The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0585, assassinated Nie Kong?

"By the way, is your sister standing in the way, Saji-chan. Hmm...she's watching us." Nie Kong and the others were walking in the alley home from school, Lun asked the cute girl who was blocking them.The two women have the same blonde hair, and they seem to be waiting for them to arrive. No wonder Lun has such thoughts.

"Joke, I'm the only daughter of the Tenjo Academy, how could I have a younger sister." Sai Ji hummed.

"Really she's so cute, like a doll." Haruna looked at her delicate cheeks and said in a low voice.

She looked at Nie Kong with a calm and deep red pupil, without any emotional fluctuations.

Golden Shadow, could it be that her purpose is to kill herself?After seeing her pretty face, Nie Kong immediately recognized the identity of the girl in front of him.

"Your name is Nie Kong, I have been looking for you." She suddenly walked up to Nie Kong a few steps, and grabbed Nie Kong's arm with her left hand.

"Someone asked me to kill you. Although there is no grievance between us, please disappear." Something unexpected happened to the girls. The cute girl's right arm suddenly turned into a long knife, and she panicked in Haruna His eyes slashed towards Nie Kong at an extremely fast speed.

Sure enough, she was an assassin from the universe, and her strength had reached the same level as Sustin.And the ability to transform all the organs of the whole body into weapons is very difficult.

But dozens of fighting power to assassinate Nie Kong is really idiotic.Even if Nie Kong stood still and waited for her to attack, the golden shadow could not even hurt Nie Kong.

What's the matter, this one fell through?The golden shadow with no hitting touch at all looked at Nie Kong in surprise.

"Teacher, be careful." The golden shadow attacked again, and the golden hair changed into several huge golden fists.

At such a close distance, if you change to someone else, it will definitely be difficult to escape.But Nie Kong was too strong, his appearance didn't seem to move, but the fist of the golden shadow never hit him.

The super high-speed movement made him seem not moving.

"It's amazing." Although he was surprised by the ability of the golden shadow, Nie Kong's performance aroused the admiration of Saji and the others.

"Please don't run away, let me kill you obediently." Without giving up making various terrifying attacks, the golden shadow said blankly.Her appearance seemed to be indifferent to life.But if you can kill me, is it possible?Although Nie Kong looked dangerous in the face of every attack, it didn't hurt him at all.

"How about this trick!"

Suddenly, the golden shadow stopped hitting at a high speed and jumped into the air, then raised Bai Nen's large and small legs high, and then used a trick to cheat Nie Kong.Because while kicking out, the jade foot transformed into a large iron ball with several spikes protruding from the surface.

"Master Lala, it seems that the assassin of the universe is going to kill Master Nie Kong, things are going bad." Pei Kai exclaimed.

"Teacher." Lun and Chunca looked at Nie Kong in a panic, for fear of an accident.

"Jun Nie, I'll help you. Look at my slimy Rocket Lord." The troubled Lala officially came on stage. She carried the huge rocket launcher on her shoulder and aimed at Nie Kong and they squeezed the trigger.

There was a bang, and the rocket made a pink sticky substance.The power is not very good, but the sticky shells are extremely annoying, and it is difficult to wipe off when they stick to the body.

"Lalachan, you are getting more and more help, but you aimed at me before shooting." Lala's indiscriminate shot was almost covered with Nie Kong, and Bula stopped Laladao angrily.

Seeing Nie Kong actually avoiding his own shelling, Lala spit out his tongue.

"Why don't Blachan shoot you for you?"

"Hmph, how can she beat her brother, we're waiting to be optimistic." Bula said with disdain.

At the same time, the huge hammer turned out from the feet of the golden shadow shattered the walls around the alley.Although her attack was fierce, she could not touch the corner of Nie Kong's clothes.

After the golden shadow fell back on the ground, it looked a little breathless.Silently looked at Nie Kong, who was calm and restless, for several seconds, and then finally said: "Are you really called Nie Kong? You should be just an earthling, but you can fight with me so far. Although I knew you from the beginning. There is a discrepancy with the information that my client gave me, but I didn't expect the difference to be so big."

"I am indeed Nie Kong, but the first impression you gave me is more different. How can a girl who is so cute like you like to fight and kill?" Nie Kong shook his head.

"Cute..." "Golden Shadow hesitated, her pretty face was a little red, the first time someone said she was cute. But as if thinking of something, her face immediately became firm.

"According to the information given to me by your employer, you are a mean and scheming earthling. The conspiracy to kidnap the princess of Debbie Luke, and forcing the princess to become your fiancée, plotting to take Debbie Luke. Such a wicked person, I In general, kill without mercy!"

"Are you sure this is describing me?" Nie Kong asked funnyly, pointing to his nose.

"It's up to now, do you want to deny it." Golden Shadow shook his head, "Since I have accepted the commission, I must do my best to complete it. Please hand me your life obediently."

After speaking, the golden shades of blonde hair floated up like being given life.Each thin hair turned into a slender and sharp needle, which was densely pierced towards Nie Kong.

"Although your abilities are very strange, it is completely useless to me." Nie Kong did not avoid this time, but used his body to stab his face.

Out of the golden shadow's accident, the needles she turned out were broken, as if they were blocked by a shield that was harder than it.

"How is it possible..." She exclaimed, then separated two hair strands, condensed into needles, and shot towards Nie Kong's eyes.Since Nie Kong was determined to be a badass, she had no leeway to take action.

Golden Shadow knew that she was not capable of hurting his body, but the eyes were the most vulnerable organ of human beings.

But the moment the gloomy sharp tip touched Nie Kong's eyes, it immediately turned into powder.Everyone could see that two blue electric lights shot out from Nie Kong's eyes.

The cold light shot into the sky, disappearing into the sky like a meteor.The moon, which revolves around the earth, clearly pierced two holes in Nie Kong's autonomous energy.

"No... isn't there a blind spot?" Golden Shadow did not expect that his attack was really useless.

He is so strong, much stronger than himself.

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