The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0574, send spring vegetables again

"Nie Kong, the physical education teacher of Class A in the second year, please go to the health room as soon as you hear it..." The school bell rang, but the broadcast covered the entire Cainan College. The bell rang twice. .It was the voice of Ryoko Mito, a health teacher, and she called her to stop.

Sahee, who was bored in the library in the third grade, was stunned when she heard the broadcast.She hurriedly asked Jiujiu Lin next to him: "Rin, the name of the boy who moved to my neighborhood the day before yesterday should be Nie Kong?"

"Yes, isn't he the teacher of our Cainan University? What a coincidence." Rin said with a puzzled expression.

"As far as I know, there is no teacher named Nie Kong in our school. It's probably not long since I've been here." Aya Fujisaki, who wears highly myopic glasses, said in surprise.

"Oh ha ha... It seems that I really am the most beautiful queen in the world, Nie Kong actually chased me to school." Sai Ji let out a three-stage laugh, kind of very low IQ, attracting people around each other Side eyes.

In the envy and jealous eyes of all the male students in the school, Nie Kong took the two girls to the school health room.There are two girls sitting in the room, one is Mimon Ryoko, the super sister, and the other is the injured slender Haruna.

By the way, Mimon-sensei's figure is superb. She is sitting in a chair leisurely, and her plump thighs are exposed.If you have to find a comparable person, then Zhu Nai must be the only one.

"Chuncajang, are your little feet okay." Lala asked with a caring tone as she saw Chuncai's right foot wrapped in layers of white bandages.Haruna's injury was caused by her, and Lala felt a little worried.

"Ms. Yumen has already helped me with treatment, and I believe it will be better soon." Haruna said softly.

"That's great, it scared me." Lala was relieved, her innocent face filled with an innocent smile again.

But Bula's mouth was pursing instead, and he wanted his father to send him home, so Haruna can once again enjoy his father's embrace.Thinking of this, Bra was very envious and jealous of Haruna who was injured.

"Oh, my brother seems to have some pain in my right foot." Bula pretended to suddenly lose his balance and sat on the hospital bed with a grimace.

"Bullah, are you okay." Haruna asked bewildered.

"Bulachan is injured? Then let me check it for you. Pei Kai, cross-dressing mode." Following Lara's voice, Pei Kai catered and changed Lara's school uniform into a nurse uniform.Lala, dressed in a nurse uniform, adds a bit more uniform attributes.No wonder there is a uniform control, it turns out that it really adds a lot of charm.

Pulling his teeth and dancing his claws and pounced on Bla, the two beautiful girls laughed and giggled into a group, really two crazy girls.

"Mr. Nie Kong, the task of escorting Chuncai home is entrusted to you. Her feet can't move for a short time. It is estimated that it will take a day or two to raise them. I just became a school teacher, so I can only ask you. , No problem." Mimon Ryoko said with a smile.

"Well, I have nothing to do today anyway." Nie Kong nodded.

Mito Ryoko's medical skills are famous for the universe, as long as she is not dead, she can heal everything.There was no problem in curing the mere sprain, maybe she was unwilling to expose her alien identity.Like a little sparrow, on the way home from school, the three girls chattered and laughed.

Nie Kong carried Chuncai and accompanied the two lovely girls on the left and right.Such an enviable scene is about to drive Saruyama crazy.Why, why is the teacher so popular with girls?

Li Dou felt more uncomfortable than Yuanshan. Teacher Nie Kong was really envious of him carrying his favorite spring vegetables.

Because Chunca was wearing a short skirt, Nie Kong directly grabbed her smooth legs with both hands while carrying her.Her legs are straight and slender, without a trace of fat, as slender as two stone pillars..Chuncai who stayed behind Nie Kong was not only slightly shy, but also an inexplicable joy.

Nie Kong already knew where Chuncai's home was after the experience of Song her going back once.After sending Chuncai home, Nie Kong took the two girls back to his residence.I don't know what these girls are pretending to. After that incident, the relationship between the three girls has become much closer.

The next day is Saturday. For the students, this is a free day on the weekend where you can play for two days.But Haruna feels very fortunate. The time to recover from her injuries is on weekends, otherwise she would miss a lot of classes.

Since there was no class task today, the two women, Bula and Lala, agreed after consultation and decided to go shopping today and learn about the city where they live.

Although Nie Kong didn't have much interest in shopping with the girls, he couldn't stand up to the two girls.Okay, okay, it's just shopping, not a life-and-death battle, just take it as a proper relaxation.Speaking of it, it's been a long time since I had a good time with my daughter, so let's treat it as compensation for her.

The lively commercial streets, bustling and happy playgrounds, and various beautiful parks in the city, the last aquarium all left their happy laughter.Lala, who is playing in the earth city for the first time, is the most exciting one.

When he arrived at the final destination aquarium, he saw fish with no spirits, and Lara even privately threw the excitement potion into the water.Various fishes raised in the water tank rushed out of the water tank violently. There were herbivorous marine fish, and even man-eating added a lot of trouble to Nie Kong and the humans nearby.Seeing Lala making all this trouble, she was so excited that she even took off her clothes and jumped into the water tank to swim with the fishes.Nie Air had to hold Lala's body, and slam her against her.

Lala looked at Nie Kong with pitiful eyes, his cheeks blushing and very cute, like a cat in spring.Nie Kong didn't use too much force, so Lala felt a kind of inexplicable panic.

And Bra was snickering and hiding her mouth from the side. She had already tasted Dad's tricks, so you dare to be naughty.

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