The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0594, sports festival lonely

"The borrowing competition has finally ended successfully, but the competitive events will start one after another. The commentator has changed from the principal to the teacher of Mimon. Next is the women's obstacle course. What obstacles will be waiting for them." Saruyama Excited.

The setting of the content of the competition item is set by the narrator teacher. For example, the principal interprets the first game and he wrote the content of the loan himself.As for the obstacle course, it seems that Mimon teacher personally checked it.What kind of reason is Mimon-sensei personally testing Haruna and the girls?..

Nie Kong was very curious as to what kind of obstacles Yumen Ryoko would make.

Lala happily shook her arm towards Nie Kong, shouting to Nie Jun to watch her performance.Saji, Ren, and Haruna are also full of fighting spirit, and the atmosphere of the four women is almost the same as to decide the outcome...

With a bang, the women who were already on the runway quickly ran towards the finish line.However, the obstacles in front of them absolutely exceeded their expectations.

It was Haruna classmate who broke the obstacle first, and she saw her parents and sister Qiu Sui in a blur.They persuaded Chuncai and persuaded her to leave her favorite Nie Jun.Haruna appears helpless, and her family is always forcing her to make a decision..

For Haruna's kind of petty character, it is difficult to resist the decision of others to pressure her.She stopped where she was, and did not immediately cross her barrier.

"Ah...what the hell is going on, Haruna-san suddenly stopped." Saruyama asked suspiciously.

"That is an obstacle to love. The love of two people sometimes hinders family members." Ms. Mito has a slight smile on her mouth. That is the fantasy future created by her special use of alien technology. How can it be so easy to break through? It.

"It turns out that the obstacles of Mikado-san are really unique, and it can really test the lover's feelings." Saruyama said in general.

Then it was Saji that got into the hallucination. A beautiful girl hugged the baby and appeared in front of her, saying that the baby was Nie Kong's child, so do you still love him.

Saji was like a bolt from the blue, of course she was dumbfounded.That obstacle is also very difficult for her to overcome.

"Ah, another obstacle has appeared, and player Sajie reacts like a Haruna player." Saruyama said with interest.

"That's a quagmire, can you cross it." Ryoko Mito's smile grew thicker.

The third is Lun Jiang, her obstacle has appeared.A policeman stood in front of her and said to her, "Madam, although I'm sorry. But he is a prisoner and has to go to jail for at least 20 years. During this time, can you wait for him." Twenty years, for girls. Said it is so precious.

Lun knelt on the runway, his eyes dull.

"It's no wonder she didn't make the leap right away, she is still young, of course she hopes to have a bright future." Mimen teacher looked at the girls as if they were about to give up and explained easily.

Their emotions are clearly immature, how can they truly understand love.The love between the two, but there will suddenly be many obstacles of all kinds.

Lara faced her last, and five or six rascals appeared in front of her.They broke into her home and asked Nie Kong to pay off the debt.But Lara, who was very nervous, shot them all.She leaped over the obstacle and rushed towards the finish line.Sure enough, it was Lala, who did not consider the consequences at all.

Then it was Lun, who actually broke through the barrier.As a cosmic person, her concept is naturally more mature than that of the earth.She whispered to the police: "Twenty years is too long, I'm afraid I can't wait. But, can you put me in jail together." She actually wants to spend time in jail with her lover, no wonder she can break through the barrier of love.

Suddenly, Lun felt that he had matured a lot.If it fails, it is estimated that the feelings of liking Nie Kong for the first time will be hurt.

And the third one was Chuncai, she was so courageous, she actually grabbed Nie Kong to elope, successfully breaking through.The last in the line was Saji, it seemed that her eldest lady's ideas were at work.

The teacher actually has a junior year and has an illegitimate child.She could only tell Xiaosan to pile up countless coins and get out of it.And since it was Nie Kong's baby, she would replace Xiaosan as a mother to raise.

After crossing the obstacle, she was the last in line and could only run desperately.But how fast is Lala, they can only sigh with excitement.There is no doubt that Lara won the first place, Ren was the second place, Haruna was the third place, and Saji was the fourth place.The rest of the girls, all did not cross the barrier of their love, failed to reach the end.

Teacher Mimon was surprised, she didn't expect the girls to have so much perseverance to overcome it.Teacher Nie Kong, you are really an enemy.

Nie Kong didn't expect what was going on, watching Lala who rushed could only hug her.She put her arms around Nie Kong's neck and smiled heartily and said that she was the champion.

The three women in the back were a little depressed, but their mental state was unexpectedly good.Perhaps Mimon-sensei wanted them to retreat, but it strengthened their feelings.

"I really can't surpass Lalachan, the teacher is definitely more important than anyone in her heart. But I didn't give up, I definitely want Nie Jun to fall in love with me." Lun firmly thought.

Saji is the saddest. She didn't expect to lose to Ren in the game.How can I be able to bear the self-proclaimed first and second proud self.Fortunately, she was second and lost to Lara.

Haruna hasn't changed much, she's used to it in silence.

The second game came to an end, followed by the third game of mixed men and women relay.The third game was not as spoof as the first two, but it was normal.

But when the game was exciting, even suddenly dragged a 10-big sword to destroy the track and field field, and could only forcefully terminate it.

The finale was the horse-riding hat-grabbing competition, the most traditional competition in Japan.The principal's wretched face was unhappy, as did Nie Kong.The two exported at the same time, banning mixed men and women riding horses and grabbing hats, and changed it to a race for men and women.

Although the game has changed, the excitement remains the same.Each group of men and women won the championship, the women are the lesbian group, and the men are the passionate company.

Li Dou missed the championship and finished second.How could his physical strength compare to the company who practiced hard every day.The game gradually came to an end, and it brought joy to the students.

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