The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0600, match

Although the huge civet cat is an alien, it also has the characteristics of a girl's reproductive organs-huge breasts, plump breech position, and human thinking.Its body is a bit too heavy for humans.Nie Kong shook his head and chuckled. Yuanshan is very wretched, but at least he should have a little taste.

Seeing Nie Kong and the others leave one after another, Yuanshan in the health room looked dumbfounded at the civet cat who was lying on the bed and howling in pain.Childbirth is the most painful moment of a girl's life, not to mention it is a civet cat with no childbearing experience.

"Hey, are you okay?" Saruyama carefully approached the civet cat and asked concerned.

"Yeah..." The painful Tanuki grabbed Saruyama's arm with both hands, as if pulling a straw for life.Saruyama struggled desperately, but the power of his claws was so great that he felt that the bones of his arms were about to break.

Seeing the appearance of the civet cat, Saruyama comforted him with some sympathy, and used his knowledge to teach the civet cat to give birth.Grabbing Saruyama's paws slowly eased, and opening his eyes to see Saruyama who treated it tenderly, it felt a little moved.

Finally, with the cry of the baby, its child was born smoothly.The cry was so loud that it even reached their ears who were in class.Haruna and their eyes flashed with surprise, did they make a noise?

After the bell rang for a break after class, Lala and the others rushed to the health room in a team.As soon as they opened the door, they immediately saw Saruyama wearing white clothes coaxing the baby from the back.

"Born?" Lara asked curiously.

Haruna and the others turned their eyes to Saruyama at the same time, and Nie Kong, who came slowly from behind, looked at them in surprise.

"He was born, he is a cute and healthy boy." Saruyama said with some joy.

"Master Lala, thanks to you to give birth smoothly. I was offended just now, please forgive me. On the day of giving birth, I accepted a mission to assassinate Master Lala from a certain planet." Tanuki said apologetically.

"Don't care, okay." Lala said happily with her eyes narrowed.

Tears flashed in her eyes, and she was really touched, "I was so stupid, I almost did such an excessive thing."

"Don't cry, you are already a mother anyway. Besides, your husband will be very happy." Haruna gently comforted.

Hearing Haruna's words, Tanuki's face flushed scarcely."That...I don't know who the child's real father is."

"Ah..." The pretty faces of the girls in the health room were all red when they heard it.They can't imagine what its life is like.

"We are a gregarious race in the wild, so it is easy to live together. How to put it, we can say that we are very free, our side is more casual." Tanuki said with his eyes closed.

Chuncai and the others are embarrassed, that kind of thing is too exciting for them, how can they... do anything like that, but if they can give Nie Kong a baby...

Haruna glanced at Nie Kong behind her, and a scene emerged in her mind.The teacher coaxed the children who belonged to both of them, while lying in the hospital bed and watching them happily.

But Lala is very calm, she patted her hands and said: "Yes, to celebrate the birth of the baby, let's give you a gift. Is there anything you like about the native products of the earth?"

"Is it a local product of the earth?" Tanuki looked at the house from side to side, and then fixed his gaze on the face of Saruyama who was gently coaxing its child.How handsome is that face, so outstanding in his own race.

Saruyama bloomed with unprecedented brilliance, attracting her mood.Its cat ears moved slightly, and then grabbed the sheet with its paws, blushing and lowered its head and said in a low voice, "I want Saruyama."

Nie Kong just drank a sip of hot water and squirted it out immediately after hearing the words of the civet cat.Nie Kong held back his smile tightly and looked back at Saruyama.Take a closer look, the two match up pretty well.

"What, what." Lara asked again.

"I...I want Saruyama." Tanuki's words finally spread throughout the health room.The audience was silent, and then there were shocking voices.Saruyama was petrified in an instant, how could he become someone else's native product?

"Hey...Saruyama, do you want to be a native of the earth?" Lala asked happily.

"How is it possible to think back, why I have to be the native product of the earth?" Saruyama regained his senses and roared loudly.

"No, it is an insult to the earth to ask Saruyama as the representative of the earth." Wei Young objected.

"Yeah, thanks to you for speaking out. I am a shame to the earth, so it's better not to come to me." Saruyama continued to shout.

"If you think about it, it is Saruyama, a local product that represents the earth. Maybe you will be happier than staying on the earth." Risa said with a serious expression.

Haruna and the others were thinking about the intentions in Lisa's words, and they all chuckled.Risa is so bad, he actually attacked Saruyama and said that it had no hope of finding a lover who could give him happiness.

"What is this, am I so hopeless?" Saruyama said angrily.

"Yes." Nie Kong and the others nodded, including Li Dou.

Saruyama seemed to have been severely hit, and instantly became petrified again.

Tanuki blushed and said: "I'm very sorry, I...I just think it will be very happy for children. Mr. Saruyama, will be the father of the children. Haha...just kidding."

"Oh..." There was a scream from the audience, and they felt that the combination of the two would be very happy and match.

"Haha... will definitely be very happy." Lala clapped her hands, her eyes narrowed and she looked forward to the warm scene.

"But... if Mr. Saruyama has a friend... If there is, I will give up Mr. Saruyama as a souvenir. Because I think Mr. Saruyama's happiness is more important." Tanuki said aloud.

"It's okay, how could Saruyama have friends." Risa smiled and shook his head.

"Absolutely not." Wei Young said with certainty.

"Huh, yes, I have people in dating." Saruyama jumped up and shouted excitedly.

"Who would want to associate with you?" Lun said with pity.

"You wait for me, and I will bring her." Saruyama energetically pushed the baby into Lidou's arms and rushed out of the health room.Now you can only be a dead horse doctor, confess to any girl indiscriminately.

"Ah, does Saruyama have anyone to associate with?" Lala asked in confusion.

"It's also normal. Saruyama is such a good and handsome man." Tanuki cried.

Nie Kong and the others are all sweaty, your taste is really special, you actually say that Saruyama is handsome.

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