The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0576, just escaped Lara's cooking

"Nie Kong...sir, do you have time to accompany Master Sha Ji to lunch together at noon?" The whole morning class passed, and the girl with myopic glasses suddenly appeared in front of Nie Kong.She looked a little nervous, and she stammered.

"you are?"

"My name is Aya Fujisaki, I am Sahime-sama's attendant. Have you forgotten, you moved to the vicinity of Saji-sama some time ago, and we visited you." Fujisaki Aya explained quickly.

"It turns out to be you. I didn't expect the three of you to be students here. Don't be so polite. Since you are in school, please call me Teacher Nie Kong." Nie Kong nodded with a smile.

"Does the teacher agree? Then please come with me." Aya Fujisaki completely misunderstood what Nie Kong said. She lowered her head and happily took Nie Kong's hand and tried to pull it out.

"Wait...I didn't say yes. Actually, I have already made an appointment for Lara to have lunch together. I am afraid I don't have time to accompany Saji-classmate. If she wants, she can come to the cooking class to have lunch with us. The opportunity is rare, yes Classmate Lala wants to cook for us on the spot." Nie Kong said sweatingly.

"It turned out to be so, then I...I'll tell Master Saji what the teacher said." Aya Fujisaki nodded suddenly, and then hurriedly left Nie Kong's office.By the way, Fujisaki Aya, you really need to learn from Lala how to deal with people.

Just as Fujisaki Aya left, the door suddenly kicked open with violence.

"Nie Jun, hurry up, it's time for lunch." A familiar voice came, and the innocent and trouble-free La La Sha Na rushed to embrace Nie Kong's arm and shouted happily.

"Don't worry, how many people are I waiting for." Nie Kong comforted.

"Brother, who are you waiting for?" Bra asked.

"Oh ha ha... Of course Teacher Nie Kong is waiting for me. It is a great honor to invite me to lunch together." Saki Tenjoin laughed exaggeratedly, and she was accompanied by Kujo Rin and her side. Fujisaki Aya who has just met.Bula and the others looked at Saji in a weird pose, as if looking at an idiot.Ignore, ignore her.

As if no one was in favor, Saji stopped her laughter.

"Hey... Teacher Nie Kong, where are we going to share lunch." Like a proud rooster, she stood in front of Nie Kong with her head high.

"Students from Tiantiao Academy, we want to..." Nie Kong just wanted to speak, and Sa Ji immediately stopped Nie Kong's mouth with her little hand.

"Teacher Nie Kong, you can call me Shaji in the future." Tenjoin Saji smiled.Seeing Sa Ji making such an intimate action towards Nie Kong, Haruna suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability.

"Well, classmate Saji, please come with me. Now that the person has expired, let's set off-the destination is the cooking classroom." Nie Kong led the six girls behind him to the vacant cooking teacher classroom of Cainan College.The kitchen utensils are all available, and as long as there are materials, you can make delicious dishes on the spot.

Lala took out her space phone and threw out a cabinet.

"Let's take a look, this is the ingredients I collected from all over the universe. Wait and see, I'm about to start." Lala said excitedly, pointing to the refrigerator.

"Master Lala, you have to wear an apron for cooking, do you want me to transform?" Pei Kai reminded.

"That's it, Pei Kai transformed." Lara shouted.

"Yes, Master Lala." The dazzling white light flickered, and a girl in an apron appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.On the contrary, the looming sense of sight made Nie Kong want to understand the situation inside.

"Dangdang...Nie Jun, how is it?" Lala turned around, giggling.

"It's okay." More than okay, Nie Kong only felt the blood rush to his crotch, this crazy girl would really seduce himself.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you need to wear clothes in the apron." Haruna blushed and reminded out loud.It turned out that what Nie Jun said was true, and Lala was really an alien.

"She... how could her clothes change? It's weird." The third daughter of Saji was stunned, rubbing her eyes in disbelief.

"Eh, isn't it okay to dress well?" Lala said, pityingly, lifting his apron.

"No," the four women said in unison.

Later, Lala could only tell Pei Kai to transform again and put a piece of clothing inside to cover her graceful body.

"Then, I'm going to start." Lala pressed the button of the refrigerator and opened the refrigerator.She dragged out five or six-meter-long bamboo shoots from the inside, and proudly explained: "It is the ice refrigerator I invented, and it is equipped with a space-distorting function. You can put everything, and everything can be refrigerated. ."

Every time Bula saw Lara's invention, he felt a kind of creepy.Nie Kong and the others stayed quietly near her, watching Lala humming and cutting vegetables.

At this moment, Nie Kong felt that Chun Cai's expression was a little weird.She pointed to the refrigerator, trembling: "Old... teacher, what... what is that."

what happened?Nie Kong looked at Chuncai's fingers.I saw a huge figure, and the red tentacles slowly got out of the refrigerator.But with the space warping function of the refrigerator, Nie Kong didn't realize how this thing appeared.

The huge octopus finally showed its figure, it was 6 meters in size, and its tentacles were more than ten meters long.

"Hey, that should be Andrew's big octopus. It's really strange, I obviously had to freeze it." Lala touched her head with a strange look.

But the refrigerator did not stop spitting out, as the octopus appeared, the head of a big squid popped out.The squid is larger than the octopus, and it occupies almost half of the classroom.

"Could it be that there is something coming out, Lala, what are you pretending to be inside?" Nie Kong was shocked.

"That's because I want Jun Nie to eat more delicious food." Lala spouted his tongue.

Then the huge seafood jumped out one by one. There were huge hairy crabs and giant fishes that were more than ten meters long.

The females of Haruna are already pale, no matter which normal earth person sees such a monster, she will be afraid.

"Idiot Lara, there really is a problem with the machinery you invented." Bula growled.

Nie Kong stopped Chuncai and the others, and said to his daughter Bulu: "You must get rid of them as soon as possible, so as not to cause commotion in the school. Bula, you must protect Chuncai and them."

Nie Kong first waved his hand knife at the big octopus. Although it looked like a hand knife, he directly cut the big octopus into neat pieces.

Bula did not flinch, and she cleaned up all the hairy crabs and giant fish that had hit him, but she didn't kill them.

Annoyed, Lala threw them back to the refrigerator, and quickly closed the door so that they didn't run out again.

"Hehe, it seems that the food for lunch is going to eat takoyaki." Nie Kong looked at the scattered octopus pieces and laughed.

"Hey, I can't make takoyaki." Lala shouted.

"It's okay, I will cook it for you." Nie Kong didn't know, he escaped.

"Does the teacher actually cook?" Haruna asked in surprise.

"It's okay, I usually cook the food at home." Nie Kong expertly found a bag of flour, and then found a tool for grilling takoyaki.Takoyaki is simple, but the heat is considered.

"Teacher is really a gentle and good man, who can marry him is really happy." Haruna thought silently.

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