The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0584, golden shadow

Near the faint outer space of the earth, the transfer station established by the Debbie Luke Royal Guard is still hidden here.Basically Sustin and they live here, and always protect Princess Lala's safety.

"Didi, alert. An unknown spaceship is approaching! An unknown spaceship is approaching!"

The sirens sounded, and two guards in black suits, like bodyguards, immediately checked the instrument light panel displaying the coordinates.The red light spot hits at a very fast speed, and gradually rushed towards the earth.

Although some alien tourists usually come to the earth, most of them will notify the transfer station.There is only one such rash situation, and that is likely to be Lara's alternate fiancee player.

"Master Sustin, do you want to send a warning wave to the other party?"

"Let's observe the type of the opponent's spaceship first. If it is a fighter jet, destroy it directly, and obliterate any possibility of danger to Lord Lara." Sustin paused.

High-tech cosmic fighters have terrible weapons and have the potential to cause damage to the planet.Although the power of the uncle is very strong, how can he survive the explosion of the planet.

"Turn on Real Vision Radar detection immediately." As the two black-clad men typed on the keyboard, the red dot that broke into their electronic screen finally showed its appearance.The shape is like a flying saucer, basically without weapons.

"Report to Lord Sustin. Fortunately, it is a civilian spaceship with the logo of Jama Star."

Sustin frowned. Most of the Jamastars in the universe have died, and the only one who has the ability to travel through the universe is the prince of Jamastar Lakospo.Sure enough, he was a candidate for Master Lara.

"I see, let it pass." Sustin said.

Lakospo came unexpectedly, and it seemed that it would cause my uncle a little trouble.He is rumored to be despicable and unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals.Many opponents who had hindered him in the past died strangely.Since it was the test of the husband-in-law, I had to hide it from Master Lala.The alternate fiancé is the hardest to deal with and count him. If the husband-in-law can defeat him, the dust will settle down and become Lara's husband-in-law.

"How can we inherit the throne of Debbie Luke to such a person, husband-in-law, please cheer." Sustin thought silently.

Sustin naturally stood on Nie Kong's side and opposed Lala marrying someone else.Only Nie Kong was the only one who could impress him except Qiduo.

The room-sized round flying saucer trembles violently, and the metal shown is showing a red glow.Various phenomena indicate that it is trying to break through the earth’s atmosphere.Without Sustin's obstruction, it descended on the earth smoothly.

The little alien with a pumpkin-like hat and all green skin sits comfortably on the sofa inside the spaceship, swaying a crystal glass of wine in his right hand and enjoying it.His ten fingers carried several rings with gems, which looked like a nouveau riche with no quality, very vulgar.

The inside of the spaceship looks really magnificent and gleaming, with gems inlaid everywhere.As the prince of Jamaxing, his wealth is almost as rich as that of a country, but unfortunately he is the only one.

Lacopos looked at the image that appeared in front with eyes as big as sesame seeds, and asked in a low voice: "You should be on earth now, can you do the task I entrusted to you?"

"I have accepted your request, and I will definitely do my best to complete it. Give me real information about the target. I need to analyze his basic situation before I can do it..."

After a brief silence, the mysterious image in front of him finally spoke.The owner of the voice mixed in the words is very light and small, but it is as sweet as a oriole.Needless to say, it must be a girl's voice.

But I didn't expect that the girl would act as a killer, and the target was actually Nie Kong.

"Hmm... I am looking forward to your performance. I have sent you his images and information. The target is Nie Kong, a very vicious villain. He deceives the male and female and coaxes me into the pure and lovely Dai Lala, Queen Biluk's daughter, is utterly desolate." Lacuspo gritted his teeth.

How unbelievable he was when he heard that Lala had chosen her fiancé.The arrogant he always felt that Lara must choose himself.The appearance of Nie Kong completely shattered his fantasy.

Lacopos showed a mean smile, and his consciousness fell into delusion.As long as I kill the enemy Nie Kong, I might really marry Lara and inherit the throne of Debby Luke and rule the entire universe.It's just that his short and ugly appearance is really hard to compliment, and he is no different from the specimen Jay Ply.Lara, as a queen, would love those monsters.

When Lacopos was dreaming of a bright future while drooling.And a little girl with blond hair appeared in a corner of Japan.She looked at the photo in her hand with her calm eyes.

Her hair is very long, longer than stretched, and even covers her ass.The pseudo-loli who is about to leave the loli category, her calm face is quite cute.The pair of wine-red eyes, like red wine that has been aged for many years, showed the deep calmness of the girl and her apparent age.The prolonged killing had covered up her girl's feelings, and the rest was numbness.

She stood silently on the bustling and quiet street, and then the familiar name came out of her small mouth.

"The target is called Nie Kong...? It's a strange name." Her eyes were confused for a moment. The boy in the photo looked so sunny and kind. Could it be the bad guy the employer said? She couldn't believe it.Although she is a super killer across the universe, many only accept the task of killing bad guys.Said she is innocent, but her reputation is well known throughout the universe.She is as powerful as a killing machine and has a lovely face as an angel.Her nickname is Golden Shadow, but few people know her real name, and even she herself avoids thinking of her previous name.

The information provided by her employer was difficult for her to judge whether it was true or false. She could only talk about other things after contacting Nie Kong himself.But since she has accepted the task, she must do everything she can to complete it and keep the reputation of the golden shadow.

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