The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0563, Xilian Temple Qiu Sui

Stars flickered in the dark sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared into the streets of the city.Time shows that school has been over for some time, but Nie Kong, a physical education teacher, has just left the gate of Cainan College.

If you only work as a second-year physical education teacher in Class A, it is easy to work, and Nie Kong will serve as the coach of the school's baseball department and coach the training of the baseball club after school.Nie Kong made his debut for the first time, so he had to come to meet him personally.Normally, there is no important thing, only minister supervision.

Originally, the members of the baseball club were very dissatisfied with the change, but Nie Kong's performance shocked the members inside.With each swing, Nie Kong was able to hit a long-distance home run.The pitch is even more abnormal, no one can see the shadow of the ball.

"Teacher, he wants to guard against the sky. With his strength, he can completely dominate Koshien in Japan." All the members of the baseball club were convinced, and worshipped Nie Kong as never before.

Until the end of the baseball club activities, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and he seemed to be able to smell the scent of rice from the windows of other houses.

"Yes... is it Teacher Nie Kong?" As soon as he left the school gate, a girl's gentle voice came from Nie Kong's ear.Looking along the source of the sound, what appeared in front of him was a familiar pretty face—a cute Haruna student who was the monitor of Class A in the second year.She was dressed in the school uniform of Cainan University, with a schoolbag in both hands, and stayed quietly in front of Nie Kong.

"It's been so long since school, why does Chuncai still stay at school?" Nie Kong asked strangely.

"I am a member of the tennis club of the school. I just have to participate in training today. It's the teacher, I should have gone home long ago." Haruna asked softly.

"The school's physical education teacher should also take up the job of the school's physical education department. It just happens that the baseball department is the scope of my supervision, so I have to get acquainted with them briefly on the first day. It was a waste of time." Nie Kong laughed.

It suddenly dawned on Haruna, because her tennis club also has teachers.

"It's getting so late. It's too dangerous for a girl to go home alone. The teacher will send you home by the way." Nie Kong stepped to the right of Chuncai and stood beside her.

"But if the teacher goes home too late, the family will be anxious." Although there is an impulse to hope that the teacher will accompany him, the gentle and considerate Chuncai doesn't want to cause Nie Kong trouble.

"It's okay, the teacher lives alone now, no one cares when he goes back."

Upon hearing Nie Kong's words, Chuncai's pretty face flashed with a surprised expression.Is the handsome and gentle teacher still single without having a girlfriend?Unexpectedly, he would get such an unexpected answer from the teacher, and Haruna felt a little surprise and pity in her heart.The teacher only lives by one person, so can you only take care of yourself? It's so pitiful.

"Well, thank you teacher." Chun Cai replied in a low voice, agreeing to Nie Kong's request.The two walked side by side in the dim street lamp, and the sky was getting darker and darker.With the company of a boy, Nie Kong, Chunca felt very relieved even though he was nervous.

It is the first time she has had a boy to accompany her home from her childhood, no wonder she is a little nervous.

The noisy city began to become quiet, except for the slight footsteps of Nie Kong.Sometimes a wild dog suddenly jumps out of the alley, and it will startle Haruna.And seeing Nie Kong next to him looking at him, Chunca's cheeks would be slightly red.

Crossing two or three streets, Chunca brought Nie Kong to a Japanese-style apartment, with the nameplate clearly writing the family name of Xilian Temple.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Her hair is also blue, but it is different from Haruna's short hair but long hair is draped over her shoulders. She is about 20 years old.

Seeing the intimate appearance of the two coming back together, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.My sister finally looks like a normal girl, ready to fall in love.So for those lucky enough to get Haruna, I would like to see what the advantages are.Due to the dim sky, she could not see Nie Kong's appearance clearly.

At this time, the puppy tied in her hand dragged her out of the house, lovingly rubbing her head against Haruna's feet.When she saw Nie Kong's appearance, she was shocked for a moment.

"A handsome boy, and he feels warm and reassuring to the human race. No wonder Haruna chooses him. But his age looks obviously a few years older than Haruna, how could the two of them be right? Haruna likes a boy who is more mature than herself, is she a brother?" Haruna's sister thought puzzled.

"Sister... Sister, what are you talking nonsense. He... he is my teacher, he just sent me back along the way." Haruna looked confused, stammering anxiously to explain.Her flustered and shy look is really cute.

"It turns out that he is a teacher. No wonder he looks much more mature than a high school student. How old will he be? Is he twenty-five?" Haruna's sister thought curiously.

"Hello, I'm Nie Kong, Chuncai's physical education teacher." Nie Kong said hello with a smile.

"I am Chuncai's sister Qiu Sui, thank you for taking care of her sister." She Luoluo generously extended her right hand, and Nie Kong's hand grasped her soft five fingers.

"Since Chuncai has arrived home, I should leave." Nie Kong released her finger and said to Chuncai.

"Teacher, don't leave in a hurry. Come in and have a cup of tea." Haruna's face is very red, and it seems that she has not recovered from the joke of her sister.

"Let's talk about it if you have time." Nie Kong waved to sister Chuncai and slowly left her home.

"Little Haruna, you really wasted a great resource. There is such a gentle and considerate boy in school, you should take the initiative to attack. It looks like a teacher-student relationship, it's really exciting." Qiu Sui said.

"Sister, don't make fun of me, he is my teacher, six years older than me. What's more... Besides, how could he fall in love with a girl like me." Haruna blushed and shook her head.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Qiu Sui asked.

"No... The teacher is currently single, but I think it's pretty good now, and I don't need to change it." Haruna lowered her head and teased the puppy. She was not confident about herself, for fear of ruining her current life.And now Chuncai just has a good impression of Nie Kong, and she likes a little distance.

"A 22-year-old single male teacher? It feels good." Qiu Sui, who is in her twenties, whispered.

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