The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0567, that ridiculous Nie Jun

Bula moved slowly towards Nie Kong in distress, because she didn't think about how to meet her father.Although he is his daughter, but the current world is a different-dimensional past, how can father know himself?The more I thought about it, the more irritable, Bouma even had the thought of shrinking.And now she doesn't understand the situation of the world, she has no way of knowing which stage the history has reached.All she can be sure of is that she can feel the connection of her father's blood more and more, which is an unexplainable throbbing.

"Dad likes a lot of girls, but I am unique. Although my father has them, I believe that I am not much worse than them." Bula encouraged himself and finally strengthened his belief.Although she is a genius inventor, her love experience is as white as white paper.Is it because no one can attract her, or is her father's discipline too strict.Or with the presence of father, she looks down on other boys?Maybe it's all.

Nie Kong's gentle and considerate treatment of girls, his free and easy nature, the scene of defeating bad guys to protect the peace of the universe...Bullah didn't know when, all he was thinking about was his father.

"Follow him! As long as I can meet my dad here, I will be able to compete with my mom for his dad's capital based on my appearance. My mom is just a teenage girl now, I am afraid it is worse than me." Bula Qiao said slowly. Slow returned to being cheerful and lively, speeding up his own pace.It's no wonder that the two are more than 20 miles apart, and it takes so long for Bula to be thinking about it.

With complicated thoughts, Brahman appeared 100 meters away from the familiar villa.She had been to Nie Kong's Ding Tian Jie and lived in the villa for some time.

Although Sustin cheeky wanted to live in Nie Kong's villa, Nie Kong drove him out, saying that he wanted him to find a place to live.Lala hummed a little song and said that she wanted to take a bath and sleep well, but she seemed very happy.

But not long after entering the bathroom, Lala appeared in front of Nie Kong without wearing any clothes, and exclaimed happily, "Nie Jun, the bathroom is huge, do you want to wash it together..."

It was really big, Nie Kong stared at the two swaying meat balls and said in his heart.

"Stupid girl, at least put on a bath towel when you come out." Nie Kong said helplessly while looking at the innocent Lala.

"But...but we are already engaged, so it doesn't matter if the body is shown to Nie Jun." Lala said in confusion.

"I think so too. It is very tiring to maintain the transformation of Master Lala." Pei Kai spoke out in support.

"That's right... but they are two different things." Although Nie Kong didn't mind, he was afraid that he might push it to Lala on impulse.It's okay if you don't notice your daughter's arrival, but if you bump into your daughter, it's super embarrassing.

Once before, I suppressed her grandmother Mrs. Bliss in H, but she showed it clearly to the 13-year-old Bra.Nie Kong wanted to drill the gap even more. Mrs. Bliss invited Bula to come and play together.

"Do you hate being with me?" Lala's big eyes glistened in the water, pitifully.

"No, I meant to say that I have already washed it, so you can wash it yourself." Nie Kong quickly vetoed it. He felt that he could no longer persuade Lara.

"It's like this, then I will wash it myself." Lala bounced and disappeared in front of Nie Kong, her personality was more mad than her daughter Bua.Nie Kong has a headache, but he will get along with these two girls in the future.

Just when Lala was taking a bath, Nie Kong heard someone ring the doorbell.As the spiritual consciousness spread, he saw that familiar pretty face, it wasn't who Bra was.

"Come in." Nie Kong directly twisted the door lock with his soul power, and then called out.

The door opened quietly with a creak, and a cute little head protruded from the crack of the door.She glanced at the villa with her sturdy eyes, feeling relieved when she saw only Nie Kong.

"Dad's appearance has not changed at all, as handsome as decades ago. Fortunately, the current mother Bouma has not become the father's woman." Bla cheered and felt happy.

She obediently left the door covering her, and came to Nie Kong with a shy expression on her face.Before Nie Kong could speak, Xiao Bula blushed and shouted: "Nie...Nie Jun...Hello."

The sky was rolling, and Nie Kong felt as if he was struck by the Nine Heavens God Thunder.This Nie Jun is more lethal than 10 Buu for Nie Kong.Daughter, what are you going to do?

"Come here." After Nie Kong calmed down his inner emotions, he calmly waved to Bouma.

Bra's face was delighted, and he moved lightly.

"Get closer..."

Bra hummed, his pretty face hot."It's going so smoothly, have I completely fascinated Dad?" She moved her steps, her body was only one hand away from Nie Kong.

Unexpectedly, Dad stretched out his hand and grabbed her little hand.Hehe, Dad is so bold that he grabbed the girl's hand when he first met.

But the action behind Nie Kong directly shocked Bra.Nie Kong stopped Bula and slapped her down on his legs, and slapped her with her little fart and stock.

"Little Bra, tell you to be naughty, tell you to run away, tell you to call me Jun Nie..."

The popping sound was made by Nie Kong slapping her fleshy butt.Bula directly widened those strange eyes.What's the matter, haven't I already returned to the different world 30 years ago?But, Dad is clearly Dad, how could it not change?

"Woo... Dad, Bu da dare not. Dad don't fight, if you fight again, it will be swollen." Bu La wai cried, and the pitiful eyes looked at Nie Kong with faint tears.The most important thing is that my plan has failed, and my father is still mother's father.

"You said you know that you are wrong?" Nie Kong's voice sounded in her ears.

"I was wrong." Bula sucked his nose, but felt that his butt was hit again.Hot, heart-wrenching feeling.Since childhood, Dad has never beaten himself.

"Where did you go wrong?"

"Bula shouldn't run away from home, shouldn't be naughty..." Bra's pitiful appearance made people feel distressed, Nie Kong softly stopped teaching, after all, it was his own heart.

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