The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0582, only the transformation

It's a pity that things didn't develop as expected by Yui Furutekawa, but intensified.There are more shameless things than she expected.

"Teacher, I miss you so much. I will never forget the affectionate hug between the teacher and me." At the gate of Cainan College, a beautiful and lovely girl was already waiting there.When she saw Nie Kong appear, she threw herself into his arms.

"Ah, it's Xiaolun sauce." Lala said happily.

Lun put his arms around Nie Kong's neck and pinched Nie Kong's waist, his pretty face flushed and slowly approached Nie Kong's lips.

"Teacher, let's do it again."

The students who watched the excitement nearby had reddened cheeks and excited eyes, ready to witness the bold scene of the two.Some male classmates even whistled.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Nie Kong is going to be a prisoner of Saki Ai of Tenjo Academy, ha ha ha." Looking in the direction of the voice, three girls in black leather clothes appeared.

Hearing laughter with such a low IQ, Bra and the others knew the identity of the person who came.

Especially when Nie Kong's handsome boys saw that they had an idea of ​​going into the ground.

Lun got jealous by accident. She opened Saji's hands and said, "Hey, don't just hug the teacher."

"Who are you?" A few tic-tac-toe appeared on Saji's forehead, and the two women began to argue.

"Teacher." Haruna lowered her eyes.She clearly saw that the girls around the teacher all liked the teacher, and they all looked so cute.She was demure, and she could not express her complicated emotions to Nie Kong like Lun did.

Wei Wei blushed outside the school gate, looking at the surrounding students, feeling a little unspeakable anger.

"Hey, I said you can give me enough." Wei, hands on hips, suddenly appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others, as if he was going to catch him on the bed.

Bra shook his head straight, he couldn't stop them from being affectionate with his father. Can you do it?

"Who are you?" Lun asked confusedly.

"I am Yui Furutekawa, the chairperson of the same class as you, although I have not seen your behavior so far, but my patience has reached the limit. Because your actions have seriously affected the school's morals. Nie Teacher Kong, you should play a leading role even more." Wei said with a tight face.The few girls in front of him have completely annoyed Wei by their impure behavior towards Nie Kong.

Nie Kong smiled dumbly: "Only classmates, there is actually no need to be serious at all times. Energetic youth is the best. Only classmates who laugh more will definitely be a very cute girl." With their existence, their life will become so colorful.

"In short, it is forbidden to associate with impure opposite sexes in the school." Wei blushed and said finally.Yui Furukawa never expected someone to say that he was cute, and the boys in the past would always hide away when they saw her.She squeezed her small hands together, very nervous.

It is said that the teacher is a very responsible teacher, and very gentle.In the previous physical education class, he smiled and taught himself to swim deeply in her memory.They must be the cause of the deterioration of school discipline.How can I let them teach bad teachers? I absolutely must stop their actions and save the school's morals.

Since the root cause was not in Nie Kong, she didn't come up with those strange measures.It was just the track and field class in the afternoon, when Lun and Lala hugged Nie Kong intimately, they stood up and stopped in front of Nie Kong.

The final result was that only under the impact of the two women, the delicate body fell straight into Nie Kong's arms.

"That... was completely unexpected."

"No... shameless."

Wei's shy eyes circled, and Qiao's blush was about to burst into heat.She never thought that the teacher would do such shameless things to her, she was too shy.She wanted to resist, but her strength was lost.

After that unexpected incident, Wei Shuo's voice of rectifying the morals gradually decreased.It's just that when she saw Lala's move to approach Nie Kong, she would still stop it loudly.

But the next day there was a new change, the girl's Lun became a boy's company appeared.Knowing that he had lost to Nie Kong in the previous challenge, he was not discouraged.

"Lara, although I am more manly than him, I will work harder to surpass him."

He clenched his fists, and even seemed to have made up his mind.Bula shook his head straight, even if he practiced for decades, could he surpass his father?the answer is negative.

Dad was already the highest realm king god in the universe a long time ago, and after years of practice, Bula didn't know how strong he became.

In this way, Lien's journey of manhood practice began.During the day, he would still go to school normally.But after school, various men’s practices emerged one after another.Before long, he developed a burly muscle, and he was often seen on TV.

Legend has it that he defeated the world's top boxer, climbed single to the world's highest peak, the Himalayas, and even defeated the white bear at the peak of the snow mountain.

When he came to Lala with confidence, Lala said happily: "I didn't notice the manhood, but Xiao Lian is getting more and more interesting." With her words, Lian suddenly fell into the abyss of darkness.More and more interesting?Why is this happening?What should I do?The lonely company, the only thing he can do is to practice again in order to be recognized by Lala.

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