The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0572, Haruna is injured

The difference between the strength of the two teams is too big, you really haven't kept your hands on Bra.Finally, Lala, who knew the rules, joined Bla’s opposite camp and served as their No. 1 pitcher.

Lala inherited Qiduo's blood, and although her strength was much weaker than Bra, it was more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary people.As Lara laughed excitedly, the phantom of her gloved baseball dashed directly to the taker Saruyama behind.

The little white baseball is full of flames, the flames of violent friction with the air.Batsman Weiyang MM was dumbfounded, she couldn't catch the shadow of baseball at all.

The flaming ball rushed into the handkerchief with a thud, but it was not the surprise of Saruyama shouting the ball, but full of fear.The huge force directly knocked and rolled the Saruyama behind him several times.

The handkerchief in my hand clearly smelled of burnt.As the referee, Nie Kong smiled bitterly and shook his head. These two crazy girls really dared to do it, and they used such power in baseball games.

"Good shot." Nie Kong could only judge like this, which caused Lula to cheer and almost rushed into Nie Kong's arms to share her happiness.So happy to be able to play games with so many friends.

Seeing Lara's performance, Furukawa Yui's eyes renewed hope of victory.Although there is a powerful Bra, but their team also has lesbians.

But the catcher Saruyama was so scared that he took off his charred handkerchief, and was already afraid to catch Lara's pitch again.Nie Kong turned his face to look at the boys in their team, but they all took a half step back, his face pale.It would be deadly to catch that kind of ball.

Helpless, Nie Kong could only act as a catcher by himself.After all, it is too late for the two women to constrain their strength, and only they can bear their pitches.After Nie Kong received the ball, the male players of the two teams were obviously relieved.

As the game continued, Lala's team slowly pulled back the score, and the gap has gradually narrowed.In the end, Lara became a pitcher and rounded the batsman for half a turn. In the end, only Haruna and Bra remained.

The score was 8:9 and the Bla team took the lead.If you score more for them, the lesbian team will lose.

"Larachan, come on." Risa duo shouted desperately. Although their pretty faces were full of sweat, their expressions were all very excited.It seems that Nie Kong's physical education teacher is very successful and has fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the students in the class.Lala put his hands in a V-shaped posture, looking very confident.

The batter Haruna carried a baseball bat in her hand and walked slowly in front of Nie Kong.After swiping the bat, Haruna posed a shot posture after she was familiar with the good feel.Nie Kong in the back could clearly see the pretty thighs and youthful ass of Chuncai.

"Student Chunca, you have to cheer too." Nie Kong encouraged behind.

Haruna's slightly melancholic face nodded slightly, and raised a little bit of energy.After announcing that he could throw the ball, he shook his middle right hand and projected it towards Nie Kong's palm.

The speed is still very fast, Lala did not keep her hands.Haruna didn't have time to react, and the ball had fallen into Nie Kong's baseball glove.

"Good shot." Nie Kong threw the ball to Lala, and he announced as the referee.The second ball is still the same, Haruna can't see the path of the ball.

When she was about to strike out, Haruna gritted her teeth and closed her eyes and swung the baseball bat vigorously.She is not watching the ball, but swinging her bat based on her own feelings.

"Dang..." Haruna hit the baseball, but the bat in her hand dropped out.And because the power contained in pulling the ball was too great, her figure retreated three or four steps, staggering and falling to the ground.

The players quickly started running, trying to prevent scoring or hitting.But only Nie Kong noticed the strangeness of Chuncai. He dropped his handkerchief and walked in front of Chuncai and asked, "Classmate Chuncai, are you okay."

"Well... the hands are a little numb, it's okay." Haruna's delicate and pretty face smiled slightly, but when she tried to stand up, her right foot strangely lost its support.

She screamed, and her half-standing body fell straight down.Nie Kong quickly reached out his hand and took Chuncai into his arms.With warm fragrance and warm jade in his arms, Nie Kong felt as soft as holding a cotton ball, and with a slight fragrance.Haruna's body is very slim and thinner than Bra.

"what happened."

"The foot... the foot seems to have been twisted." Chun Cai, lying in Nie Kong's arms, said blushing.

"Huh... Chuncai, what are you doing." Brah, who is always paying attention to Nie Kong, ran over immediately, watching Chuncai vigilantly and asked.Dad suddenly hugged her. Could it be that Dad likes spring vegetables?

"Haruna, are you okay." The classmates finally noticed the strangeness and surrounded them.

"I'm very sorry, is it because I tried too hard." Lala apologized.

"You are free to move around during the rest of this class. Now that Chuncai's foot is injured, I want to take her to the health room." After Nie Kong made arrangements, put his hands across Chuncai's knees and hugged her horizontally.

Haruna's cheeks were flushed instantly. She didn't expect that the teacher would hold herself in such a shy and intimate posture, and in front of the classmates, so ashamed.The heart beat like a deer, as if jumping out of her chest.

The people around looked at each other, and at last Bla spit out: "Okay...Envy." Since childhood, Dad has never held himself in such a pose.

"If I knew it, it would be how good I twisted my foot."

Lala and the others nodded in sympathy, and the male classmates also watched with envy as Nie Kong could hold the cute girl Haruna, who was at the forefront of the class.Saruyama looked up to the sky and sighed, why the girls always surround the teacher.Just pay attention to me, maybe you will find me more attractive than the teacher.

Saruyama, who spouted rough fantasy of YY, immediately scared the girls a dozen steps away from him.Saruyama-san, it is too dangerous.

Li Dou's face was full of depression, and she hated her reaction too slowly.If you can hug Haruna like that, how happy it would be.And only with two people alone, he will have the opportunity to confess to her.It's late now, and the teacher has brought Haruna to the health room.

In the end, the game did not stop. After losing Nie Kong, they lost their interest in the game.On behalf of the teacher, Yui Furukawa arranged for the students to pack their sports equipment, and the bell for the end of get out of class rang.The students went back to the locker room and changed back to their clothes.

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