The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0575, Saji's self-confidence

"Stupid Lala, it's all because of you harassing your brother in the morning and wasting a lot of time, so that our lunch at noon was soaked up." The three were about to rush to school at this time, but Blayi relentlessly preached to Lala .

"Eh! Why do you only blame me? Blachan obviously participated in it too." Lala said bewildered.

"Hmph, I just want to stop you..." Bla blushed and defended.Recalling the scene of the three mandarin ducks playing in the water early in the morning, Bula felt ashamed and unbearable. All that came to mind was the long snake hanging from his legs, which was deeply impressed.Except when he was a child, Dad has not accompany him in a bath for five or six years. I miss it.Although she preached to Lala, she was actually very grateful to her.If Lala rushed into the bathroom and said to accompany Nie Kong to wash together, Bula would definitely not have the courage to rush in together.

"So that's the case, let me take care of the lunch, and give Nie Jun a taste of our Debby Luxing food." Lala said very excitedly.

Bula was deeply curious and said, "Can you do it." Bula has never eaten Debby Luke's food, so he doesn't know its specific taste.

"No problem, no problem, leave it to me. I have put the fresh ingredients in the ice refrigerator Zijun I invented to keep them fresh." Lala said with confidence.

When Nie Kong heard Lala's words, there was a chill in his heart, as if something terrifying was about to happen.

"Good morning, everyone." At this moment, Chuncai's voice reached Nie Kong's ears, awakening him from his thoughts.

"Good morning, spring vegetable sauce!" Bula greeted with a smile.

Seeing that she actually met Teacher Nie Kong in school, Chunca's pretty face flashed with a smile of joy, and she stepped lightly to the front of Nie Kong.

"Student Chuncai, your right foot is okay," Nie Kong asked concernedly, looking at her pretty calf.

"After two days of recuperation over the weekend, I have healed, you see..." As he said, Chunca lightly jumped twice on Nie Kong, showing her recovered feet to Nie Kong.Just as she danced, the skirt fluttered.

The white inner part of Chuncai printed with pink petals instantly appeared before Nie Kong's eyes.It seems that Gap's behavior is not ladylike, she blushed and pressed the corner of her skirt.

Her shy look is really cute, it's no wonder that Li Dou always has a crush on her.

"It's fine." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"It's a pity that Chuncaijiang has to recover from the injury the day before yesterday. I was going to ask you to go shopping together. We had a great time." Lala's cheeks are innocent and frank, giving people a temperament that they want to get close to.She took Haruna's little hand, and the two were like very close friends.

"That's really a shame." Haruna said softly.

Three women and one man chattered around Nie Kong, and from the conversation, when Chun Nai learned that Lala was going to cook Debbie Luxing's lunch, her pretty face showed curiosity.

Lala was very hospitable and directly invited Chuncai for lunch.Haruna did not hesitate, nodded excitedly and agreed.If Chunca hadn't planned on Nie Kong's thoughts, he would have been so scared that Nie Kong would directly reject Lala's proposal.Although he roughly remembered the story of the love-rule girl, he would forget the details and miss the horror of Lara's cooking.

On the way to school, Nie Kong and the others attracted the attention of many boys. They did not expect that there would be such lovely three girls in the school.The surrounding Nie Kong naturally missed it directly.

"Wow...Are these two girls transfer students in the legend, they are super cute."

The appearance of the two girls attracted the attention of all the boys in the school.Although it had just been transferred for three or four days, it was already known to all men in the school.The men who were originally surrounded by a limousine at the school gate all scattered and gathered around Nie Kong, looking at Bula and the three women with brave eyes.

In front of the luxurious car, there is a red carpet.Two familiar girls were standing around, and among them was the blonde beauty Sahime Tenjoin.

"Oh..." Sai Ji, who was posing in a beautiful pose in front of the carpet and fully showing herself, immediately stiffened, and the three-stage laughter broke in two.The high-profile Sahime feels very upset.She was actually left out in the cold, and who would dare to steal her spotlight?

Looking down the flow of people, when she saw the tall and handsome Nie Kong in the front, Sa Ji's eyes lit up.He really became a teacher in this school. Could it be that his charm really attracted him?

The first time I chose to live close to my own villa was a coincidence, the second time I chose to teach in the same school I was definitely close to myself on purpose.

Just thinking about talking to him, the three women around Nie Kong interrupted her.The boys who were paying attention to themselves were all gathered on the three women.

"Rin, who are they?" Sai Ji asked with a tic tac toe on her forehead, gritted her teeth.

"Yes, Lord Saji. The pink-haired transfer student is called Lala, and the black-haired transfer student is called Bra, and the blue-haired is Xiliansi Haruna, who is the monitor of their second-year class A. As far as I know, Bra It’s Teacher Nie Kong’s sister, and Lala announced on the spot that she liked Teacher Nie Kong when she transferred to another school, but Teacher Nie Kong did not give her a clear answer. Recently, the two transfer students have caused a lot of topics in the lower grades, even many It is also difficult for the boys in the higher grades to resist their charm." Lin said after investigating.

"It's quite popular, but compared to the number one in Japan, Tenjoin Sahime, it's not an opponent at all. I want to see how capable she is." Saihie smiled confidently.

"Sahime-sama, what do you want to do?" Fujisaki Aya asked curiously.

"Aya, please help me ask Teacher Nie Kong out at noon today. I will accompany him to lunch. I want her to see with my own eyes how Teacher Nie Kong has fallen under my charm... Oh ha ha." There was an exaggerated laugh, but no one paid attention to her anymore.

"Eh... do you want to... want me to invite Teacher Nie Kong by myself. How about Rin help me, I... I have no confidence." Fujisaki Aya stammered.

Some introverted, she is very shy. A girl of her own actually invites boys to lunch, even though she is doing errands for others.

"Yes, Aya, you have to work hard. I believe it will be easy, you can rest assured. How can anyone refuse with my Saji's charm." Saji nodded and stepped into the school with a satisfied smile.

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