The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0581, the characteristics of the Memoruxi star

"Hey, the crying ghost Xiaolian turned out to be a girl. It's a pity that girls can't have masculinity." Lala squinted and smiled.

"Master Lala, have you forgotten that Xiaolian is the royal family of the Memoruzi people, with the ability to convert between male and female personality and body, and through a certain type of keystroke behavior, the body and mind can change gender." Pei Kai replied.

"Really." She was nervous, but she often forgets important things.

"It turns out that I am also an alien, so it's no wonder that I will recognize Lala Jiang, who is also an alien..." Chuncai suddenly realized what Pei Kai said when he stayed near Lala.

"But if you maintain this state, how can you live in the future?" A scene emerged in Bla's mind. The boy's Lian suddenly became a girl's relationship when he was making love with his wife.Even the girl's Lun suddenly became a boy's company when he made love with her husband.Although it looks interesting, he will be very tragic.

"The ecological environment of Memoruxis is very bad, so the environment there has created their special physique. But no problem. Memoruxis usually show their first and second sexual characteristics after being alone. The third characteristic of ecology can be separated into two independent individuals due to ecological changes.” Pei Kai, like an encyclopedia, explained the characteristics of the Memoruxi star.Explain that after showing two genders, the adult company will split into two people, one male and one female.

Memoruxi has two suns, and most of the land is desert, and the environment is several times worse than the earth.When it is difficult for humans to survive, their genes have evolved.Hermaphrodite can ensure their reproduction.

Hearing the strange information that Pei Kai explained, Haruna found it incredible.Sure enough, it is a big world, and there are no surprises.

"Teacher... how can I be so shameless?" Looking at the two people hugging each other closely, Yui Furukawa's small face turned red in an instant.The most important thing is that they are not wearing clothes.Look at you, it's messed up the class style.As our teacher, you should pay more attention to it.

Compared to Nie Kong's 180cm strong body, Lena's 115cm body looks very petite and small.In Nie Kong's arms, like a little bird, Nie Kong covered most of her white skin.

The lecherous Saruyama couldn't see the beautiful place of the girl as he wanted, and rushed to the swimming pool madly, wanting to get a closer look.

Seeing more than a dozen male classmates gathered around, Nie Kong laughed when it was difficult to be innocent.The arrogance in his body vibrated slightly, and the water in the swimming pool centered on him swept out in all directions.

Like a stormy sea, the rising waves rushed them far away.In a blink of an eye, there was no water left in the huge swimming pool.Saruyama and a dozen of them strayed, some even hung in the big tree.Of the boys in the class, Li Dou was the only one who survived.He was fortunate that he did not go with Saruyama, otherwise he would definitely end up as miserable as them.

"Teacher is too good, right." Li Sha and the others were dumbfounded, looking at Nie Kong in shock.Even Haruna suddenly felt that her teacher might be the idea of ​​aliens from Lala.

Nie Kong hugged Lun tightly and came to Chuncai, and said, "Xiao, it's Chuncai classmate, can you help the teacher get a girl's dress."

Hearing Nie Kong's affectionate name, Chun Cai's cheeks flushed, "Okay...well, if the teacher wants to, I can call...Call me Xiao Chun Cai." After she said this, she disappeared like an escape.Too shy, the teacher would call me that.

"How long do you want to hold, it really affects the school's morals." Wei suddenly gave birth to an unknown fire, and preached to Nie Kong with his arms akimbo.

"Furuttegawa-san, you should be able to see clearly. As Lun is not wearing any clothes, I can only help her to cover her body. How can a girl's body be seen by other boys at will? If only classmate meets this In this case, the teacher will still hug you." Nie Kong smiled as he looked at the blushing Furukawa Yui in front of him.

Wei was stunned. She didn't expect the teacher to do this for this reason.But when she heard the latter words, her heartbeat missed a beat: " could I do such a shameless thing..." I just thought of that scene, but already felt a dizzy illusion.That kind of scene is too exciting for her pure and conservative.

"So that's the case, I said. How can the pure teacher immediately transform into a carnivore like Saruyama?" At this moment, Risa MM came to join in the fun.She suddenly hugged Nie Kong from behind and whispered softly: "Hey, teacher, I welcome you to hug me in that position at any time." Risa MM, you are really too bold.

"The teacher is so gentle, I think I have fallen in love with the teacher." Lun in his arms raised his pretty face, his face was slightly red.

"Eh..." Lala held her index finger in her mouth, staring at Lun in a daze.Lun looked at her provocatively, those big eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Well, I... I will forgive the teacher once in an exceptional case. But in the future, in the future, you must abide by the school's morals." Wei blushed and turned his head.

Chunca felt that she had already guessed Nie Kong's thoughts, so she was not surprised.She has already experienced the teacher's gentleness, how could the teacher deliberately do such a thing.

"Huh... Obviously Dad's gentleness should have belonged to me alone." Bula pursed his mouth, with a thought of hating himself.Why didn't the time machine I remodeled exert its effect?If she really goes back in time, then she really has a chance to have her own father.

She hugged a white sailor suit and handed it to Lun.Lun Xiao, who was nestled in Nie Kong's arms, caught it and secretly changed his clothes.Although there is no underwear, but it can barely cover her graceful body.

Although she looks like a very cute girl, she will transform into a boy at any time.

"Teacher, thank you so much." She hugged Nie Kong's arm, very affectionate and authentic.

"It's just the meeting, don't care too much. By the way, you can come to me if you have any difficulties in the future." Nie Kong smiled.

Lun blushed and nodded, his eyes gleaming with joy.

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