The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0578, the appearance of even

With Nie Kong's unintentional actions, he resolved a love rival that had unexpectedly arrived.He thought it was a monster of a frog, but who expected it to be Lara's former fiancé alternate.

On Monday morning, three girls in green pleated skirts walked out of the luxurious door with their school bags.Standing in the middle is Sahime from Tenjoin's daughter, and Kujo Rin's two girls on the left and right.

"Sahime-sama, let's go the wrong way. The car that takes you to school should be waiting outside the flower garden." The mature face of Rin Kujo on the right was full of confusion.

"Then tell the driver for me that I can go to school by myself in the future. It's rare that Teacher Nie Kong lives near me. How can I give up the opportunity to go to school with him. Damn it, I must take the teacher Grab it from you to prove my charm." Saki Tenjoin said confidently.

"Is that so?" Kujo Rin was puzzled, but she didn't dare to object to the matter decided by Master Saji. Her mission was only to protect her safety.It is rare that Lord Saji will prepare to fall in love, which is a great thing for the development of Tenjoin.Teacher Nie Kong is very handsome, gentle and sunny. He is a good husband for Master Saji.

"Lord Saji, let's go quickly. If it's late, the teacher will leave." Aya lowered her face and moved towards the villa a few hundred meters across from her with myopic eyes.

As soon as Nie Kong opened the door, Sa Ji immediately hugged Nie Kong's head and pressed her body.The fragrance of tenderness and girl rushed to the face.

"Oh ha ha... Teacher Nie Kong belongs to my Tenjo Academy Saki, Lala you are desperate." She suppressed the throbbing, blushing and said to Lala behind.

"Hey, does Saji-chan like Jun Nie too? No problem, no problem, the three of us can get married together." Nerve Lara hugged Nie Kong's arm and said excitedly.

Saji felt her heart beating faster when she heard the words behind Lala, and the scene of her wedding in the church in a wedding dress appeared in her head. Is the groom Teacher Nie Kong?

The two girls behind Kujo Rin were dumbfounded, and they didn't expect Lara to have such absurd ideas.

"What do you two think, as the elder brother and the cutest sister, I didn't agree to it." Bula said with his arms akimbo.The three women quarreled in front of Nie Kong, but they added a lot of fun to Nie Kong's life.

"It's still lively as always, good morning everyone." After passing the fork in front of the college, the demure Chunca slowly approached Nie Kong, as if he had become accustomed to such a life.She didn't feel strange to the newly added Saji-senpai.Some time ago, they already knew each other, and they had a takoyaki made by Nie Kong.Haruna understands that Saji-senpai likes her teacher as much as Lara.

Six lovely girls turned around Nie Kong alone, deeply stabbing the weak hearts of the male classmates around.Looking in his eyes, Furukawa frowned slightly.

"Before class, I want to introduce a new transfer student to my classmates." Teacher Gu Chuan in front of the podium caused a noise from the students.No wonder this is the case. There are too many transfer students in Class A in the second year.

"His name is Lien Elsie Julia, please get along well in the future, do you know."

Following the teacher's words, a handsome boy appeared at the door.He has short black and white hair and burgundy eyes.If it was before, the girls in the class would definitely scream loudly.But compared to Nie Kong's words, he seemed to lose his taste.

The boys saw another rival appeared, and their eyes were full of hostility.Who said Teacher Nie Kong was the primary enemy, but the identity of the teacher lay there.And Lien is even more threatening. He is a classmate of their age.

Bula glanced at him with a lack of interest.He is too naive, not as mature as his father.

The new transfer student glanced around the classroom, his eyes filled with excitement when he saw Lala.

"Ah... I finally found you, my bride Lala." He walked a few steps in front of Lala, kneeled on the ground and made a marriage proposal, looking at Lala with love.

"Could it be that Lala's old lover has appeared, ready to have a romantic relationship." Wei Young seemed to be very interested in that kind of complicated relationship, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Will he be the teacher's love rival, and then there will be a battle of love and hatred." Risa exclaimed.

"I have a question, who are you?" Lala put her hands in front of her, and a question mark seemed to pop up in her head.That silly look is very innocent and cute.Her words made everyone in the class almost fall to the ground. Lara didn't recognize him. Is there a mistake?

You must know that Lala's fiance, Jay Ply, was dissected in front of her, and Lala still failed to recognize it, not to mention the "toy" company that hadn't seen each other for many years.

Lien's body was like glass, cracking to the ground.

"It's really Lala, too direct won't work. But I won't admit defeat, because I'm an upright man." Lala's words hit Lian very hard, and she shook her body a few times to stabilize her figure.Then he took out another photo and explained his identity to Lala.

After seeing this photo, Lala finally remembered who he was.In general, Lian is Lala's guinea pig when she was a child, to experiment with her new invention.He has suffered countless inhuman treatments. From childhood to most of his sufferings, he has come through, and even has the title of crying ghost company.

"Finally on a terrifying and exciting day, I made an agreement with Lala-if I become a man, Lala promised to marry me." Lian said to himself, while the classmates completely ignored Teacher Guchuan .

"Master Lala, have you really promised such a thing?" Pei Kai asked in surprise.

" seems to have or not." Lala touched her head, thinking and replied.

"So I am here to take Lala away from you-Nie Kong." Lian pointed to the Saruyama in the class with confidence and said.For a role like him, he can easily defeat him.

"Huh... can you not compare my brother and Saruyama." Bula dissatisfied.

"Hey... Am I so bad?" Saruyama roared.

"Yes." The girls said in unison.

It seemed that he had gotten the wrong object, and even felt very embarrassed.

"If you are looking for a teacher, you have to wait until the first physical education class in the afternoon." Risa was very excited, perhaps looking forward to the unfolding of the love triangle.

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