The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0573, Nie Kong's god throw

Nie Kong came to the health room of Cainan College with Chuncai. After opening the door, he found that the teacher was not there. Perhaps it was because the get out of class just ended.Gently put Chuncai with his head in his arms like an ostrich on the white bed, Nie Kong found that Chuncai's face was still red.

"The health care teacher is not here, does Chuncai classmate your feet matter?" Nie Kong asked warmly.

"It feels...there is no big problem. Just take a few minutes to rest." Haruna just wanted to stand, but the pain from her right foot covered her delicate and pretty face with sweat.

"Hmm..." The intense pain made Haruna's blushing pretty face pale for an instant.That weak look gave people an urge to love her.

Nie Kong forcibly held Chuncai and let her sit on the hospital bed.Overbearing, he took off Haruna's white stockings without authorization, revealing her five cute, green feet.

Only on the bare toes, the redness and swelling that appeared destroyed its overall beauty-the swollen bruises were like mud.Seeing her ugly feet appear in front of the teacher, Haruna is anxious to cover it.

Nie Kong opened her little hand and frowned, "I said it’s okay. It’s already swollen like this. It should look painful. Let me see if there is an ice pack in the health room. Ice can relieve the pain and help. Remove blood stasis."

Haruna suddenly felt warm and at ease, and the teacher's gentleness seemed to penetrate her body and mind.Silently watching the teacher who helped him find medicine, a complicated mood emerged in his heart.

"Na... Teacher." Haruna said softly.

"Is the wound too painful? Let me find it quickly." Nie Kong didn't turn around, but quickly scanned every position of the medicine cabinet with his spiritual sense.

"No, I want to ask you about classmate Lala, is she really the teacher's wife?" Haruna asked softly.

"You mean Lala, she is the girl I just met a few days ago, and I met later than Chuncai. Secretly tell you, don't tell others, she is an alien. Because she suddenly landed at my house , So live with me." Nie Kong said without concealment.Nie Kong did not object to the conclusion of the marriage contract.What he cares about is whether Lala really likes herself.

"Student Lala is actually an alien. No wonder she found her tail when she changed her clothes..." When she heard Nie Kong's answer, Chun Na, who was not surprised, suddenly felt inexplicably happy.

"Well, I finally found the ice bag." Nie Kong found the ice bag in the small freezer compartment behind the medicine cabinet.

When Nie Kong applied the ice pack to the red and swollen ankle, Chunca felt the pain disappeared.The icy refreshment replaced the burning pain.

"I use ice cubes to ease the pain for the time being, and I will treat you after the health care teacher comes. Otherwise, with your current state, how can I be assured that you will go home alone after school?" Nie Kong said.

"If possible, I hope the teacher can send me home." Haruna whispered.

"The teacher didn't hear what you said, Chunca." Nie Kong said in confusion.

"No...nothing, by the way, can the teacher ask you to pour me a cup of hot water, I'm a little thirsty." Chunca hurriedly changed the subject, for fear that Nie Kong would hear what she just said.

Nie Kong had no doubt, after all, the baseball game just now had a lot of exercise, and it was normal to feel thirsty after sweating.It just so happened that there was a drinking fountain for boiling water in the health room. He directly filled a cup of boiling water in a paper cup and handed it to Chuncai.He had forgotten that the heat of boiling water is very hot for ordinary people's spring vegetables.


Without any hesitation, he took the spring vegetables from the paper cup, and suddenly felt a burning pain from his fingers.She hurriedly released her small hand holding the paper cup, but the boiling water in the paper cup poured straight onto her sportswear.Immediately afterwards, she felt her skin rushing hot.Although she was covered by clothes, Haruna cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Nie Kong finally woke up, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to help take off his clothes soaked in hot water, but happened to be Jiao Jiao.The little spring vegetables were pressed against the white bed.

The two formed a very your posture, and Nie Kong's hands were even more eagerly stretched into Chuncai's clothes.

Oh my god, how did Li Dou's magical wrestling skills get on me?Nie Kong felt wronged. He obviously wanted to help, but the more he helped, the more he helped.

Haruna was stunned, her pretty face flushed like a torch, and she even made her forget the pain.

"Hmm..." Her watery eyes closed silently, and her cotton-like soft and fragrant body did not resist.

"Hehe, it seems that it's not time for me to come back." After some time, the door of the health room was suddenly opened, and there was a nice girl's voice.

When they got up and saw, a pretty and short burgundy-red elder sister-shaped beauty in a white coat appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.The most impressive thing is the upper body of the beautiful Yujie.It swayed in front of Nie Kong's eyes, as if filling the entire world.

"Stop class and choose the health room for a date. Young people are so courageous." The beauty Yu Jie jokingly looked at the two people in weird poses, and laughed.

"Ah...Ah, Ms. Yumen, misunderstood, we have nothing to do." Chun Caijiang was so scared that she immediately sat up, shaking her hands in a panic trying to explain clearly.

"Um... I just sent Haruna classmate to the health room." Nie Kong did not expect that the health care teacher in the school had been replaced by the alien Ryoko Ryoko, the Universe doctor from outer space.

"'s nice to be young." After Yumen glanced at Chuncai's body lightly, she already understood the matter very well, she just wanted to tease Nie Kong and the others.And she got the information and already knew Nie Kong's identity well-as a candidate for Lala's fiancé.Yumen Ryoko was very curious about Nie Kong, how he could be recognized by Master Qiduo.

"Since the health care teacher is here, then I will leave. Chuncai, you have to receive treatment." After Nie Kong finished speaking, he packed his clothes and left the health room.

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