The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0566, Cheetos's test

"Dad, I have already chosen my marriage partner. In this way, you should not force me to return to Planet Debby Luk. I want to live on Earth."

"How can this be? If Lala-sama were to marry this kind of earthling of unknown origin, it would probably damage the face of the Debby Luke royal family." Sustin's expression changed dramatically.

"It's too late. Nie Kong has already settled my marriage with me through the traditional formal engagement procedures on Planet Debby Luke. I will never forget. Nie Kong touched my chest and expressed love to me with passionate eyes. "Lala clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, she was innocent and pure with a shy expression, really cute.

"I... I accepted his love and agreed to marry him."

Nie Kong opened his mouth wide and stared at Lara, who was squinting happily.Debbie Luke's engagement is too strange, is it actually triggered by touching the girl's chest?He admitted that he had touched Lala's chest, and he had touched his hands for a long time.She still remembers how she feels.

"A little bit of strength, the boy of the earth. Although Lala has already admitted you, I didn't agree. How can the engagement of a princess of a country be so hasty." The short child Qiduo said with a serious expression.

"It's okay, Dad, Nie Kong is not a casual person, so please don't worry about me." Lala embraced Nie Kong's arm with both hands and said cheerfully.

"Listen to the boy, I want to marry my daughter Lala, but I want to become the apex figure of King Debby Luke's rule of the stars. Do you think you can inherit my position with your aura?"

Cheetah's face was tense, and his whole body exuded an amazing murderous look.The man who once unified the universe has not only killed many people in battle.The arrogance seemed to be burning, and there were lightning and thunder nearby.

The combat effectiveness of the whole person is improving, is it a sign of preparing to shoot.We must know that more than 20,000 combat power has been able to achieve the goal of destroying it by destroying the core of the planet.

When he first saw Nie Kong, he felt unpredictable.She looks like she can match her own daughter, and her strength is a bit interesting.Qiduo was basically satisfied, but still wanted to test Nie Kong's aura himself.

That is how to become the strongest king in the universe and inherit his own position.

"Boy, I want to see if you can match my daughter Lara." His short body quickly jumped in front of Nie Kong, and his right hand stretched out to grab Nie Kong's collar.

Nie Kong frowned and caught his attack with one hand.The right hands of the two finally collided violently.Cheetuo was surprised, but he played the fastest speed, he did not expect that he could handle it so easily.

Qiduo's burst of energy attacked Nie Kong, but Nie Kong did not react at all.

"Dad, please stop, stop bullying Nie Kong." Lala wanted to rush to Nie Kong and stop her father.Nie Kong's free hand clasped the pull and stopped her movement.

"It doesn't matter, your father's power is too weak for me. Usually the guy who claims to be the emperor of the universe in front of me will end up miserably for me. But since it is Lala's father, forget it." Nie Kong smiled Shaking his head.

"Huh...Is it like this, then Nie Kong, don't you remember to bully my father." Lalaxin thought the truth.

"Young man, you are too arrogant. Although your strength is stronger than that of the people on earth, do you actually want to challenge the king of Debiro?" Cheetah became angry, and the free left hand used his strongest power.

Seeing Cheetos's super powerful fists hit, Nie Kong's knees hit his abdomen.Qiduo's eyes were about to bulge out, and his eyes were congested.He felt pain all over his body, as if he was about to fall apart.

Such a strong power, how could someone be stronger than yourself?He couldn't imagine that he would lose, and such an unknown character on a small backward planet would have such power.Cheetah stepped back and covered his aching stomach.

"Master Cheetor, are you okay." Sustin said in shock.

He was already scared to death. The king who once smashed the stars would lose to the weak human beings on Earth. Am I dreaming?

Cheetah stretched out his hand at Sustin, motioning for him to step back.

"I really can't help you, I will give you a period of observation. Listen to the boy, I hope you can become a man worthy of pulling up when I see you next time." He is enough to protect the safety of Lala. , I hope he really likes his daughter.Although Qiduo was dissatisfied, the lightness of the characters in front of him against him was not comparable to him now.

His own daughter absolutely must marry the strongest person in the universe, this requirement he has already met.Wait a while to observe his character, and then let them get married as soon as possible and inherit their position.

He likes to play and hates tedious work, so he forced Lala to go on a blind date so that someone can take over his throne and take over the work of his management.But he didn't know that Nie Kong's identity was much higher than him.He is the supreme god who once ruled the entire universe, and from everyone's body to soul.

" mean..." Lala's pretty face flashed with unspeakable surprises, and she hugged Nie Kong with a happy smile like never before.

"I agree with you to stay here, but Sustin, you have to accompany Lara temporarily as a surveillance officer. As for the young, I hope you don't disappoint me." Cheetah resisted the pain and arranged Afterwards, the aperture of the spaceship disappeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.

"I just wanted to do something to the husband-in-law who was going to become Master Lara. I am very sorry. I am the head of the guard of the Debby Luke clan. I would like Master Nie Kong to take care of me in the future." Sastin sweats coldly. Tao.

"It's okay, as long as you fix my house." Nie Kong looked at the empty skylight and didn't care about this little thing.Being able to get engaged to Lara will make things easier in the future.

"It's great, Dad agreed to our engagement. Please advise me in the future, Nie...jun." Lala squinted and rubbed Nie Kong's cheek like a kitten.

Nie Kong thought that when it finally calmed down, Lala's arrival was just the beginning of a lively life.But just as Cheetos left, Nie Kong was about to welcome a familiar guest.

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