? It's all perverted principals who have brutal hair." After thinking about it at night, Li Dou originally had some doubts about Nie Kong, but immediately after seeing Nie Kong's smile Disappeared without a trace.

"Wow, so handsome." The girls in the class were noisy, and their eyes seemed to be peachy, making them more sensational than when the handsome Rennes came.

"Is he our new teacher? He feels so kind." Chun Cai was stunned, her melancholy pretty face raised slightly and looked at Nie Kong.Looking at him, it seemed that he could forget the darkness and evil of time.

"Hee hee, do you feel satisfied with Risha? Has Chunxin rippled and collapsed." The double ponytail girl with myopia glasses turned her head and laughed at the short-haired girl with golden waves.

"Okay, Wei Young, dare you to make fun of me, watch my chest rubbing attack." Risa was ashamed, and instantly grabbed her hands to the front of the seat, and squeezed Wei Young's slightly spit out chest.The two girls were in the corner of the classroom, but no one noticed Lisa's wretched movements.

"But to be honest, the teacher looks much more handsome than the stars on TV. Whether you are satisfied or not, I think the teacher is very good. Perhaps, I am lucky to have a teacher like him in our class." Wei Young may already be familiar with it. After lining the chest, let her ask for the breast of her B mask.

"Sure enough, he, is he actually the physical education teacher in our class?" Li Dou asked in surprise.

"It turns out that it was the person that Li Dou hit yesterday, who I thought was." After Saruyama was surprised, he appeared calmer.

The male students didn't have much opinion on Nie Kong, but envied Nie Kong's popularity with girls.The appearance of Nie Kong simply reflected the extreme side of Saruyama.

"My name is Nie Kong, and I will be your new physical education teacher from now on. My age is probably 22 years old. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me." Nie Konghe stood at the podium and picked up the chalk brush. Brushed out his name.Nie Kong's appearance remained about 22 years old, and his age did not seem to be very different from them, like a big brother next door.

"Yes, Teacher Nie Kong." The girls replied enthusiastically.

"Now I'm going to use the opportunity to roll the call to get to know you, my lovely students." Nie Kong smiled.

The roll call began. Nie Kong met in addition to the impressive Ban Changchuncai, but also Furukawa Yui, a girl with a stern face, two lively Risha and Weiyo.Although Wei is cute, she has a serious feeling.

"The roll call is over, everyone is ready to change clothes and gather at the track and field." Nie Kong understood the content of the preparation, and nodded with satisfaction to indicate that they can leave.

Speaking of the two-dimensional college girls sportswear, but it is quite cute.The trousers are black shorts that just cover the middle of the thigh, and the top is white loose-fitting sportswear.The appearance of the body of the girl character youth is very attractive.

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