The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0570, Bla transfer

"Ah, Bulachan, what are you doing here secretly?" Lala said strangely.

"Shh, what are you doing with you. I'm just curious... Yes, it's the school where my curious brother teaches." Bula blinked his big eyes to the back, and said in a low voice with excitement.With the fetters of blood, Bula could feel where Nie Kong was.She planned to go to the school taught by Nie Kong to continue her studies, deliberately following her father.

" seems very interesting, Lala wants to come together." Lala said happily.

"The more you help, the more I can detect my brother's position. It's enough by myself." Bra immediately stopped.What a joke, she plans to use the school as a paradise for her and her father.

"Eh... I'm kindly willing to help, don't mind. Although the tracking is the best for sniffing and tracking, but if you want to be fast, please see my magnetic attraction." While talking, pull from her space phone A magnet-like prop was taken out.

"Huh...the props you invented, I'm afraid it's useless." Although he refused to accept Lala's invention, Bula was very interested in machinery.She pretended to be disdainful, but actually wanted to ask about its role.

"Don't underestimate it, it can suck the person you want in front of you, or suck us in front of him. Just turn on the switch..." Lala said proudly, and demonstrated the twist in person. The switch.

"Idiot, why are you opening it." Although she was a little surprised at Lala's invention, she saw that Lala pressed the button and her pretty face changed drastically.She tried to stop Lala with both hands, and the two women grabbed the magnet together.

In an instant, the powerful suction made them rush towards Nie Kong's direction at a super high speed.Although there are countless obstacles in front of them, they still can't stop them from moving forward.The prop uses Nie Kong as the target of attraction, so it can automatically attract the two women in front of him.You must know that Nie Kong's clothes are carrying more than 100,000 tons of weight.

"Hehe...Look, we can get close to Nie Jun's position soon."

"Hurry up and stop it, there is a building in front of it..." Bla yelled in panic.Sure enough, her invention is very problematic.

"Ahhhhhhh, I seem to have forgotten to add the stop function." Lala said with a smirk, without any panic at all.Seeing that they were about to hit the building, Bula gritted his teeth and squeezed hard.

With the cracking sound, the magnet she held tightly was directly crushed by her.The figures of the two women stopped immediately, only 5 meters from the building.Bula gasped hard, looking at the invention in his hand with lingering fears.

"Great." Lala patted Feng Ting's breasts, but she was not reflecting on her appearance.

"It's actually more powerful than my position swap, it's really abnormal." Bula now admires Lara's invention a bit.If you get along for a while, she should be able to learn a lot.The theories of the two are combined with each other, and then they can learn from each other their own advantages and improve the shortcomings of the invented props.

After the farce of Lala, the two women are already very close to Cainan College.It is already time for class, so no students can be seen at the school gate.After the two girls came to school, Bla suggested that they act separately.

Seeing Bula leave her side without authorization, Lala tilted her head in confusion."Why does Lalachan want to be alone? Why didn't you accompany me to find Nie Jun."

But few worries can stay in Lala's head, and she is attracted to the school environment instead.She has to stay in the palace since she was a child, and Lala has never tried to go to school.

"Nie Jun, where are you?" She looked around, calling Nie Kong in her small mouth.

All the male students nearby turned to Lala, obviously attracted by Lala's charm.

But Bra was very wise. After she inquired about the principal's office, she came to the perverted principal alone.When the principal saw such a cute girl, peach blossoms appeared in his eyes.

When he heard Bra's request to transfer to another school, he agreed without hesitation, perhaps because he thought that he would often see such beautiful girls in the future.

"Teacher, teacher... Downstairs there is a girl who is wearing weird clothes but looking very cute is looking for you." The faculty office building opened, and it was Yuicheng Lidou in the class.

"Hey... Teacher, is she your girlfriend?" Risa MM asked curiously.

"Lovely girl?" Nie Kong was deeply curious about who was looking for him.But at this moment, Lala's innocent voice came from outside the door.

"Nie Jun, Nie Jun...Where are you."

Nie Kong hurriedly got out of the door, and he saw the charming Lala slowly approaching surrounded by a group of boys.

"Ah, I found Jun Nie." After seeing Nie Kong, Lala hugged his arm in surprise.Two well-developed meat balls directly suppressed him.

"Lala? What are you doing here?" Nie Kong asked quickly.

"I just want to see Nie Jun's school, it feels so interesting." Lala said happily.

"That...who are you?" Li Dou hesitated for a moment as she watched Lala intimately grabbed the teacher's arm, and then asked softly.Li Dou suddenly felt a sense of loss. Who is the teacher for such a cute girl?

"Me? I'm Nie Kong's bride." Lala's words directly detonated the students surrounding her.

"Teacher...Is the teacher married? How could it be like this." The girls were desperate, and the male students looked jealous and unhappy.

"It is really good luck for the teacher to have such a lovely wife. Although I am not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to the teacher, I always feel very unhappy." Saruyama saw that a cute girl like Lala belonged to Nie Kong, how could he continue to calm down what.

If Nie Kong is not a teacher and looks very sunny, it is estimated that the nearby boys would be beating Nie Kong.

"Let's talk, why did you come here suddenly?" Nie Kong drove away the students who were joining in the fun, and said, Nie Kong took Lala into his office.

"I've already said that, I want to see Nie Jun's school. And Burachan, also came with me." Lala said happily.

"These two crazy girls..." Nie Kong smiled bitterly, and he felt a headache.No matter, I brought Lala to the school by myself and it was as good as before.

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