The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0571, hit Saruyama

"Before the physical education class, then I want to introduce the two new students to the students, come in." In Class A of the second year, Nie Kong in front of the podium surprisingly did not lead them outside, but started to introduce transfer students abnormally.

But most transfer students are usually introduced by the class teacher.Although the students felt strange, they were still very excited about the new students who were about to come.With the eyes concentrated at the door, two fresh and lovely beautiful girls appeared in front of them.They wore identical school uniforms with light green skirts at the bottom.

The two women stood beside Nie Kong, and the three of them were like exquisite pictures, with a harmonious beauty.

"Wow...cute girls, it's great for mom and dad to give birth to me." The male classmates in the classroom were excited, and some even shed tears to vent their excitement.

Li Dou had seen Lala two days ago and could clearly recognize that she was the wife who claimed to be Teacher Nie Kong.And the girl named Bra, he found that she was cuter than the admired Haruna, and she felt heart-stirring.

They were naturally Nie Kong's daughter Bra and Lara of his fiancee, and they didn't expect the movements to be fast enough.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lala Satalin Debirok and I come from the distant Debirouk kingdom. I like Jun Nie and I hope I can marry him in the future." Lala happily hugged Nie Kong. Arm, treat all the people in the classroom as air.I do my own way, speaking of people like Lala.

"I...I'm the teacher's sister Nie Xin, her nickname is Bra, you can call me Bra. As for what Lala just said, you can treat it as nonsense." Bra snorted, with a little dissatisfied expression.She had never expected that Lara would transfer to school together, in the same class.

"Too envious, the teacher can have such two lovely girls with him." Nie Kong, who was originally sunny and gentle, was full of threats in the eyes of the male students. He was their enemy.

Haruna looked at the two lovely girls with a lot of inexplicable melancholy."Does the teacher have such cute girls around? No wonder there is no girlfriend."

The arrival of the two girls caused a lot of heated discussions in the school. They were of great build, lovely faces, and generous and cheerful personality. Fortunately, with Nie Kong's advice, Lara finally did not cause huge trouble.Especially for her invention, Nie Kong directly reminded Bura to pay attention at all times.

Anyway, the chaotic and happy campus life began.At the same time, the news that Nie Kong became Lala's fiance has spread throughout the universe, and Lala's fiance alternates have begun to move around.

The second class is outdoor physical education. Girls take advantage of their spare time to change the cute four-corner sportswear in the locker room, while the boys change in the classroom.

The classroom was discussing which of the two girls who had just arrived is more cute, but 10 people chose Bra, 8 people chose Lara, and the other girls did not choose their own favorites.

As for the girl's changing room, Daring Risa looked at Lara's chest excitedly and rubbed it with enjoyment.Wei Young MM did not fall behind, the two of them exaggeratedly yelled, "So big."

Haruna looked at Lala, and then at her slightly petite breasts, and she said she felt inferior.

"It's really angry," Bula muttered, feeling very depressed than Lala.But compared to the classmates in the class, Blachan's bust is already among the best.

The two girls quickly became a group with the girls. After all, such cute girls are very popular, and men and women kill them.

After changing clothes, all the students in the class gathered in the spacious playground.Today’s physical education class is Japan’s grass baseball, a class chosen by Nie Kong himself.He felt it was a pity that the swimming pool was occupied by other classes first.

If there is free space, he would expect to choose swimming lessons.There are separate pools for men and women, of course girls have to teach themselves.

"Hello Bra, my name is Kenichi Saruyama, please give me some advice." When everyone gathered in the outdoor baseball field, Saruyama came to Bra's face with a gruff, obviously attracted by her.

Seeing Bula, the wretched Saruyama instantly became excited.The teacher's sister is really cute, I don't know if she can be friends with her.But by the way, this guy seems to have never had a fate for a woman. He is really a sad guy to the extreme.

"Hello." Bla just nodded and didn't say much. He seemed to perceive the insignificant aura he was full of, which is really hard to give a good impression.No wonder it is the least popular classmate in Cainan School for girls, and there is still a certain reason.

"It's so cold, but you can't make friends. By the way, Bula, you don't have a boyfriend?" Seeing Saruyama chattering, Bula even wanted to punch him into the sky.

"Bulachan ignore him, none of the girls in the school are willing to be his girlfriend." Risa exposed Saruyama's old story, and Saruyama was ashamed and inexplicable.

"Well... like him, it's normal not to find a girlfriend." Bla said honestly.

"You... are really mad at me. Who said that Saruyama couldn't find a girlfriend? Wait and see." Saruyama angrily left, and his plan to strike up a conversation with Bula failed.

Li Dou shook his head helplessly, Saruyama hasn't given up yet, he has perseverance.

After the farce of Saruyama, Nie Kong and Haruna slowly appeared from the sports warehouse.With a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, Haruna helped carry sports equipment while chatting.

"Okay, thank you Haruna for helping to move the equipment. The content of our class is baseball, and most people should already understand its rules. Except for Lara, she is transferred from abroad. I will tell her the rules carefully. First of all. Well, you split into two teams and start practicing the game." Although it is an informal game, everyone in the class is enthusiastic about participating.More than forty people, divided into two teams of mixed men and women.

"Nah...Nie Jun, what are we going to do now." Looking at the baseball bat curiously, Lala asked Nie Kong enthusiastically.

Nie Kong carefully explained the rules of baseball to her, and the clever Lala quickly understood its gameplay and joined the game.

To say that the strongest sports strength is Brachan, her swing defeated the confidence of many people.She is completely active in the arena, and her team's scores are steadily increasing, and there will be waves of cheers from girls from time to time.

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