The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0595Yi ran away

After fierce sports competitions in the hot summer, the girls felt particularly awkward and smelled of sweat.When the principal announced the end of the final sports festival, everyone hurriedly changed their clothes and hurried back to their homes.

Although Nie Kong did not participate in the exercise, he felt uncomfortable wearing his pants.He was a little surprised, his physique can be said to be invaded by cold and heat, and he would sweat?Nie Kong didn't expect it to be a problem with his pants, because it was unbelievable.

After returning to the villa with Lala, Nie Kong was planning to take a bath after dinner.But seeing Nie Kong's behavior, Lala screamed in secret.She hurriedly pushed Nie Kong to the bathroom, and said, "Jun Nie, let's take a bath together."

Blah's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Good idea, brother, let me help you rub your back." With that, she naturally took off the light green sailor suit outside, and pulled her bare feet and heels. Nie Kong was held behind him.

Nie Kong's face became hot when he saw his daughter Burana's body showing most of his fair skin.Although he has seen his daughter's maturing body many times, there will always be inexplicable restlessness in his heart, which is difficult to suppress.

"You two, get me out." With the sound of the door closing, Nie Kong threw the two women directly out of the bathroom door.

Blah rubbed his ass, his bright eyes flashed unwillingly.

And Lala held her index finger and whispered to herself: "Oops, the time limit for the miracle to change pants is about to come. Shouldn't it, it must be discovered by Nie Jun." She dumbfounded and looked at the closed bathroom. , And then sneaked back to his research room on tiptoe.Before Nie Jun found out, hurry up.

Seeing the two women going out, Nie Kong took off his white shirt, revealing his strong and even body.His sturdy figure is particularly obvious.At the same time, he took off his western trousers, and he was wearing only black boxer trousers.He mentioned it, and after she seemed to be squeezed, she just wanted to take it off.

With a bang, a pink mist came out of the bathroom strangely.Nie Kong felt that the trousers held by his hands immediately changed dramatically.

Nie Kong followed his hands and looked down. The smoke could not block his vision, and he saw a pretty figure hugging his body!

Her pretty face faced Nie Kong, and she knelt in front of him.Half of the body fell down, and the lines of the person's profile were instantly outlined.But just seeing the graceful contour curve makes people fascinated.

She closed her eyes, and although her skin was a little red, Nie Kong could recognize her at a glance.She actually... is a conservative Xiao Wei, how could she suddenly appear in the bathroom, how could she do such a H thing?

With such a shocked sight, Nie Kong was really almost unable to control himself.Wei immediately noticed the change and opened his watery eyes curiously.When the realization of the two intertwined, the atmosphere in the bathroom suddenly solidified.

Quiet, very quiet.The color of her face slowly changed, crimson, light red, and finally bloodshot crimson.Embarrassment, embarrassment, pain, shyness... all kinds of emotions filled her mind.

"That... Furukawa-san, why did you appear in my bathroom?" Nie Kong's words broke the depressive atmosphere.

"Ah... too shameless." A harsh scream came from Wei's mouth, and her eyes slowly circled.How conservative she could bear such a huge blow.

She hurriedly pushed Nie Kong away, and rushed out.She felt that she had no face to face Nie Kong, she was afraid of seeing Nie Kong's contemptuous eyes.At this moment, she really wanted to hit the wall to death.

In his ears, he seemed to hear the cynicism from Nie Kong's mouth.

"On the surface, classmate Wei seems to be a clean and honest commissioner of discipline, but he is actually more filthy than any student. To do that kind of thing to the teacher is simply an ergonomic person." Shame has reached the limit, Wei feels that he is about to collapse. .

It's over, how can I face the schoolmates and teachers again?

"Wait...Fu Shouchuan classmate." Nie Kong held her little hand, Wei's body paused, she turned her crimson face, and roared at Nie Kong: "The teacher wants to make fun of Me, just come."

"If you go out like this, the girl's body will be seen by others." Hearing Nie Kong's words, only shivered.If you let others know, she would really die.

"Wait here, I'll bring you some clothes. Also, the teacher didn't mean to make fun of Furukawa. I just did such a shameless thing to Furukawa, the teacher is very sorry." Nie Kong gently comforted. Take away Wei's panic.She stared blankly at Nie Kong who had left the bathroom, feeling upset.You obviously did the wrong thing, but you don’t have to apologize, teacher.She learned a lot in a daze, and something vaguely came out.

"Lara, you will really cause me trouble." Weihui accidentally appeared in the bathroom. Only her invention can do it.Looks like Li Dou's divine throw has been completely transferred to himself.

When she came to the bathroom with Bra's cute clothes, Wei wearing a bath towel had recovered her calm, but her pretty face was still red.

"This is Bra's clothes. Furukawa-san will wear it. It may be a little narrow."

Wei looked at the clothes the teacher stuffed in her hands, the pink underwear, and the pants really looked a little small.

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