The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0569, lively morning

Two beauties announced that they were staying in Nie Kong’s villa that night.In the jingling sounds, the two women began to transform their secret base to research and invent their favorite machinery.

Knowing that his only friend Bla would live with them, the smile on his pretty face never stopped.Innocent has little trouble, as long as she feels happy.

At night, Nie Kong lay on the soft bed, closed his eyes and cast his soul into the Dingtian Ring.The excitement during the day was too great, and Nie Kong urgently needed to vent the evil fire.The ratio of the time in the ring to the outside is 3:1, which gives Nie Kong plenty of time to accompany the girls from previous worlds.

Nie Kong is not a person who loves the new and dislikes the old. His goal is to give happiness to his girls, just like Sugisaki Key of the Student Union.And after his watering, the girls became more and more beautiful.

The escape of his soul did not affect Nie Kong's body, his body lying quietly on the bed as if he was asleep.But Nie Kong didn't know that a figure slipped into his bedroom late at night.

In the early morning of the next day, Nie Kong's soul returned to his body.But the scene before him really made him unable to calm down. The girl with pink hair hugged him tightly like an octopus.

She is Lala who inexplicably concluded a marriage contract yesterday, and she did not wear any clothes to accompany herself in the same bed.The skin is delicate and smooth, the breasts are soft and plump, he can feel every touch of that skin.Nie Kong discovered that he was hiding like a hibernating black snake, slowly recovering, growing longer and bigger, as if spring came.

"Ah... Lala, you wake me up." Nie Kong pinched Lala's sleeping cute face, trying to wake her up.

"Nie Jun, good morning..." Nie Kong's voice woke Lala to sit up, rubbed her eyes half asleep, and greeted Nie Kong by the way.It's just that at the moment when he got up, the blanket that was still on Lala's body suddenly fell off.Feng Ting's breasts stood on her chest, exposing Nie Kong's eyes.

.After seeing Nie Kong, his eyes were a little happy.

"Good morning, when did you run into my bed?"

"Hey, because I want to sleep with Jun Nie." Lala looked at Nie Kong strangely and replied.

"That's right, Master Lala is already your fiancée, there is no problem sleeping together." Pei Kai, the cross-dressing robot called.

"Forget it...remember to tell me in advance in the future." Nie Kong was deeply afraid that his soul would leave, and the self-defense reaction of his body would hurt Lala.He didn't mind having a girl sleeping with him.

"Hehe, Nie Jun is the best. Sleeping with Nie Jun, Lala feels so warm." Her pretty face approached Nie Kong, rubbing Nie Kong's cheek like a cat.This is a way for Lala to express intimacy. It's really cute.

Suddenly Lala felt a hot strip in her lower abdomen, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.She had never seen a boy's body, and she didn't understand what it was.

"Could it be that Nie Jun, like himself, has a tail hidden." Lala straightened her body and looked curiously.Looking at something black and pink in the front, I fiddled with it with my little hand.

"Hey, this tail is so strange. Now, Nie Jun, why does your underside look different from mine. It's dark, long, hard, and as good as a snake...cute."

Lala, your aesthetic point of view is really different, how can it be considered cute.Ordinary girls will scream in fright when they see it.

"Stupid Lala, that's the boy's reproductive organ." Nie Kong felt Lala's fleshy little hand grasped, as if it wanted to explode out of thin air.He hurriedly covered his body, and came up with this one early in the morning. What is it called?

"It's really strange, Nie Jun tell me how to use it." Lala pulled Nie Kong's arm innocently, her eyes pure and free of impurities.

"I'll talk about it later. Now we have to get up." Nie Kong hurriedly put on his clothes and left the bedroom.If he continues to stay there, Nie Kong is not sure what will happen.

Fortunately, my daughter didn't find out what happened last night, otherwise she would definitely have to talk about it.Nie Kong prepared breakfast and immediately called Bra, who was used to sleeping late, to get up.

I don’t have a girl to accompany H, otherwise his appearance is almost the same as that of Bra. Bra’s characteristic of sleeping in is inherited from him.

"Is this the breakfast of the earth? It's delicious, it's the first time I have eaten a warm and delicious meal." At the table, Lala quickly ate the breakfast prepared by Nie Kong, her pretty face was extremely happy.

Although my father’s breakfast is delicious, isn’t there any food for Debbie Lux, and is the food there cold?Bra was puzzled, and she only found out after asking.

As the first heir to the royal family of Debby Luke, every time her meals are made by a dedicated person, she also needs a series of tastings to prevent someone from poisoning the princess Lala.Poisons are the most dangerous existence, capable of killing many powerful people.Nie Kong's physique is the most special, able to automatically be immune to diseases and poisons, and he is not afraid of this at all.

After eating and breakfast, Nie Kong was about to go to school.Although he only has a few classes a week, he always reports to the school.And school life is surprisingly interesting.

"Ahhhhhhhh? Dad actually wants to be a teacher?" After breakfast, Bla looked at Nie Kong who was wearing a teacher's costume, her eyes widened.Lala tilted her head and showed a very cute thinking expression.

"Well, I am now a physical education teacher at Cainan Private College. You stay at home. If you are bored, you can walk around to get familiar with the city, but don't mess around with me." Nie Kong nodded.

My father is actually a teacher. Although I am a sophomore in high school, I haven't been to school twice a year.According to her, the school has not been able to teach her knowledge and it was a waste of her time to go.

"Dad actually wants to be a teacher. With that said, I can accompany my father to school every day." Suddenly thinking of something interesting, Bla clenched his fist excitedly.Now it's different, she has an interest in going to school.

"No problem, I will be obedient." Lala raised her hand excitedly, but seeing Lala's excited look, can she really obey Nie Kong's words?

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