The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0590, Nie Kong's pants were borrowed by Wei Wei

"Hoho, Risa successfully borrowed the silk stockings of Ms. Mito. Although it is a bit slower than Rido, the game is about to start! Principal, who do you think is more likely to win?" Saruyama faced the principal. Asked.

"Guru...Mr. Mimen’s black stockings, I seem to want it." The headmaster with a fat belly and mung bean eyes hidden in the sunglasses stared at the black silk that Risha was holding, revealing an image of Brother Pig. If the hungry wolf saw its prey.

"Principal, I understand your current mood very well." Saruyama said empathetically.The black stockings that can get the sexy feeling of the beautiful Mimon teacher's body are simply a treasure for them.

It's a pity that Risa didn't know how to cherish, she kneaded into a ball and held it and ran to the finish line quickly.

The game finally reached a tense moment, and finally it was the turn of the draw to run at the end.At this time, she was two or three seconds behind Li Dou and their lottery. If she could borrow the note items earlier, she might be able to turn defeat into victory.

Lisuo untied the note, and when she saw the content inside, Wei Qiao's face showed a faint crimson color. She gritted her teeth and whispered angrily: "Who wrote the note, I am really shameless. That kind of ghost Who would borrow something."

The content written on the note is actually to borrow from the school's teacher who she thinks is the most authoritative, and the cheating is limited to male teachers.He is a conservative and honest commissioner of discipline, how could he do such a shameless thing.

"What's wrong, Furukawa-san stared at the note and panicked. Please say a few words, teacher." Saruyama asked the principal in confusion.

"Hey...cute beauty. Girl, please sign on my body as much as you like." The principal's eyes were lustful, and his attention to Mimon teacher's stockings just turned completely to the lovely Yui.

Whoever can write such awkward content except the principal has the right to write it.It seems that he has great ambitions, and he actually hopes that the girl will help him get rid of him. How about your morals, principal.

"What is Xiaowei doing? Could it be something that is difficult to borrow?" Haruna hesitantly said at the venue of Class A in 2 years.

"It's very possible, you think Wei Jiang is about to give up the game." Wei Yang MM said.

"In that case, come out and push Mr. Push. With this, you can actively do anything." Lala excitedly raised a mechanical doll that resembled a tram conductor and threw it out at Wei.

The mechanical doll fell behind Wei and issued an electronic warning sound: "The door is about to close, please pay attention to passengers."

Wei was confused and looked behind, and found that the mechanical doll's legs spurted flames and hit her jade back.The powerful impact led her to slam into the position of the faculty.

Bula patted his forehead, already expecting such a consequence, and Lara's invention is indeed very dangerous.

"Ahhh...I didn't plan to do those shameless things." Only wanted to stop, but the pushing force behind Push Jun was too strong, she could not resist.

"Come on, lovely beautiful girl." Seeing this, the principal immediately patted his greasy breasts and yelled to welcome Wei's embrace.

Only after watching the principal's abnormal performance, she turned pale with fright.If you want to borrow his inner self, it would be more uncomfortable than killing her.His eyes scanned the faculty and staff quickly, the skinny teacher Gu Chuan with reading glasses, and finally the sitting teacher Nie Kong.There are three male teachers in front of her, but she has no choice.

"Ah, I can't stop."

She yelled and changed her direction and slammed into Nie Kong who was sitting on the stage.There was a loud noise, and the smoke was flying.When the dust cleared, the two appeared ambiguous in front of the audience.

Wei knelt down in front of Nie Kong, and his little hands grabbed Nie Kong's pants.As she unintentionally pulled, Nie Kong's four-cornered pants showed a little.Looking at the two from behind, it was as if Wei was doing bite Nie Kong's service.

Mito-sensei covered her pink lips, she couldn't believe that the conservative only would do such a haughty thing, they...Is this a thing to breed offspring.

Wei was even more shy, his little hand seemed to have...had already met the teacher's male...boy.She wanted to remove her hands, but her body seemed to froze.

The principal's smiling face was stiff, as if he heard the sound of glass breaking.Obviously... I am the principal of the school and the most authoritative teacher. I would have known that don’t be shy and write the principal directly...

Lala Ji Nu hurriedly ran in front of Nie Kong, and Chun Cai asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

Wei hurriedly jumped up and said, "It's okay, I... my paper... the slip of paper."

"There." Nie Kong pointed to the paper floating in the air and reminded.

The slip of paper drifted down slowly, and Ryoko Mito caught it in surprise and opened it with curiosity. The mature pretty face appeared red.Seeing Mimon-sensei opened her note, only yelled.

"Hey, what are you borrowing?"

Lala stretched her head out of curiosity. When she saw the contents, she said innocently: "It turned out to be the most authoritative teacher. I think it's easy. Nie Jun, wear you Lend the trousers to Xiao Wei."

Nie Kong was sweaty, if he wanted to take off his pants in the public, maybe only the headmaster could do it.

"No." The surrounding women said in unison, of course including Nie Kong and stopped at the same time.I said Lala sauce, you should learn the etiquette of the people of the earth.

"Eh, but I don't want Xiao Wei to give up the game. Nie Jun, please." Lala chuckled and patted Nie Kong on the shoulder.

The iron ring of her wrist radiated a weird light, and Nie Kong who was sitting there disappeared in front of them with a weird sound, leaving only the clothes he just wore.

Fortunately, Nie Kong has set the gravity of the clothes to only bless himself, otherwise it is estimated that such heavy clothes will cause the effect of breaking the world.

"Old... teacher, how did he disappear?" Haruna asked in a daze, her eyes widened.

"Stupid Lala, where did you use the improved Jump Wap Jun I helped you send your brother to?" Bula shook Lala's shoulder vigorously and gritted his teeth.

After Bula's improvement, Jun Jumping Wapu can now specify the location of the teleportation.But the shortcomings are still there, the clothes cannot be transferred.

"No problem, I have sent Jun Nie to the locker room. What is important now is Xiao Wei's game. Give it to you, Nie Jun's pants." Lala said with a grin, picked up the black panties and handed them to Wei. Hands.

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