The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0577, frog specimen?

As a transit station in the outer space full of stars, Sustin is in charge of the outer space protection, surveillance and protection of Lala.While Sustin was still admiring the starry sky, heavy and neat footsteps sounded from behind Sustin.

"Captain Sustin, I have one thing to report. An unrecognizable light source rushed into the earth. What should I do?" His capable man, a strong man in a black suit and like a bodyguard, stared at the screen and said. .

"Is it coming up so soon, but this is something that has already been expected. As the trial of my uncle, I believe he can cope with it easily. We will stay here quietly and observe his handling methods. My husband, I can only I pray you can succeed." Sustin said lightly.

A large row of photos spread out in his hand, all of which were the alternate fiancé whom Cheetos had previously agreed to.There are fat heads and big ears, green skin and insect humanoids...Although there are many people, all of them are very strange.It's hard to imagine how bad Qi Duo's aesthetics is. No wonder Lala will run away from home.

And since the news that Lala had a husband-in-law had spread to every corner of the universe a few days ago, how could the candidate fiances of Lala sit still?You must know that as long as you marry Lala, it is equivalent to the right to rule the entire universe.And Lara is so cute that many people rush to it.But they didn't expect that Lala would actually admit other men on a remote planet.

The men who could not bear the blow began to scramble to the earth to retrieve Princess Lara in spaceships.The first one came was a green-skinned geek who looked like a standing frog.

It was called Jay Ply, and he already had five wives and many children, but he obviously wanted to pull Lala into his harem.The spacecraft pierced the atmosphere and landed on the top floor of the teaching building of Cainan University.

The green-skinned monster slowly stepped out of the spaceship, sniffing its nose gently, using the smell to search for the location of Lala.

"I can feel Lala getting closer and closer, Wula." It spit out a long tongue, and its expression was really disgusting.Perhaps it was during class time, and no one found it walking in the corridor of the teaching building.

And it came to the door of a classroom, followed the glass in the doorway, and it saw Lala inside the classroom.

"Finally found out, my lovely Princess Lala. The teacher at the high platform, should be Princess Lala's fiance, really jealous." It said angrily.

At this time, Bula and the others are in Class A of the second year in the biology laboratory-dissecting frogs.The teacher who taught them is really beyond everyone's surprise, it is the physical education teacher Nie Kong.Because the biology teacher suddenly had diarrhea, he quickly asked Nie Kong to take care of him for a while, and waited for him to pull it up before teaching.

On the desk of each classmate, there is a frog with its limbs pinned to the desk.The students are holding tweezers in their left hand and a scalpel in their right, preparing to practice dissecting frogs by themselves.

Although the biology teacher demonstrated how to dissect before leaving, the frog is too small, how can they see clearly.So the students were all dumbfounded, not knowing where to start.

"Hey, Jun Nie, what does anatomy mean?" Lara asked in confusion in front of her seat.

"The dissection is to use the scalpel in your hand to cut open the frog's belly. The purpose is to give you an understanding of the structure of the frog." Nie Kong read the biology textbook for a while, and he understands it based on his soul power.

Lala showed a dazed expression, and gestured to the frog with the tool in her hand.

"Teacher, can you give us a demonstration." Wei Young said in distress.

"Idiot, the teacher teaches physical education, how can he understand biology? You said it is not, Chuncai sauce." Risa pushed Chuncai, but strangely she did not answer her own question.

Turning his head, he found that Chuncai was looking at Nie Kong in a daze.

Risa smiled secretly and grabbed Haruna's chest with both hands from behind."What's wrong, Haruna seems to be in a daze recently."

"No... yes, probably." Haruna replied weakly, blushing.

"Hehe, isn't it because you are growing up? It's a good thing to grow up." Risa squeezed the spring vegetables and smiled very proudly.Haruna blushed and pushed away the dewclaws of Linsha slightly, for fear that they might be seen by others.

"Although I am teaching physical education, it is clear that the dissection of frogs is clear. If the students don't understand, I will dissect them and show them to you." After Nie Kong finished speaking, the students stared at Nie Kong's movements.

When Nie Kong was about to start dissecting the desktop frog, the excitement of the biology teacher rang outside the door.

"Ah... Teacher Nie Kong, where did you catch the huge frog? It has already run out of the classroom. Come out and help catch it."

Jay Pry, who was peeping at the door, suddenly felt a huge force hug him. He turned around and saw that a man with eyes hugged him hard.Although it is large in size, its strength is unexpectedly small.Jay Ply wanted to resist, but it felt weak and powerless.

Nie Kong immediately opened the door when he heard his words and found the biology teacher who was holding on to the "giant frog". It seemed that he had come back with diarrhea.

"Wow... It's a big frog." The classmates cried out in shock when only seeing the green skin behind it.

"Ahhhhhhh, how do I feel that it is a bit familiar? Is it really a frog." Compared to the animals on the desktop, Lala's confused pretty face suddenly realized."It looks exactly the same, it seems there is nothing wrong."

Nie Kong knocked on the frog's head, and its body suddenly softened. He smiled and said, "If you can dissect it, I believe the students will understand the structure of the frog better."

"That's right, it is simply a miracle in the biological world." The biology teacher said in a general way.

"Teacher, let us demonstrate an autopsy. We were too young to see it last time." They all exclaimed after being shocked for a while.

"Haha, it is my honor to be able to dissect such a huge frog. When I make it into a specimen, it will be famous all over the world." The biology teacher greedily looked at the unconscious Jay Ply, the scalpel in his hand expanded even more. Five or six times, the sharp light shines.

Nie Kong wondered how there could be such a big frog. He thought it might have been the ingredients that Mr. Lala Bing Fridge had escaped some time ago.

With more than a dozen knives, poor Jay Ply made a specimen directly for the biology teacher.The teacher's technique was really professional, and there was no blood flowing out of the cut belly.

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