The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0562, Bula’s teaching to Lala

"Ah..." The forced space jump caused by engine failure, although temporarily escaping from Sustin's pursuit, caused the spacecraft to crash into the earth's atmosphere.The bumpy and dangerous situation shocked the two women.

Although facing a crisis, Lala has no sense of fear.

"Ahhhhhh, it looks like the situation is a bit bad. Blachan, can you get out of danger?"

If the spaceship is allowed to fall, Lala's physique will definitely die.Bula is strong and might be able to survive.And now they have broken through the atmosphere and returned to the earth.

Without the shackles of outer space, Bula was able to risk breaking through the spaceship and escape the danger by dancing in the air.But she was a little risky if she was not sure to survive.

"Lala you," Bula asked rhetorically.

"Hee hee... I had expected this to happen, please see my invention of Jumping Wap." Lala happily took out a weird machine and flaunted it to Bula.

After getting along for a while, Bula has discovered that Lara has the same hobbies as her.It's just that what she can't agree with is Lala's invention, and she thinks something she invented is amazing.The encounter of the two colleagues might say something to disagree with.It's just that two women are half a catty, all of the same level.

"What it does is..." Bula asked curiously.

"It allows us to do short-distance space jumps, which is great," Lala said happily.

"What will happen to us after the space jump? But I found that many of the things you invented are problematic, and I am a little worried." Brahn said.

"As for the purpose of our jumping is random, and the clothes of our bodies cannot be teleported together. Don't worry about the little problem, I guarantee we can escape safely." Lala patted her full chest.

"This is still a small problem, you are not mistaken." Brah thought that if she appeared in a crowded street and there was no clothes on her body, she would already feel terrified.

How can her body be seen by strangers? Dad’s words are fine, anyway, Dad has seen himself bigger since childhood.Maybe my father knows how many moles my body has.

"No, how can a girl's body be shown to others casually?" Bla shook his head and refused.

"Ahhhhhhhh, why?" Lala asked in confusion.

Growing up in the palace since childhood, Lala rarely comes into contact with ordinary people's knowledge.There was a maid watching during the bath, so she didn't mind showing her naked body to others.Lala in the original book has brought benefits to many people.

"A girl's body can only be seen by the boys you like. You have left the palace now, and you must understand the common sense that ordinary people know." Bula shook Lala's body forcefully and said helplessly.

"Miss Bula is right, Master Lala, you must pay attention to it in the future. Otherwise, what is the point of Master Lala inventing me." Pei Kai greeted.

"It turned out to be like this, then I will pay attention to it in the future. The situation is critical now, let's throw it away temporarily." Lala suddenly realized.After Bra's notification, she will not expose her body in the future.

"It's up to you, anyway, I won't leave with such a prop. I will take the time later and help you make it better by the way." Bula was well educated by Niekong, so he didn't agree with Lala.

"What can you do with Nabrachan? The spaceship is about to fall. Maybe we are lucky enough to be able to teleport to a place where no one is." Lara persuaded.

She likes Bra very much, and has regarded her as her best friend, perhaps already considered a confidant.The two have common hobbies, the same beautiful faces, and the same topics.

"You leave by yourself, I have my own way." By now, Blah could only risk gritting his teeth and exploding the power contained in his body and rushing out of the spaceship.

"Is that so? It turns out that Bulachan has his own escape invention. Then I don't care about you, I am leaving." Lala turned on the mechanical switch and instantly disappeared in front of Bula.

Bra Leng hum, she is the daughter of the Great Realm King God, how could she die in a mere air crash?Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ground, Bula's right hand gathered a strong arrogance and shot it towards the top of his head.

The three-meter beam of light erupted out, piercing the solid spaceship through a large hole like paper.Bula quickly jumped out of the spaceship and floated in the air at his fastest speed.

After escaping, Blaru was relieved.This was the first time that she had left Nie Kong's protection, she was facing danger for the first time, and she had no experience in escape.If she can use 100% of her power, dealing with it is as easy as eating.

The stars in the sky gleamed, as if congratulating the two girls on their escape.The spaceship was not so lucky anymore, and it fell directly and burst into a huge explosion.Seeing the scale of the explosion, Bula broke out in a cold sweat.She is not confident that she can survive such an explosion.

"Have you finally returned to the past world? It's a lot behind when I was born." Boomer looked down at the city on the ground and said with emotion.She still thinks that she has returned to the world decades ago.

It's just that she didn't expect that there was something wrong with the opportunity of her transformation, and she was transported to the world of the Queen of Love. It was not that Nie Kong could travel through time like Nie Kong last time.

"Dad's breath is twenty miles to the east, it seems very close. Hehe, I really want to see what my father was like more than 30 years ago." The more he thought about it, the more excited he rushed towards Nie. Empty air rushed away.

Bula has experienced so many boys in the Dragon Ball world, including the son Gofan who was very good since childhood, and the boy who is like an elegant prince... But the longer she stays with her father, the more she feels that father is the best boy in the universe. , No one can surpass his father.

But with my mother, how could my father pay attention to himself.My mother is so beautiful, and her figure is much better than herself.Depressed Bula can only use the modified time machine to go back to the past and steal the evil idea of ​​his father from his young mother.

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