The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0591, meet the golden shadow again

There was no room for refusal, and Lara had already stuffed Teacher Nie Kong's pants into her palm.Wei glanced at him secretly, his face flushed.The black four-corner trousers carried Nie Kong's body temperature and a strong masculine breath.

Wei's heart beats like a deer, beating very hard: "Ah, as a commissioner of discipline, how can I do something like this... shameless, huh... actually holding the boy who just took it off. Trousers." She felt a hot face, and strange emotions grew in her heart.

"But... I just want to complete the borrowing game, I just have to do it. Yes, it's just like that." Wei comforted himself so, holding Nie Kong's pants tightly with his right hand, and rushing to the finish line with his head lowered.

"Xiao Wei, come on for the game." Lala cheered and cheered, too nervous.

In Haruna Luo's mind, the teacher was anxiously looking for a shame, and her face was flushed."Ah! Teacher seems to have only this suit, what should I do if I don't have to wear it?"

"Hehehe, I really want to see Nie Jun undressed." Lun muttered to himself with a smile, as if he was about to drool.

"No problem, after the game is over, Xiao Wei brings the pants, and then return the clothes to Nie Jun." Lala said with a smile.

"Huh... Lala sauce, you have to be prepared. If your brother is angry, please worry about your ass." Bla reminded.

Lala recalled the scene of her own ass being beaten in the aquarium some time ago, her expression was a little crimson.

"But... but I will hand over the clothes to Nie Jun intact and say that he should forgive Lala, probably." Lala pouted.

"Oh, it's really a headache for Nie Jun to have such a lovely fiancee." Ryoko Mimen smiled silently.

As an alien from the universe, she didn't care about polygamy.The kings of many planets have many lovers.And if Nie Kong becomes the king of Debby Luke, it is basically normal to take dozens of wives.After inheriting the throne of Debby Luke, it is equivalent to owning the entire universe.

On the contrary, Lun wanted to sneak away from Teacher Nie Kong, but it was a pity to find out.Lalachan grabbed her arm and said in doubt: "Lunchan should be preparing to participate in the obstacle course waiting, why is she leaving the stadium suddenly."

Lun smiled awkwardly, and when she was about to answer, Saji chuckled and said, "Could it be that you have already admitted that you lost to me? Then the teacher will be mine."

" could I give up." Helplessly, Lun could only hold down the desire to secretly look at Nie Kong's bare body.

"Teacher, is it okay?" Haruna clasped her hands on her chest, her worried eyes looking into the distance.

"Oh, Furukawa successfully borrowed teacher Nie Kong's pants and is approaching the end. The principal's mood is so depressed, it seems that he has been severely hit. Hey, I just want to say that the world is unpredictable. Now I have no time. Consoling the principal, the borrowing competition has reached the final moment. The contestants in front of Furukawa-san are Rigou and Risa. And Dangxue has temporarily retired, hoping that he can bring back the legendary sword. Rigou is only 100 meters away from the finish line. Risa and the only girls, so the speed is a bit slower. The damn Riya actually used his physical strength in the football club to bully the girls. The end is getting closer and closer, fifty meters... …30 meters…10 meters. There is no doubt that Li Dou won the first loan contest. Next was Wei Wei, and the third place was Lin Sha. Classmates, let’s cheer Li Dou together Right." Saruyama has a talent for hosting, and it mobilizes the emotions in the field very well.

The students cheered, happy for Li Dou.Li Dou originally felt that the feeling of loss was restored to his original cheerfulness. He clung to the vest in his hand and cheered, "I am the champion."

"Student Li Dou is such a bastard, how can I do that kind of intimate action to my cute vest." Seeing Li Dou's performance, the principal got countless goose bumps on his shiny skin.It is normal to be annoyed when all the borrowing matches he deliberately arranged ended in failure.

At the end of the game, I was supposed to return the things to the original owner.But the classmates looked crazy, some of the girls screamed at Wei, and countless little hands grabbed Nie Kong's pants.Some of the boys stared at Risha's stockings on her right hand with green light in their eyes.

Seeing the boy approaching, Linsha could only throw her stockings into the air.

"It... it's mine, it's mine, don't grab it." The track field was in chaos, and eventually Nie Kong's poor pants and Yumen teacher's stockings disappeared without a trace.

Nie Kong's encounter was quite embarrassing. He didn't expect that he would send Lala's Jumping Wap to the silent library, not the locker room.Lala's positioning is fundamentally wrong, and Tiaotiao Wapujun's problem remains.

Nie Kong, who didn't wear any clothes, descended from the sky, as if he was pressing on a soft cushion.He lowered his head in surprise, and saw that the familiar pretty face appeared in his sight-it was actually the golden shadow who wanted to assassinate him some time ago!

"It's been a long time, Xiao Anchan." Nie Kong bounced up embarrassedly, with a wry smile on his face.Lalachan, how did you teleport yourself to Golden Shadow, the key is my clothes.

With her misty eyes and Nie Kong's body, she hugged herself in a panic, and her heartbeat was much faster than usual.

"I...I hate H." The long blond hair behind Xiao An automatically transformed into various weapons, and bombed Nie Kong.

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