The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0580, Lun appeared

"Can't bear it. I want to officially announce now that I want to challenge you-Nie Kong." Seeing that Lala, who I like, treats Nie Kong so intimately, he even jumped out of the pool and stared at Nie Kong with anger.

"Are you going to start, the love triangle dispute." It is a pity that Wei Young does not have melon seeds in his hands, otherwise it would be helpful.Duelings, challenges... and even the outbreak made all the boys and girls very excited.

"Who is he? Why didn't I remember that there was this classmate in our class." Nie Kong's words almost caused him to vomit blood and die.

"Teacher. His name is Lien Elsie Julia and he just transferred to our class today." Haruna explained softly.

"That's right, I definitely want to take Lara back from you."

"But, why should I accept the challenge of learning from you?" Nie Kong looked at each other funny, this kind of children's game is outdated.Besides, bullying the weak is really meaningless.

"I want to prove to Lala that I am a stronger man than you." Lian said confidently.

"I refuse. It's up to Lala to decide who she likes, how can she decide through a duel." Nie Kong's words caused the girls to move.

"Hmph, you are afraid. As a teacher, you are actually afraid of the challenges of your classmates? You are not qualified to be our physical education teacher." Lian despised.

It was only his words that caused the girls' anger.

"Does the teacher have the right to turn to your newly transferred student? He is the best teacher in our hearts. If you don't want to, you can transfer to another class."

His words not only angered Bla and the others, but also touched Nie Kong's bottom line.

"Very well, I accept your challenge. Let's talk about it."

"Teacher, teach him a lesson." Seeing this scene, Li Sha and Wei Young clapped and celebrated.

"Since you are a physical education teacher, let's choose physical education for the content of the comparison, lest I bully you. Swim around the swimming pool thirty back and forth to see who is faster." He is quite confident of his motor nerves.

"I have no problem, Chuncai, you come to be our referee." Nie Kong smiled.

Haruna stepped forward slowly and nodded lightly.It’s just that her eyes are full of worries. Is the teacher really okay?

"Do you want to swim in a competition? Have fun." Lala was eager to participate. There was no sense of worry that Nie Kong and the others would duel for her, it was indeed Lala.

One round trip is 100 meters, and thirty rounds are three kilometers.The women exclaimed, how could it be done? Teacher, how could you agree so readily.

The corner of Bla's mouth flashed with disdain, and he wanted to challenge his father.I'm afraid that Dad will let him win twenty-nine and a half laps, and he is still Dad.

The boys’ pool was used as their playing field, and all male students automatically gave up their positions.The girls all cheered for Nie Kong. What the boys hope most is that both lose and lose, and they profit.

"Prepare, start." With Haruna's soft voice, even jumped into the pool like a dolphin.

Lien's motor nerves are much stronger than that of ordinary people, and he rides in the ultra-high-speed swimming pool.Everyone opened their mouths wide, is this really the speed that ordinary people have.In contrast to Teacher Nie Kong, his speed is even more abnormal.

When the pool water met his body, it actually separated two waves obediently, like a super high-speed jet boat.

"The teacher is amazing." The girls looked at Nie Kong in admiration.

With almost a swing of his hands, he can span a distance of twenty meters in an instant.The gap between the two was widening. When Nie Kong had already made 25 rounds, Lian Gang had finished his tenth round.

He didn't expect that Nie Kong would be so perverted, and the speed was so much faster than his own.However, even without giving up, he gritted his teeth and rushed to the finish line desperately.

But God seemed to be standing on Nie Kong's side too, and when he shook his body desperately, he noticed a buzzing fly around him.

"What's the matter, your speed is getting slower and slower. Is it because you have no strength?" Nie Kong swam easily on his back, jokingly at the right side.

" can I have no strength, wait for me to drive away this nasty fly, and see how I can overtake it." He even stared at the flying fly, sometimes catching it.But the fly is very smart and has escaped the company's attacks many times.

Unexpectedly, this would be the reason, Nie Kong felt a little funny.That being the case, let's end the game.When Nie Kong just wanted to speed up, an annoying fly buzzed on Lien's nose.

"Ha...yawn." Feeling itchy in his nostrils, even sneezed vigorously.

"Boom..." Like a huge explosion, pink smoke covered his whole body.

"Ah..." There was a girl's scream from the smoke, and when the smoke dispersed, everyone watched the scene dumbfounded.

I saw the boy company turned into a super cute girl.She has light blue hair, fair skin, and her pretty face is as beautiful as a blooming flower.She was wearing only swimming trunks with her hands in front.

Because she was half-length hidden in the water, and the sunlight reflected on the water and the cover of her hands, the boy on the shore could not see such a beautiful scenery.Only Nie Kong was lucky enough to be able to watch it up close.

Saruyama's nostrils expanded and he was panting heavily, and he desperately needed to watch the scenery hidden in the water.

"My compatriots, what are you waiting for?" With a roar, Saruyama jumped into the pool, and the boys jumped in one by one in a red light.

When the girl encountered such a scene, her pretty face was a little panicked and a little overwhelmed.Nie Kong gritted his teeth and hugged the girl close to him.

"You...what are you doing?" The girl rebelled in a panic, but she felt her strength slowly weakened.The two of them were naked and hugged tightly, and the bite of the skin drained her strength.

"Hold me tightly. Only in this way can you avoid showing your body to others." Nie Kong calmly explained.

Was he protecting me? The girl stared at Nie Kong blankly, and she suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

"My name is Lun Elsie Julia, you can call me Lun in the future." She stayed quietly in Nie Kong's arms like a kitten, her face blushing and very cute.

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