The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0592, larla awesome prop

Tsundere's fake loli was stimulated by Nie Kong and went straight away.No wonder she had such a performance, Nie Kong gave her too much stimulation.He appeared directly naked in front of her, not to mention, and Nie Kong caught her breasts directly with both hands due to the fall of the gods.For various reasons, the golden shadow became the current situation.

With a bang, the silent library opened a big hole.With bright sunshine, the front of the library just happened to be a crowded track and field field.As if perceiving an unexpected sound, everyone looked at the library that was half-empty on the fifth floor.Covered in smoke and dust, they could only see two vague figures.And the sun was in the sky, blocking their vision, and they didn't understand what was going on.

Lolita is very violent, but the strength of Golden Shadow can't hurt Nie Kong.

"I said, can you listen to my explanation." Nie Kong said helplessly.

"Don't listen." Pseudo Lolita retorted willfully, and various weapons slammed at Nie Kong.

"But you said that you hate H. Now I don't have any clothes on. Could it be that Xiao Anchan has reached the age of being interested in boys." When Nie Kong just pounced on herself, she didn't look carefully.Now after Nie Kong's reminder, she finally noticed Nie Kong's strangeness.Golden Shadow's eyes widened, his gaze swept across Nie Kong's body, and finally stopped at the black snake position on Nie Kong's legs.

She yelled out of fright, covered her eyes and disappeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Nie Kong, you wait for me. Before I kill you, don't die in the hands of others."

Nie Kong shook his head secretly, and the reason for this situation was clearly Lala.It's no wonder that the original Li Dou would often take advantage of girls, it is estimated that Lala's mischief brought him luck.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and Nie Kong exposed half of his head toward the broken hole.He scanned the track and field with his eyes, and finally stopped on Lara.

"Hey... Nie Jun, has something happened on it?" Lala, who looked at the library, first saw Nie Kong's cheek.She shook her hands excitedly and shouted at Nie Kong.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take my clothes to my office. Don't make any mistakes, or you will wait for home..." Nie Kong faintly snorted.

Lala spit out her tongue and realized that Jun Nie might be a little angry.He said don't make any more mistakes. Could it be that Jumping Wapjun just teleported Nie to the wrong coordinates.

"Lalajiang, this is the teacher's clothes." Chunca gently packed and folded Nie Kong's clothes, and handed her to Lala.

"Okay, now only Nie Jun's pants are left, and Xiao Wei." Lala looked around, looking for Wei's figure.

"Xiaowei seems to have gone to the toilet, Lalachan, take your brother's clothes and go to her. Remember, don't make a mistake." Bla reminded.

"Hey..." Lala obediently raised her right hand and bounced towards the toilet.After coming to the toilet, I found Wei was washing her cheeks in front of the mirror.

"Xiao Wei sauce, I'm here to reclaim Nie Jun's pants." Lala smiled and looked at Wei, very innocent and cute.

Hearing what Lala said, only the whole person was stunned.The teacher's trousers were robbed by female classmates and disappeared after the competition.After Jinkuku left her, Yui felt a little disappointed.

"I have thrown away the teacher's pants." Wei could only answer like this.

"Ah...Nie Jun seems to come to school with only one pair of pants now. If you throw them away, you won't have to wear them." Lala said stupidly.

Wei's mind saw the teacher not wearing pants, and his face suddenly became feverish.

"No... it doesn't matter, it's only half a day."

"No, Nie Jun will say angrily." Lala shook his head in a hurry, Nie Jun had already said not to make a mistake.If he knew that his trousers had been lost, Nie Kong would really be angry with himself.

"Then...I can't help it." Wei was a little flustered, saying that if the teacher saw his pants disappear, he would definitely think that he had collected them.If you really encounter that kind of scene and hit the wall and die, it would be shameless.

"Now Nie Jun is in a hurry to wear clothes, which is really troublesome. I have no choice but to see if I have any props available." Lala pressed her cell phone, and threw out a small pile of machinery.

I have already told the whole class that they are aliens, so Yui didn't feel shocked, just a little surprised.

She curiously fiddled with rope-like machinery, and asked, "Now, Lalachan, what function does it have?"

"Oh, that's Mr. Rope Rope, which can be thrown out to tie others automatically. That's Mr. Transparent Eye Mask, which is convenient for my research. It's Mr. Sniffing and Tracking, a dog-shaped machine that can find specific characters based on taste; that It's Mr. Wap, you can exile the props that exiled people outside the planet..." Lala proudly showed off her invention, impatiently explaining the purpose of each prop.

Only a little surprised, she didn't expect Lala to invent such a great machine by herself. She was really a genius girl.

Halfway through, Lara stopped talking strangely and suddenly cheered.

"Nah...Xiao Weijiang, will you still have a game later?"

Wei was very surprised why Lala asked this question, but still answered honestly: "No, I only participated in the loan contest."

"Great, Nie Jun's trousers are saved." Lala breathed a sigh of relief, her face blooming with an innocent smile again.

"Could it be that Lala, do you have a way?" Wei's expression agreed that she was very excited, almost relieved.

"Yeah, look at my miracle. Mr. Pants. Since Xiao Wei-chan has no competition, then just turn Xiao Wei-chan into pants and put on Nie Jun." Lala raised some magic with her right hand. It's a great machine, which is very interesting.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Lara had already waved the magic wand before she could refuse.

"No problem, Nie Jun won't find out." Lala seemed to agree with Wei's answer that there was no competition, and directly self-righteously turned Wei into familiar loose pants.

Gently fold Wei and neatly, and Lala slowly walked towards Nie Kong's office with satisfaction.Wei was already completely panicked, she was the teacher's pants, so she will have to get in touch with her... contact the teacher.Just thinking about it, Wei is already dizzy.

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